Class PluginRequest<P extends Plugin>

Direct Known Subclasses:
PluginConfigurationRequest, PluginExecutionRequest

abstract class PluginRequest<P extends Plugin> extends Object
Configures or executes a plugin. You will get an instance of a subclass to this class when:
  1. You want to configure a plugin: PluginConfiguration.configure()
  2. You want to configure a job: Job.configure(GuiContext)
  3. You want to execute a job: Job.execute(ProgressReporter, String)
See Also:
Last modified
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSessionControl

      public SessionControl getSessionControl()
      The SessionControl used in this request
    • getCommand

      public String getCommand()
      Get the command this request will issue to the plugin when invoke() is called.
    • setParameterValue

      public void setParameterValue(String name, Object value)
      Set the value of a request parameter to a single value. Normally a plugin validates the value using the information available in the RequestInformation object.
      name - The name of the parameter
      value - The value of the parameter
      See Also:
    • setParameterValues

      public void setParameterValues(String name, List<?> values)
      Set the value of a request parameter to a list of values. Normally a plugin validates the value using the information available in the RequestInformation object.
      name - The name of the parameter
      values - The values of the parameter
      See Also:
    • getCurrentParameterValue

      public Object getCurrentParameterValue(String name)
    • getCurrentParameterValues

      public List<?> getCurrentParameterValues(String name)
      Get the values that are currently stored in the job or plugin configuration related to this request. This method will first check the job and then the plugin configuration.
      name - The name of the parameter
      The parameter values, or null if no parameter with the given name exists
    • getCurrentConfigurationParameterValues

      public List<?> getCurrentConfigurationParameterValues(String name)
      Get the values that are currently stored in the plugin configuration related to this request.
      name - The name of the parameter
      The parameter values, or null if no parameter with the given name exists or if this request isn't associated with a plugin configuration
    • getCurrentJobParameterValues

      public List<?> getCurrentJobParameterValues(String name)
      Get the values that are currently stored in the job related to this request.
      name - The name of the parameter
      The parameter values, or null if no parameter with the given name exists or if this request isn't associated with a job
    • invoke

      public abstract PluginResponse invoke()
      Invoke the plugin and let it do it's work. Note that this method doesn't throw any exceptions. If an exception occurs during the execution of a plugin, the response status will be set to Response.Status.ERROR and the error messages will be available in the PluginResponse.getMessage() and PluginResponse.getErrorList() methods.
      A PluginResponse object
    • done

      public void done()
      Aborts the execution of the plugin.
    • registerParameters

      void registerParameters(List<PluginParameter<?>> parameters)
      Keep track of all parameters so that we can save label and description in the ParameterValuesImpl.saveParameters(Job, Map) method.
    • saveParameters

      void saveParameters(DbControl dc, GuiContext context)
      Save all parameters that have got values in this request/response session.
    • setNextCommand

      void setNextCommand(String command)
      Sets the next command in a configuration sequence.
    • getPlugin

      public P getPlugin()
      Get the plugin object.
      2.6 (was not public before)
    • getJob

      Job getJob()
      Get the job for the request or null if we are not configuring/executing a job.