Interface Identifiable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Annotatable, AnnotatableProxy, DiskConsumable, FileAttachable, FileStoreEnabled, Listable, Nameable, Ownable, Registered, Removable, Shareable, Subtypable, SystemItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotatedItem, Annotation, AnnotationSet, AnnotationType, AnnotationTypeCategory, AnyToAny, ArrayBatch, ArrayDesign, ArrayDesignBlock, ArrayDesignPlate, ArraySlide, BasicChildItem, BasicItem, BioAssay, BioAssaySet, BioMaterial, BioMaterialEvent, BioPlate, BioPlateEvent, BioPlateEventParticipant, BioPlateEventType, BioPlateType, BioSource, BioWell, ChangeHistory, ChildItem, Client, ClientDefaultSetting, CommonItem, DataCube, DataCubeColumn, DataCubeExtraValue, DataCubeFilter, DataCubeLayer, DataFileType, DerivedBioAssay, Directory, DiskUsage, Experiment, Extract, ExtraValue, ExtraValueType, File, FileServer, FileSet, FileSetMember, Formula, GlobalDefaultSetting, Group, Hardware, Help, ItemKey, ItemList, ItemSubtype, ItemSubtypeFileType, Job, JobAgent, JobAgentSettings, Key, Kit, MeasuredBioMaterial, Message, MimeType, News, OwnedItem, PermissionTemplate, PhysicalBioAssay, Plate, PlateEvent, PlateEventType, PlateGeometry, PlateMapping, PlateType, Platform, PlatformFileType, PlatformVariant, PluginConfiguration, PluginDefinition, PluginType, Project, ProjectKey, Protocol, Quantity, Quota, QuotaType, RawBioAssay, ReporterCloneTemplate, ReporterList, ReporterType, Role, RoleKey, RootRawBioAssay, Sample, Session, Setting, SharedItem, Software, SyncFilter, Tag, Transformation, Unit, User, UserClientSetting, UserDefaultSetting, UserDevice, VirtualDb, Well

public interface Identifiable extends AccessControlled
An Identifiable item is an item which has an id a type and a version. The id value is always greater than 0 for an existing item, and 0 for a new item that has not yet been saved to the database.

The type is an value selected from the constants defined by the Item enumeration.

See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2009-04-06 14:52:39 +0200 (må, 06 apr 2009) $
  • Method Details

    • getId

      int getId()
      Get the id for the item. If it hasn't yet been saved to the database 0 is returned.
      The id of the item or 0
    • getType

      Item getType()
      Get the type of item represented by the object. The returned value is one of the values defined in the Item enumeration.
      A value indicating the type of item
    • getVersion

      int getVersion()
      Get the version number of the item. The version number is incremented each time the item is updated and is used to prevent that the same item is updated at the same time by two or more different threads or processes.