Interface FileStoreEnabled

All Superinterfaces:
AccessControlled, Identifiable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayDesign, BioAssaySet, DerivedBioAssay, ExtraValue, RawBioAssay

public interface FileStoreEnabled extends Identifiable
This interface is implemented by items that can use files instead of the database for storing data. For example, to store raw data for a RawBioAssay and features for a ArrayDesign.
Last modified
$Date: 2008-09-11 22:11:02 +0200 (to, 11 sep 2008) $
  • Method Details

    • getFileSet

      FileSet getFileSet()
      Get the file set that collects all files that holds data for this item. If no file set exists a new one is created and automatically saved to the database when DbControl.commit() is called. To check if an item has files without creating a new file set use the hasFileSet() method.
      A file set
    • hasFileSet

      boolean hasFileSet()
      Check if this item has a file set. Always call this method before getFileSet() to avoid creating a new file set when there is no need for it.
      TRUE if a file set exists, FALSE if not
    • getPlatform

      Platform getPlatform()
      Get the platform the item is related to. The platform is used to limit the DataFileType:s that can be added to the file set.
      A platform or null if the items is not related to any platform.
    • getVariant

      PlatformVariant getVariant()
      Get the platform variant the item is related to. The platform is used to limit the DataFileType:s that can be added to the file set.
      A platform or null if the items is not related to any variant.
    • getParentFileSets

      Collection<FileSet> getParentFileSets()
      Get the file sets of parent item(s) that are related to the current item. If the item has no parent(s) or if the parent has no file set, null or an empty collection is returned.
      A collection of FileSet or null