Class SessionControl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PluginSessionControl, ServiceSessionControl

public class SessionControl extends Object implements AutoCloseable
This class handles user sessions. Each instance is thread-safe and can handle a single user at a time. This class is used to create DbControl objects which are needed to access the database.
See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2022-06-02 10:00:56 +0200 (Thu, 02 Jun 2022) $
  • Field Details

    • log

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger log
      Log core events.
    • id

      private final String id
    • client

      private final SessionControl.ClientInfo client
      Information about the ClientData that created this SessionControl. null = no client
    • currentClient

      private final ThreadLocal<SessionControl.ClientInfo> currentClient
      Information about the current ClientData that checked out this SessionControl. This is a ThreadLocal.
    • remoteId

      private final String remoteId
      The remote IP.
    • location

      private GeoLocation location
      Location of the remote IP.
    • locationLoaded

      private boolean locationLoaded
    • dbControlCache

      private final Map<DbControl,String> dbControlCache
      Holds all created DbControl object, so we can close them if the user logs out. We use only the keys of the map since there is no WeakHashSet class.
    • lastAccess

      private long lastAccess
      The time of the last access to this object.
    • closed

      private boolean closed
      If the session control has been closed it can no longer be used.
    • sessionSettings

      private Map<String,Object> sessionSettings
      Stores name and value of session settings.
    • clientDefaultSettings

      private Map<String,SessionControl.SettingInfo> clientDefaultSettings
      Stores name and value from ClientDefaultSettingData.
    • loginInfo

      private SessionControl.LoginInfo loginInfo
      Login information for the logged in user.
    • unverifiedDeviceInfo

      private SessionControl.UnverifiedDeviceInfo unverifiedDeviceInfo
      Temporary login information before a device is verified.
    • currentContexts

      private final Map<ContextKey,ItemContext> currentContexts
      Map for storing current contexts.
    • allowedClients

      private final Map<String,Boolean> allowedClients
    • pluginId

      private int pluginId
    • pluginName

      private String pluginName
    • jobId

      private int jobId
    • jobName

      private String jobName
  • Constructor Details

    • SessionControl

      SessionControl(String id, SessionControl parent, PluginDefinition plugin, Job job)
      Create a new session control object using another one as the template. Permissions and settings are copied/referenced from the parent session control. If the plugin uses permissions those permissions are loaded and used for access control.
      id - The ID if the new session control
      parent - The parent session control
      plugin - The plugin that is executing
    • SessionControl

      SessionControl(String id, String externalClientId, boolean failIfNoClient, String remoteId) throws BaseException
      Creates a new SessionControl object.
      id - The id used in Application.newSessionControl(String,String,String)
      externalClientId - Optional external ID of the client application in use
      failIfNoClient - If TRUE, an exception is thrown if an external client id has been specified, but not found
      remoteId - For example, the IP-address
  • Method Details

    • getLastAccess

      public long getLastAccess()
      Get the time this object last was accessed. Used by the cleanup timer in Application.cleanSessionControlCache(boolean)
      A long object.
    • updateLastAccess

      public void updateLastAccess()
      Update the time this object last was accessed. Used by the cleanup timer in Application.cleanSessionControlCache(boolean)
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      If this session control has been closed or not. A closed session control can't be used.
      TRUE if the session control is closed
    • close

      public void close()
      Close this session control so it can't be used again.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Get the id of this SessionControl. Use this value for retrieving the object from the Application cache.
      The id
      See Also:
    • getClientId

      public int getClientId()
      Get the id of the Client application that created this SessionControl. Use Client.getById(DbControl, int) to get the Client object.
      Client id as an int or 0 if not known.
    • getCurrentClientId

      public int getCurrentClientId()
      Get the id of the Client application that checked out this SessionControl from Application.getSessionControl(String, String, String, boolean).
      Client id as an int or 0 if not known.
    • getClientName

      public String getClientName()
      Get the name of the Client application that created this SessionControl.
      The client name, or null if no client was specified
    • getCurrentClientName

      public String getCurrentClientName()
      Get the name of the Client application that checked out this SessionControl from Application.getSessionControl(String, String, String, boolean).
      The client name, or null if no client was specified
    • getExternalClientId

      public String getExternalClientId()
      Get the external id of the Client application that created this SessionControl.
      A java.lang.String object.
      See Also:
    • getCurrentExternalClientId

      public String getCurrentExternalClientId()
      Get the external id of the Client application that checked out this SessionControl from Application.getSessionControl(String, String, String, boolean).
      The client external id, or null if no client was specified
    • setCurrentClient

      void setCurrentClient(String externalId)
    • getDeviceId

      public int getDeviceId()
      Get the id of the UserDevice in use. Use UserDevice.getById(DbControl, int) to get the UserDevice object.
      Device id as an int, 0 if the device is unknown
    • getDeviceName

      public String getDeviceName()
      Get the name of the UserDevice in use.
      Device name as a String, or null if the device is unknown
    • getRemoteId

      String getRemoteId()
      Get the remote id that was passed to the Application.newSessionControl(String,String,String) method when creating this object. This value is checked against the value passed to the Application.getSessionControl(String,String,String,boolean) method.
    • getLocation

      GeoLocation getLocation(AuthenticationMethod authMeth)
    • newDbControl

      public DbControl newDbControl() throws BaseException
      Create a new DbControl object for this session.
      A DbControl object
      BaseException - If there is an error
    • newDbControl

      public DbControl newDbControl(String name)
      Create a new name DbControl object for this session.
      name - The name of the transaction or null to generate a default name based on currently active plug-in/job/client etc. If the name starts with ':' getDefaultTransactionName(String) is called with the name as the suffix.
      A DbControl object
      BaseException - If there is an error
    • getDefaultTransactionName

      public String getDefaultTransactionName(String suffix)
      Generate a default transaction name with an optional suffix. The name is selected in the following priority order: 1. If a job is running the name of the job is used. If the job is a plug-in the name of the plug-in is also included (unless it is already part of the job name). 2. If a plug-in is running without a job, the name of the plug-in is used together with the suffix. 3. If a client is specified the name of the client is used together with the suffix. 4. The suffix is used by itself 5. The name is set to "Unknown".
    • login

      void login(Keyring keyring)
    • login

      public void login(LoginRequest loginRequest)
      Log in to BASE. The method checks that the given login is valid, the password is correct and that the user has USE permission for the client application if one has been specified.
      loginRequest - Request containing login/password and other information
      ItemNotFoundException - If a user with the specified username is not found
      InvalidPasswordException - If the specified password is incorrect
      PermissionDeniedException - If the user doesn't have Permission.USE permission for the current client application or if a user is already logged in
      BaseException - If there is any other error
      See Also:
    • getUnverifiedDeviceInfo

      public SessionControl.UnverifiedDeviceInfo getUnverifiedDeviceInfo()
      Get information about a device that is currently waiting to be verified. If this method returns a non-null value a verification has been sent to the user via email. This code should be used as a parameter when calling verifyDevice(String, boolean).
      Information about the unverified device, or null if device verification is not needed
    • verifyDevice

      public void verifyDevice(String code, boolean rememberDevice)
      Call this method to verify a device. If device verification is not needed at this moment, an LoginException is thrown. If the verification fails the login process must be re-started from the beginning. There is no second try. If the verification is successful, the user will be logged in after this method completes.
      code - The verification code that was sent (by email) to the user
      rememberDevice - A flag indicating if the device should be remembered. If not, the device needs to be verified again the next time it is used
      See Also:
    • verifyUserInternal

      AuthenticatedUser verifyUserInternal(Session session, LoginRequest loginRequest)
      Verify the user with internal authentication. If the LoginRequest has a user id this is used first, otherwise the login is used.
    • verifyUserExternal

      private AuthenticatedUser verifyUserExternal(Session session, LoginRequest loginRequest, List<AuthenticationManager> authManagers)
      Verify the user with external authentication.
    • loadDevice

      private UserDeviceData loadDevice(Session session, LoginRequest loginRequest, AuthenticatedUser authUser)
      Verify the device the user is using. The verification is done if the current client application supports it and if the user has enabled device verification. If the device is found to be unverified a UnverifiedLoginInfo instance is created and returned.
      An UserDeviceData object if device verification is supported and needed, null to continue with normal login
      3.12, 3.17
    • impersonateLogin

      public SessionControl impersonateLogin(int userId, String comment) throws ItemNotFoundException, PermissionDeniedException, BaseException
      Log in as another user or create a clone of the currently logged in user's session. If this call is successful, you will get a new SessionControl object which is equivalent to a SessionControl where that user logged in by normal means. This method requires that the logged in user has Permission.ACT_AS_ANOTHER_USER permission or that the userId is the same as the currently logged in user.
      userId - The id of the user to login as
      comment - A comment that will be placed in the Session information
      A new SessionControl object
      ItemNotFoundException - If no user with the specified id exists
      PermissionDeniedException - If the logged in user doesn't have Permission.ACT_AS_ANOTHER_USER permission and the userId is a different user from the currently logged in user
      BaseException - If there is another error
    • impersonateLogin

      public SessionControl impersonateLogin(Ownable item, String comment)
      Log in as the owner of the specified item.
      item - Login as the owner of this Item. Null is not allowed
      comment - A comment that will be placed in the Session information
      A SessionControl for the created session.
      See Also:
    • isAllowedToUseClient

      public boolean isAllowedToUseClient(String externalClientId)
      Checks if this session control can be used by the given client application. It is allowed if the given id is the same as when this session control was created, or if there is a logged in user that is allowed to use the given client.
      externalClientId - The external id of the client to check
      TRUE if the client can be used, FALSE if not
    • getClientWithExternalId

      private ClientData getClientWithExternalId(String externalId)
    • createLoginInfo

      private SessionControl.LoginInfo createLoginInfo(Session session, UserData userData, String comment, boolean impersonated, AuthenticationMethod authenticationMethod, int deviceId) throws BaseException
      Create a LoginInfo object and load all information that it needs.
    • logout

      public void logout() throws BaseException
      Log out of BASE. If the logged in user was impersonated the system will revert to the original user. If no user is logged in this method does nothing. If there are any DbControl objects still open, they will be closed. Changes made to items managed by those DbControl objects will be lost unless the items are connected to a new DbControl object.
      BaseException - If there is an error
      See Also:
    • isLoggedIn

      public boolean isLoggedIn()
      Checks if a user is logged in or not.
      TRUE if a user is logged in, FALSE otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getLoggedInUserId

      public int getLoggedInUserId()
      Get the id of the logged in user, or 0 if no user is logged in. Use User.getById(DbControl, int) to get the User object.
      User id as an int.
      See Also:
    • getLoggedInUserLogin

      public String getLoggedInUserLogin()
      Get the login name of the currently logged in user. Returns null if no user is logged in.
      See Also:
    • getLoggedInUserName

      public String getLoggedInUserName()
      Get the name of the currently logged in user. Returns null if no user is logged in.
      See Also:
    • getAuthenticationMethod

      public AuthenticationMethod getAuthenticationMethod()
      Get the method that was used to authenticate the currently logged in user. Internal authentication return AuthenticationMethod.INTERNAL.
      An AuthenticationMethod object or null if no user is logged in
    • getCurrentSessionId

      public int getCurrentSessionId()
      Get the id of the current user session, or 0 if no user is logged in. Use Session.getById(DbControl, int) to the Session object.
      The session id, or 0 if no user is logged in
    • getPluginId

      public int getPluginId()
      Get the id of the plug-in that is currently running with this session control.
      The plug-in id, or 0 if not running by a plug-in
    • getPluginName

      public String getPluginName()
      Get the name of the plug-in that is currently running with this session control.
      The plug-in name, or null if not running by a plug-in
    • getJobId

      public int getJobId()
      Get the id of the job that is currently running with this session control.
      The job id, or 0 if not running by a job
    • getJobName

      public String getJobName()
      Get the name of the job that is currently running with this session control.
      The job name, or null if not running by a job
    • isImpersonated

      public boolean isImpersonated()
      Check if the logged in user was impersonated by another user.
      TRUE or FALSE
      See Also:
    • reloadPermissions

      public void reloadPermissions()
      Tell the core to reload the logged in users permission the next time the client application needs to check the permissions.
    • reloadSettings

      public void reloadSettings(boolean onlyClientDefaultSettings, boolean saveCurrentUserSettings) throws BaseException
      Reloads user- and client-specific settings.
      onlyClientDefaultSettings - Setting this to TRUE will only reload ClientDefaultSetting:s
      saveCurrentUserSettings - Setting this to TRUE will save the current user-specific settings before reloading them. This parameter is ignored if onlyClientDefaultSettings is true. The settings are never changed if the logged in user is a multi-user account.
      BaseException - If the settings cannot be reloaded
    • getActiveProjectId

      public int getActiveProjectId()
      Get the id of the active project, or 0 if no project is active. Use Project.getById(DbControl, int) to get the Project object.
      An int.
      See Also:
    • getActiveProjectName

      public String getActiveProjectName()
      Get the name of the active project, or null if no project is active.
      See Also:
    • setActiveProject

      public void setActiveProject(Project project) throws PermissionDeniedException, BaseException
      Set the active project. When a project is active queries will by default only load items shared to the that project, and new Shareable items will automatically be shared to the active project with delete permission. The active project doesn't affect already existing items.
      project - The project to make active
      PermissionDeniedException - If the logged in user doesn't have Permission.USE permission for the project
      BaseException - If there is another error
      See Also:
    • getActiveProjectPermissions

      public Set<Permission> getActiveProjectPermissions()
      Get the permissions that the logged in user has in the currently active project.
      A Set with the permissions
    • getPluginSessionControl

      public PluginSessionControl getPluginSessionControl(PluginDefinition plugin, Job job)
      Create a new session control for executing a plugin.
      plugin - The plugin to execute
      job - The job that executes the plug-in, or null
      A plugin session control
      2.15 (was package private before that)
    • getJobSessionControl

      public PluginSessionControl getJobSessionControl(Job job)
      Create a new session control for executing a job. The new session control will inherit all settings from this session control.
    • getProjectKeyId

      public int getProjectKeyId()
      Get the id of the ProjectKey that can be used to share an item to the active project with full permission, or 0 if no project is active or the logged in user only has read permission to the active project. Use ProjectKey.getById(DbControl, int) to get the ProjectKey object.
      See Also:
    • getItemKeyId

      public int getItemKeyId()
      Get the id of the ItemKey that new items should be shared to according to the settings in the currently active project. If no project is active or if the projects doesn't share to any item key, 0 is returned. Use ItemKey.getById(DbControl, int) to get the ItemKey object.
      See Also:
    • hasSystemPermission

      public boolean hasSystemPermission(Permission permission)
      Check if the logged in user has the specified system permission.
      permission - One of the system permission constants defined by the Permission enumeration
      TRUE if the logged in user has the permission, FALSE otherwise
    • hasPermission

      public boolean hasPermission(Permission permission, Item itemType)
      Check if the logged in user has the specfied permission for all item of the specified type. This method checks the permissions given to the roles the user is a member of and, if a plugin is active, the permissions given to the plugin.
      permission - One of the permissions constants defined by the Permission enumeration
      itemType - One of the item constants defined by the Item enumeration
      TRUE if the logged in user has the permission, FALSE otherwise
    • isDenied

      public boolean isDenied(Permission permission, Item itemType)
      Check if the logged in user has been denied the specified permission for items of the specified type. This method checks the permissions given to the roles the user is a member of and, if a plugin is active, the permissions given to the plugin. Note that this method is not the inverse of the hasPermission(Permission, Item) method. Both methods may return false in which case the system also checks ownership and sharing information to determine if access is granted. If this method return TRUE the hasPermission method always return false.
      permission - One of the permissions constants defined by the Permission enumeration
      itemType - One of the item constants defined by the Item enumeration
      TRUE if the logged in user is denied the permission, FALSE otherwise
    • getRolePermissions

      int getRolePermissions(Item itemType)
      Get all role-based permissions for the specified type of items.
    • getPluginPermissions

      PluginPermission getPluginPermissions(Item itemType)
      Get all plugin-specific permissions for the specified item type.
    • getSharedPermissions

      int getSharedPermissions(ShareableData shareableData)
      Get the shared permissions for a ShareableData object.
    • getAllPermissions

      int getAllPermissions(Item itemType, UserData owner, ItemKeyData itemKey, ProjectKeyData projectKey)
      Get the combined permissions for an item of the specified type, owned by the specified user and shared with the specified item and project keys.
    • getAllPermissions

      int getAllPermissions(SharedData sharedData)
    • isMemberOf

      public boolean isMemberOf(Group group)
      Check if the logged in user is a member, directly or indirectly, of the specified group.
      group - The group to check
      TRUE if the user is a member, FALSE otherwise
    • isMemberOf

      public boolean isMemberOf(Role role)
      Check if the logged in user is a member of the specified role.
      role - The role to check
      TRUE if the user is a member, FALSE otherwise
    • isMemberOf

      public boolean isMemberOf(Project project)
      Check if the logged in user is a member, directly or indirectly, of the specified project.
      project - The project to check
      TRUE if the user is a member, FALSE otherwise
    • getProjectPermission

      int getProjectPermission(Project project)
    • isFriendOf

      public boolean isFriendOf(User user)
      Check if the logged in user is a friend of of the specified user. A users is a friend if the logged in user is a member, directly or indirectly, of a group where the other user is direct member.
      user - The user to check
      TRUE if the user is a friend, FALSE otherwise
    • getRoles

      @Deprecated public Set<Integer> getRoles()
      In 3.11, use getAllRoles() or getActiveRoles() instead
      Get the id of all roles where the logged in user is a member. For backwards compatibility reasons this method return getAllRoles().
      A Set containing role id:s
    • getAllRoles

      public Set<Integer> getAllRoles()
      Get the id of all roles where the logged in user is a member.
      A Set containing role id:s, or null
    • getActiveRoles

      public Set<Integer> getActiveRoles()
      Get the id of all active roles where the logged in user is a member.
      A Set containing role id:s or null
    • getInactiveRoles

      public Set<Integer> getInactiveRoles()
      Get the id of all inactive roles where the logged in user is a member.
      A Set containing role id:s or null
    • isRoleInactive

      public boolean isRoleInactive(int roleId)
      Is the given role inactive or not? Note that if the user is not a member of the given role FALSE is returned.
      roleId - The id of the role to check
      TRUE if the role is inactive, FALSE if not (or if the user is not a member)
    • setRoleInactive

      public boolean setRoleInactive(int roleId, boolean inactive)
      Set a role as active or inactive.
      roleId - The id of the role to set
      inactive - TRUE to set the role to inactive, FALSE to set it to active
      TRUE if a change was made, FALSE if not (or if the user is not a member of the role)
    • getGroups

      public Set<Integer> getGroups()
      Get the id of all groups where the logged in user is a member, directly or indirectly.
      A Set containing group id:s
    • getFriends

      public Set<Integer> getFriends()
      Get the id of all friends to logged in user. A users is a friend if the logged in user is a member, directly or indirectly, of a group where the other user is direct member.
      A Set containing user id:s
    • getProjects

      public Set<Integer> getProjects()
      Get the id of all projects where the logged in user is a member, directly or indirectly.
      A Set containing project id:s
    • getItemKeys

      public Set<Integer> getItemKeys()
      Get the id of all item keys where the logged in user has read permission.
      A Set containing item key id:s
    • getItemKeys

      public Set<Integer> getItemKeys(Permission permission)
      Get the id of all item keys where the logged in user has the requested permission.
      permission - Requested permissions.
      A Set containing item key id:s
    • getProjectKeys

      public Set<Integer> getProjectKeys()
      Get the id of all project keys where the logged in user has read permission.
      A Set containing project key id:s
    • getProjectKeys

      public Set<Integer> getProjectKeys(Permission permission)
      Get the id of all project keys where the logged in user has the requested permission.
      permission - The requested permissions
      A Set containing project key id:s
    • getCurrentContext

      public ItemContext getCurrentContext(Item item)
      Same as: getCurrentContext(item, "", null).
      See Also:
    • getCurrentContext

      public ItemContext getCurrentContext(Item item, String subContext)
      Same as: getCurrentContext(item, subContext, null).
      See Also:
    • getCurrentContext

      public ItemContext getCurrentContext(Item item, ItemContext defaultContext)
      Same as: getCurrentContext(item, "", defaultContext).
      item - Type of item for which current context should be returned.
      defaultContext - A default context to copy values from if a new context must be created
      A ItemContext object.
      See Also:
    • getCurrentContext

      public ItemContext getCurrentContext(Item item, String subContext, ItemContext defaultContext)
      Get the current context. If no current context exists for the item/subcontext and a user is logged in, the default context will be loaded from the database. If it doesn't exist in the database or no user is logged in a new current context will be created. If a default context is specified the settings will be copied to the new context. The current context is automatically saved in the database when the user logs out.
      item - The type of item to get the context for
      subContext - Current sub context.
      defaultContext - A default context to copy values from if a new context must be created.
      A ItemContext object.
      InvalidDataException - If the item is null
      BaseException - If there is another error
      See Also:
    • loadContext

      public ItemContext loadContext(int contextId) throws NotLoggedInException, BaseException
      Load a context and make it the current context. All information in the current context is lost. If a saved context with the specified ID doesn't exists, or if the logged in user does't have permission to read it, null is returned and the current context is left unchanged.
      contextId - The ID of the context to load
      An ItemContext object or null
      NotLoggedInException - If no user is logged in
      BaseException - If there is another error
      See Also:
    • loadContext

      public ItemContext loadContext(int contextId, boolean copyTemporaryObjects) throws NotLoggedInException, BaseException
      Load a context and make it the current context, optionally copying temporary filters and objects from the current context to the loaded context. If a saved context with the specified ID doesn't exists, or if the logged in user does't have permission to read it, null is returned and the current context is left unchanged.
      contextId - The ID of the context to load
      An ItemContext object or null
      NotLoggedInException - If no user is logged in
      BaseException - If there is another error
      See Also:
    • getContext

      public ItemContext getContext(int contextId)
      Load a context without making it the current context. If a saved context with the specified ID doesn't exists, or if the logged in user does't have permission to read it, null is returned.
      contextId - The ID of the context to load
      An ItemContext object or null
      NotLoggedInException - If no user is logged in
      BaseException - If there is another error
      See Also:
    • saveCurrentContextAs

      public int saveCurrentContextAs(Item item, String name, boolean overwrite, boolean isPublic) throws PermissionDeniedException, InvalidDataException, ItemAlreadyExistsException, BaseException
      Same as: saveCurrentContextAs(item, "", name, overwrite, isPublic).
      See Also:
    • saveCurrentContextAs

      public int saveCurrentContextAs(Item item, String subContext, String name, boolean overwrite, boolean isPublic) throws PermissionDeniedException, InvalidDataException, ItemAlreadyExistsException, BaseException
      Save the current context as a named context. Named contexts are stored in the database and can be loaded at any time with the loadContext(int) method. If no current context exists, this method does nothing.
      item - The type of item to save the current context for
      subContext - The name of the sub-context
      name - The name of the context
      overwrite - If TRUE, an existing context with the same name is overwritten, otherwise an exception is thrown
      isPublic - If the saved context should be visible to everyone or not (requires Permission.SHARE_TO_EVERYONE permission)
      Saved context's id as an int.
      PermissionDeniedException - If no user is logged in, or if the logged in user is a multi-user account or if the isPublic parameter is true but the logged in user doesn't have SHARE_TO_EVERYONE permission
      InvalidDataException - If the item or name parameter is null
      ItemAlreadyExistsException - If another context with the same name exists and the overwrite parameter is FALSE
      BaseException - If there is another error
    • deleteContext

      public void deleteContext(int contextId) throws PermissionDeniedException, BaseException
      Delete a context. If a saved context with the specified id doesn't exists, this method does nothing.
      contextId - The id of the context
      PermissionDeniedException - If no user is logged in, or if he logged in user is a multi-user account or isn't the owner of the context
      BaseException - If there is another error
      See Also:
    • getContextNames

      public Enumeration<Integer,String> getContextNames(Item item) throws InvalidDataException, BaseException
      Same as: getContextNames(item, "")
      See Also:
    • getContextNames

      public Enumeration<Integer,String> getContextNames(Item item, String subContext) throws InvalidDataException, BaseException
      Get a list with the names of all named contexts for a given item and subcontext.
      item - Item for which named contexts should be returned
      subContext - Certain sub context to return contexts for.
      A enumeration containing the id and names, the list will be empty if no user is logged in or if no names contexts exists for the specified item type/subcontext
      InvalidDataException - If the item parameter is null
      BaseException - If there is another error
    • loadContextInternal

      private ItemContext loadContextInternal(int contextId) throws BaseException
      Load a context with the specified ID. If no context with that ID exists or if the context belongs to a different client application or user and not is public null is returned.
    • loadContextInternal

      private ItemContext loadContextInternal(Item item, String subContext, String name) throws BaseException
      Load a named context. Returns null if no context with the specified name exists for the specified item type/subcontext.
    • saveAllCurrentContexts

      private void saveAllCurrentContexts(Session session, UserData userData, ClientData clientData)
    • getAllCurrentContexts

      public List<ItemContext> getAllCurrentContexts(boolean inMemory, boolean inDatabase)
      Get a list with the current default contexts. The list may include, only in-memory contexts, in-database contexts, or both. If both options are enabled and an in-memory context also has a database representation, both are included in the list. Eg. the list may include more than one context were ItemContext.getContextId() returns the same value.
      inMemory - If TRUE, the in-memory contexts are included in the list
      inDatabase - If TRUE, the in-database contexts are included in the list
      A list with ItemContext objects
    • deleteCurrentContexts

      public int deleteCurrentContexts(Item itemType, boolean inMemory, boolean inDatabase)
      Delete all default contexts for the logged in user.
      itemType - The item type to delete the contexts for, or null to delete all contexts
      inMemory - TRUE to delete in-memory contexts
      inDatabase - TRUE to delete in-database contexts
      The number of contexts deleted
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Get the locale that is curently assigned to this session control.
      A Locale object
    • getSessionSetting

      public <T> T getSessionSetting(String name)
      Get the value of a session setting with the specified name.
      name - The name of the setting
      A object with the value of the setting, or null if no setting is found
    • setSessionSetting

      public <T> T setSessionSetting(String name, Object value)
      Set the value of a session setting.
      name - The name of the setting
      value - The new value of the setting, or null to remove the setting
      The old value of the setting, or null if it did not exist
    • getUserClientSetting

      public String getUserClientSetting(String name)
      Get the value of the UserClientSetting with the specified name. If no user is logged in null is returned.
      name - The name of the setting
      A string with the value of the setting, or null if no setting is found
    • setUserClientSetting

      public String setUserClientSetting(String name, String value)
      Set the value of a UserClientSetting.
      name - The name of the setting
      value - The new value of the setting, or null to remove the setting
      The old value of the setting, or null if it did not exist or no user is logged in
    • getUserDefaultSetting

      public String getUserDefaultSetting(String name)
      Get the value of the UserDefaultSetting with the specified name.
      name - The name of the setting
      A string with the value of the setting, or null if no setting is found
    • setUserDefaultSetting

      public String setUserDefaultSetting(String name, String value)
      Set the value of a UserDefaultSetting.
      name - The name of the setting
      value - The new value of the setting, or null to remove the setting
      The old value of the setting, or null if it did not exist or no user is logged in
    • getClientDefaultSetting

      public String getClientDefaultSetting(String name)
      Get the value of the ClientDefaultSetting with the specified name.
      name - The name of the setting
      A string with the value of the setting, or null if no setting is found
    • listToMap

      private Map<String,SessionControl.SettingInfo> listToMap(List<? extends SettingData> settings)
      Copy settings from a List to a Map. The key is the name of the setting (SettingData.getName()) and the value is a SessionControl.SettingInfo object.
    • loadClientDefaultSettings

      private Map<String,SessionControl.SettingInfo> loadClientDefaultSettings(Session session, int clientId)
      Load client applications default settings.
    • loadUserDefaultSettings

      private Map<String,SessionControl.SettingInfo> loadUserDefaultSettings(Session session, int userId)
      Load users default settings.
    • loadUserClientSettings

      private Map<String,SessionControl.SettingInfo> loadUserClientSettings(Session session, int userId, int clientId)
      Load users client-specific settings.
    • saveAllUserSettings

      private void saveAllUserSettings(Session session)
      Saves all user settings.
    • saveSettings

      private <I extends SettingData> void saveSettings(Session session, Query<I> query, Map<String,SessionControl.SettingInfo> settings, Class<I> dataClass, UserData userData, ClientData clientData) throws BaseException
      Save settings when a user logs out. This method will delete settings that have been deleted, update changed settings and create new settings.
      session - The Hibernate session
      query - A Hibernate query to load the settings already in the database
      settings - The settings to save
      dataClass - The Class of the settings, should be one of UserDefaultSettingData or UserClientSettingData
      userData - The UserData object for the logged in user
      clientData - The ClientData object for the client application
    • clearDbControlCache

      protected void clearDbControlCache()