Package net.sf.basedb.core.plugin

package net.sf.basedb.core.plugin
  • Class
    Get information, such as the name, version and authors, about a plugin.
    A simple implementation of the About interface.
    This is a base class that is useful for all analysis type plugins.
    An abstract base class for all exporter plugins that wish to implement the ImmediateDownloadExporter interface.
    This is an abstract base class useful for developing plugins.
    This is a tagging interface that should be used by all analysis plug-ins that are filtering data only.
    This is a interface that should be implemented by plug-ins that are setting annotations on items thy create or work with.
    This interface should be implemented by an import plugin that supports auto-detection of the file format.
    An output stream used for immediate download from export plugins.
    This interface should be implemented by export plugins that supports immediate download to the client application.
    An input stream used for input to import plug-ins.
    An interactive plugin is a Plugin that supports interactive configuration in a user session.
    A helper class that wraps a parameter values object with a namespace.
    A helper class that wraps a plug-in parameter object with a namespace.
    A helper class that wraps a request object with a namespace.
    This is a tagging interface that should be implemented by the plug-ins that don't support restart and reconfiguration of a job after an interrupted execution.
    This interface is used by the plugin to access the different parameters attached to its job and configuration.
    A helper class that will wrap the parameter values from one job, one configuration and one request object.
    This class holds permissions requested by a plugin.
    This interface must be implemented by all plugins to BASE.
    Pass request information to a plugin.
    The response interface used by the core.