2.17.2: 2011-06-17 | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
AbsoluteProgressReporter | This is interface is an extension to the ProgressReporter
interface. |
AccessControlled | This interface should be implemented by a class representing items which requires the logged in user to have permission to access them. |
Annotatable | This interface is implemented by all items which can be annotated. |
AnnotatableProxy | This interface is implemented by items that can be used to hold annotations that are intended for other items. |
Batcher | The basic interface which all batchers must implement. |
Controlled | This is the base tagging interface for items that needs special
attention by the DbControl object when DbControl.commit()
is called. |
DiskConsumable | This interface is implemented by items that can use a lot of disk space. |
FileAttachable | A FileAttachable item is an item that can have
a File attached to it. |
FileStoreEnabled | This interface is implemented by items that can use files instead of the database for storing data. |
Identifiable | An Identifiable item is an item which has an
id a type and a version . |
Metadata.PropertyPath<C,V> | Contract for getting the value of a specific property for an item. |
Nameable | A Nameable item is an item that has
a name and description . |
Ownable | An Ownable item is an item which has a User as its owner. |
ProgressReporter | Certain methods in BASE can report their progress back to the calling client application if they are giving an object that implements this interface. |
QueryExecutor.Cancelable | Interface to be implemented by classes that knows how to cancel a query. |
QueryRuntimeFilter | Represents a filter that is applied to a query just before it is executed in order to limit the result. |
Registered | Items that implements this interface has their registration date stored in the database. |
Removable | A Removable item is an item that can be flagged
as removed. |
SecondaryStorageController | This interface defines the methods that needs to be implemented by a class to be able to use it as a controller for seconday storage. |
Shareable | An Shareable item is an item which can be shared to
other User :s, Group :s and Project :s. |
SystemItem | A SystemItem is an item which has an
additional systemwide unique id in the form of string. |
Transactional | This interface is a tagging interface for items that wants to be notified before a transaction is committed or after it has been completed or rollbacked. |
Validatable | This interface is a tagging interface for items that needs case 2 validation. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractBatcher | This is an abstract class for batchers that are connected to a
single DbControl object. |
AbstractEntityQuery | An abstract implementation of the EntityQuery interface. |
AbstractHqlQuery | An abstract implementation of the HqlQuery interface. |
AbstractQuery | An abstract implementation of the Query interface. |
AbstractResultList<I> | This is a list of the result from a query. |
AbstractSqlQuery | An abstract implementation of the SqlQuery interface. |
Affymetrix | Utility class for Affymetrix-specific functionality. |
AnnotatedItem<D extends AnnotatedData> | This is a helper class for items that need to implement the
Annotatable interface. |
Annotation | This class represents an annotation. |
Annotation.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | |
AnnotationBetweenRestriction | Restricts a query using annotation values between a low and high value. |
AnnotationInRestriction | Restricts a query using annotation values that exists in a set of given values. |
AnnotationRestriction | Base class for creating restrictions based on annotations. |
AnnotationSet | An annotation set is the container for all annotations on an item. |
AnnotationSet.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | |
AnnotationSimpleRestriction | Restricts a query using annotation values with a simple expression:
annotation operator value . |
AnnotationType | Objects of this class defines an annotation type. |
AnnotationTypeCategory | Objects of this class defines an annotation type category. |
AnyToAny | An any-to-any link is a named, directed link from one item to another item. |
Application | This class represents the BASE application and is the starting point for all client applications. |
Application.DbCleaner | |
Application.Pinger | A Pinger is an object that is used to protect another
object from timing out by automatically pinging it. |
Application.SecondaryStorageControllerTask | |
Application.SessionControlCacheCleaner | |
ArrayBatch | This class represents the making of a new batch of microarray slides of a particular design. |
ArrayDesign | An array design is a description of the design of a microarray slide. |
ArrayDesignBlock | |
ArrayDesignPlate | |
ArraySlide | This class represents a physical microarray slide. |
BasicBatcher<D extends BatchableData> | This is an abstract class for batching functionallity. |
BasicChildItem<D extends BasicData> | An abstract base class for all items which are child items to
a BasicItem parent item. |
BasicItem<D extends BasicData> | This is the root superclass of all item classes. |
BatchedPropertyInfo | Holds information about a batchable property. |
BatchUtil | Utility class for batching information. |
BioAssay | Represents the current intensities of raw data after some transformation has been applied to it. |
BioAssaySet | A bioassayset represents the current intensities of the raw data
after some Transformation has been applied to it. |
BioMaterial<D extends BioMaterialData> | This is the base class for for the four types of biomaterials:
BioSource , Sample , Extract
and LabeledExtract . |
BioMaterialEvent | This class represents an event in the life of a MeasuredBioMaterial . |
BioMaterialList | This class represents a list of biomaterials. |
BioPlate | This class is represents physical bio-plates. |
BioPlateEvent | A bioplate event represents something that happened simultaneously to the biomaterial on one or more bioplates. |
BioPlateEventParticipant | Holds information about a bioplate that is participating in a bioplate event. |
BioPlateEventType | The type of a bioplate event defines what happened in the event. |
BioPlateType | This class represents the type of a bio-plate. |
BioSource | This class represent biosource items. |
BioWell | A biowell is located on a BioPlate and contains a MeasuredBioMaterial . |
BlockInfo | A BlockInfo object is used to represent the uniqe identifiers of an
ArrayDesignBlock . |
BooleanParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a boolean. |
ChangeHistory | |
ChildItem<D extends BasicData> | An abstract base class for all items which are child items to
a Shareable parent item. |
Client | This class represents a registered client application. |
ClientDefaultSetting | This class is used to represent a setting for specific client application. |
Coloring | This class keeps coloring information for items which can be colored when values are displayed in a client application. |
CommonItem<D extends CommonData> | |
Config | Use this class to access the configuration settings for BASE. |
ContextKey | |
DataCube | A data cube is the main unit for an experiment to store analysed data. |
DataCube.RawMappingQuery | Select data from Dynamic#RawParents table. |
DataCubeColumn | Represents the column coordinate in a data cube. |
DataCubeExtraValue | Represents a set of extra value in a data cube. |
DataCubeFilter | This represents a filter in a datacube. |
DataCubeLayer | This represents the layer coordinate in a data cube. |
DataFileType | This class is used to represent types of files that are used to hold data instead of importing the data into into the database. |
DataQuery<I extends BasicData> | An implementation of the Query interface that returns data
objects. |
DataResultIterator<I extends BasicData> | Return the results of a DataQuery as an iterator. |
DateParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a date. |
DateUtil | Utility methods that will make it easier to handle date values. |
DbControl | A DbControl object is the main object used for communicating
with the database. |
DbControl.SaveIf | |
Directory | This is used to represent directory items. |
DiskUsage | This class is used to represent the disk usage of
DiskConsumable items. |
DiskUsageStatistics | Get disk usage statistics for the BASE server. |
DoubleParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a double. |
DynamicExtraValueQuery | Represents a query for extra values in the dynamic database. |
DynamicJoin | Represents a join between two virtual tables in a dynamic
query: leftTable JOIN rightTable ON columns . |
DynamicPositionQuery | Represents a query for position information against the dynamic database. |
DynamicPositionQueryJoiners | This class collects AutoJoiner :s for DynamicPositionQuery
queries. |
DynamicPositionQueryJoiners.ExtraValueJoiner | Joiner for extra values. |
DynamicPositionQueryJoiners.ReporterJoiner | Joiner for reporters |
DynamicQuery | Represents a query against the dynamic database. |
DynamicRawDataQuery | Represents a query for raw data in a "dynamic" way. |
DynamicReporterQuery | Represents a query for reporter data in a "dynamic" way. |
DynamicRestriction | Creates a restriction that compares a dynamic column with a constant
value: tableAlias.column = value or
queryRootAlias.column = value |
DynamicResultIterator | An iterator view of the result of an AbstractSqlQuery . |
DynamicSpotQuery | Represents a query for spot information in the dynamic database. |
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners | This class collects AutoJoiner :s for DynamicSpotQuery
queries. |
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.ExtraValueJoiner | Joiner for extra values. |
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.RawDataJoiner | Joiner for raw data. |
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.ReporterJoiner | Joiner for reporters |
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.ReporterListJoiner | Joiner for reporter lists. |
Experiment | An experiment is the starting point of the analysis in BASE. |
ExtendedProperties | This class is used for reading XML files with information about extended properties. |
ExtendedProperty | Holds information about an extended property for a class. |
ExtendedPropertyAccessor | This class is used to interface with Hibernate for extended properties. |
ExtendedPropertyAccessor.GetterSetter | This class implements the Hibernate Getter and
Setter interfaces. |
ExtendedPropertyLinker | Used to create links from extended property values. |
Extract | This class is used to represent extract items. |
ExtraValue | Represents extra values attached to a BioAssaySet . |
ExtraValueExpression | Represents the value of an extra value in a dynamic query:
alias.value . |
ExtraValueJoin | Represents a join to an extra value in a dynamic query:
leftTable JOIN extraValueTable ON ... |
ExtraValueType | Defines extra values that can be calculated by plugins or some other
application and inserted as part of a BioAssaySet . |
Feature | This is a utility class for Features. |
FeatureBatcher | Batcher class for Features or AffyFeatures. |
FeatureCoordinate | Represents the coordinate of a feature on an array design. |
File | This class is used to represent individual file items and information about them. |
FileParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a file. |
FileServer | This class represents a file server that is used to store external files. |
FileSet | A file set is the container for files that have been attach to an item to hold data instead of importing it to the database. |
FileSet.DataFileHandlerWrapper | Wraps a DataFileValidator and /or DataFileMetadataReader . |
FileSet.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | |
FileSetMember | This class represents a file that is member of a file set. |
FileSetMember.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | |
FileStoreUtil | Utility class working with FileStoreEnabled items. |
FileType | This class is used to represent the type of
File items in BASE. |
FilterBatcher | Batcher class for filtered bioassaysets. |
FloatParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a float. |
Formula | This class represents a formula. |
GlobalDefaultSetting | This class is used to represent a global default setting. |
Group | This class is used to represent groups. |
Group.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return groups where the logged in user is a member unless the logged in user has generic read permission. |
GroupPermissions | This class is used to specify permissions to share an item to groups. |
Hardware | This class is used to represent individual hardware items and information about them. |
HardwareType | This class is used to represent the type of
Hardware items in BASE. |
HasAnnotationRestriction | Restricts a query by the presence of absence of an annotation. |
Help | This class is used to represent a help text for a client application. |
HibernateUtil | This class collects most of the functionality we need for using Hibernate. |
HqlQueryJoiners | This class collects AutoJoiner :s for HqlQuery
queries. |
HqlQueryJoiners.ReporterListJoiner | Joiner for reporter lists. |
Hybridization | A hybridization is a representation of the process of hybridizing
one or more LabeledExtract :s on an ArraySlide . |
Image | An image represents a single image produced by a Scan . |
Install | This class contains static methods used to install items into an empty database. |
Install.PlatformFT | |
IntegerParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is an integer. |
IntegerUtil | Utility methods that will make it easier to implement data validation for integer attributes. |
IntensityFormula | Holds information about the formulas used to calculate intensities from a raw data spot. |
InternalJobQueue | A simple implementation of a job queue that executes jobs in order of priority and longest waiting time. |
InternalJobQueue.JobQueueKeyring | Our own keyring containing the permissions we need to execute the jobs. |
InternalStorageController | A simple implementation of a secondary storage controller which just moves files to another directory. |
InternalStorageController.StorageKeyring | Our own keyring containing the permissions we need to move the files. |
Item.DefinedPermissions | Helper class to make it easier to set up the defined permissions. |
ItemContext | This item is a helper class for client applications when they need to store information about the current context for plugins that needs to find out the current context of the running client application. |
ItemContext.PropertyFilterPair | Holds a pair of filter. |
ItemKey | This class is used to get information about which users and groups
a Shareable item has been shared to. |
ItemParameterType<T extends BasicItem> | This class represent a parameter type that is an object derived from
BasicData . |
ItemProxy | |
ItemQuery<I extends BasicItem> | An implementation of the Query interface that returns item
objects. |
ItemResultIterator<I extends BasicItem> | Return the results of an ItemQuery as an iterator. |
ItemResultList<I extends BasicItem> | Return the results of an ItemQuery as a list. |
Job | This class represents the execution of a job. |
Job.ProgressReporterImpl | Implements the ProgressReporter interface and stores the percentage completed for the current job. |
JobAgent | This class represents a job agent, which is a program running in another virtual machine on the same or a different server. |
JobAgentSettings | This class contains a job agent's settings for a specific plugin. |
Key<D extends KeyData> | This is the base class for keys. |
Keyring | Objects of this class holds information about a user's access permissions, group and role membership. |
Label | This class represents a labelling compund. |
LabeledExtract | This class is used to represent labeled extract items. |
LogControl | Gives information about the current transaction and gives log implementations limited access to the database. |
LogUtil | Utility class for LOG4J logging. |
LongParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a long. |
MappingBatcher | Batcher class for inserting parent mapping information in the dynamic database. |
MeanRawDataPropertyExpression | An expression representing the mean value of property of a raw data spot. |
MeasuredBioMaterial<D extends MeasuredBioMaterialData> | This class is the base class for measured biomaterial items. |
Message | This class represents a message. |
Metadata<C> | Utility methods for retreiving metadata about items. |
Metadata.BasicData2ItemPropertyPath<C extends BasicData,V extends BasicItem<C>> | Property path implementation that converts a BasicData object to a BasicItem. |
Metadata.BasicItem2DataPropertyPath<C extends BasicItem<V>,V extends BasicData> | Property path implementation that converts a BasicItem to a BasicData object. |
Metadata.CollectionPropertyPath<C> | Property path implementation which wraps a collection inside an unmodifiable collection. |
Metadata.CombinedPropertyPath<C,V> | Property path implementation that combines a list of property paths to create a long chain. |
Metadata.ComponentPropertyPath<C,V> | Property path implementation which gets a value from a component. |
Metadata.DateCopyPropertyPath | Property path implementation clones a Date. |
Metadata.EntityPropertyPath<C,V> | Property path implementation which gets a value from an entity. |
Metadata.EvictPropertyPath<C> | Property path implementation that evicts the selected item from the Hibernate first-level cache. |
Metadata.IdentifierPropertyPath | Property path implementation which gets the id from an entity. |
Metadata.MapPropertyPath | Property path implementation which wraps a map inside an unmodifiable map. |
Metadata.NoopPropertyPath<C> | Property path implementation that does nothing. |
Metadata.ReporterScore2DataPropertyPath | Property path implementation that converts a ReporterScore to a ReporterListScoreData object. |
MimeType | This class is used to represent mime types. |
MultiPermissions | This is a helper class that is very useful when you have a collection of
Shareable items and want to modify some permissions on
all of them without affecting the rest of the permissions. |
NameableUtil | Utility methods that will make it easier to implement
the Nameable interface, including data validation. |
News | This class represents news items. |
News.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | |
OwnableUtil | Utility methods that will make it easier to implement
the Ownable interface, including data validation. |
OwnedItem<D extends OwnedData> | This class inherits from the BasicItem
class and implements the Ownable interface. |
ParameterInfo | Get information about a plugin configuration or parameter. |
ParameterType<T> | This is the base class for all parameter types. |
ParameterValuesImpl | An implementation of the ParameterValues interface that
lets a plugin write the job's configuration. |
Path | This class is used represent the path to a Directory
or File item. |
PathParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a path to either a directory or a file. |
PermissionTemplate | A permission template with permissions to users, groups and projects. |
Plate | This class is represents physical plates. |
PlateEvent | This class represents an event in the life of a Plate . |
PlateEventType | This class is used together with the PlateType class
to define event types for plates. |
PlateGeometry | This class defines a plate geometry, which is the number of rows
and columns of wells on a Plate . |
PlateMapping | This class represents a mapping from one plate geometry to another. |
PlateType | This class represents plate types, which is a name, description, geometry and a list of event types. |
Platform | This class is used to represent an experimental platform in BASE. |
PlatformFileType | This class represents a specific DataFileType
that is part of a platform. |
PlatformVariant | Represents variants of a Platform . |
PluginConfiguration | This class is used to configure a plugin. |
PluginConfigurationRequest | Configures a plugin or job. |
PluginDefinition | A plugin definition represents the executable plugin. |
PluginExecutionRequest | Executes a job. |
PluginParameter<T> | Contains information about a single parameter that the plugin needs for a request. |
PluginPermission | |
PluginRequest<P extends Plugin> | Configures or executes a plugin. |
PluginResponse | Get the response from a configuration step or execution of a plugin. |
PluginSessionControl | This is a special session control implementation that is used for executing plugins that prevents them from logging in or out. |
PluginType | |
PositionBatcher | Batcher class for per-position data in the dynamic database. |
PositionExtraValueBatcher<I> | Batcher class for per-position extra values. |
PredefinedQuery | This class is used for reading XML files with information about predefined queries. |
Presets | This is a generic class for handling named presets consisting of multiple key/value pairs. |
Presets.Preset | Represents a single preset. |
Project | This class is used to represent projects. |
Project.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return projects where the logged in user is a member or owner unless the logged in user has generic read permission. |
ProjectKey | This class is used to get information about which projects
a Shareable item has been shared to. |
ProjectPermissions | This class is used to specify permissions to share an item to projects. |
PropertyFilter | Used to store filter settings in the current context. |
Protocol | This class is used to represent individual protocol items and information about them. |
ProtocolType | This class is used to represent the type of the
Protocol items in BASE. |
Quantity | This class is used to represent a quantity for specifying units to annotations. |
QueryExecutor | Utility class for executing SQL and Hibernate queries. |
QueryExecutor.CancelableSession | Cancels the query running in a Hibernate session. |
QueryExecutor.CancelableStatelessSession | Cancels a query running in a stateless Hibernate session. |
QueryExecutor.CancelableStatement | Cancels a statement by calling Statement.cancel() . |
QueryExecutor.FutureItem<T> | |
QueryExecutor.FutureResultSet | A callable implementation the calls PreparedStatement.executeQuery() |
QueryExecutor.FutureScrollIterator<T> | Calls Query.scroll(ScrollMode) and returns the result as a
ScrollIterator . |
QueryExecutor.FutureUpdate | A callable implementation the calls PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory | This is a factory class for QueryRuntimeFilter implementations. |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.AnnotatableFilter | A required filter for Annotatable items. |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.BasicFilter | An optional default filter for BasicItem :s that are not
Ownable or Shareable . |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.ChainedFilter | Chains one or more filters into a single filter. |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.ChildFilter | An optional filter that can be used by BasicItem :s to replace
the QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.BasicFilter . |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.DenyAllFilter | A required filter for all items, which checks if the logged in user
has been "granted" the Permission.DENIED permission for
a specific item type. |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.OwnableFilter | An optional default filter for Ownable items that are not
Shareable . |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.RemovableFilter | A required filter for Removable items. |
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.ShareableFilter | An optional default filter for Shareable items. |
QueryRuntimeFilterManager | This class manages the enabling/disabling of QueryRuntimeFilter :s. |
Quota | This class is used to represent disk quota settings for users and groups. |
Quota.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return the quota assigned to the logged in user unless the logged in user has generic read permission. |
QuotaType | This class represents the different types a quota can have. |
RawBioAssay | A rawbioassay represents the raw data generated from a single
Scan . |
RawDataBatcher | Batcher class for raw data. |
RawDataProperty | Holds information about an extended property for raw data. |
RawDataPropertyExpression | An expression representing the property of a raw data spot. |
RawDataType | This class holds information about a raw data type. |
RawDataTypes | This class is used for reading the XML configuration file with information about raw data types. |
RawDataTypes.NameComparator | Comparator implementation that sorts raw data types according to their name. |
RawDataUtil | Utiltity class for getting and setting non-public properties of raw data objects. |
RealJoin | Represents a join from one virtual table in the dynamic database to a table in the regular database. |
RealTable | This class defines constants that are used to specify a table in the regular (non-dynamic) database while doing analysis with dynamic queries. |
Reporter | This is an utilitiy class for reporters. |
ReporterBatcher | Batcher class for reporters. |
ReporterList | |
ReporterListJoin | Represents a join to a reporter list in a dynamic query:
leftTable JOIN ReporterListScores ON ... |
ReporterPropertyExpression | An expression representing the property of a reporter. |
ReporterScore | Get information about the reporters and their score in a reporter list. |
ReporterScoreQuery | This is a temporary solution to query against the reporter list's score. |
ReporterScoreResultIterator | This is a temporary solution for returning reporter list scores as an iterator. |
ReporterType | This class holds reporter type information. |
RequestInformation | Get information about the parameters the plugin needs for a particular request. |
Role | This class is used to represent roles. |
Role.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return roles where the logged in user is a member unless the logged in user has generic read permission. |
RoleKey | This class is used to represent a role key. |
Sample | This class is used to represent sample items. |
Scan | A scan represents the scanning of a Hybridization by
some scanner. |
ScrollIterator<E> | This is an iterator view of the result from a query
using the Hibernate ScrollableResults object. |
Session | A session represents the time between login and logout for a single user. |
SessionControl | This class handles user sessions. |
SessionControl.LoginInfo | Internal class to hold information about the logged in user. |
SessionControl.SettingInfo | Internal class to hold information about a setting |
Setting<D extends SettingData> | This is the base class for all setting items. |
ShareableUtil | Utility methods that will make it easier to implement
the Shareable interface, including data validation. |
SharedItem<D extends SharedData> | This class inherits from the OwnedItem
class and implements the Shareable interface. |
SimpleAbsoluteProgressReporter | This is a simple implementation of the AbsoluteProgressReporter interface,
which simply remembers that last values. |
SimpleProgressReporter | This is a simple implementation of the ProgressReporter interface,
which simply remembers that last values. |
Software | This class is used to represent individual software items and information about them. |
SoftwareType | This class is used to represent the type of
Software items in BASE. |
SpotBatcher | Batcher class for per-spot intensity values for bioassaysets. |
SpotExtraValueBatcher<I> | Batcher class for per-spot extra values. |
SpotImage | Holds the image information about a single spot image in PNG format. |
SpotImages | Holds settings for creating small spot iamges from 1-3 image files and the raw data information for a single raw bioassay. |
StringParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a string. |
StringUtil | Utility methods that will make it easier to implement data validation for string attributes. |
SystemItems | This class is used to map the system id of all SystemData items to the numerical internal
id in the current installation. |
TimestampParameterType | This class represent a parameter type that is a timestamp. |
Transformation | A transformation represents an analysis step for an Experiment . |
Trashcan | This class contains functionality to manage items that have been marked for deletion. |
Unit | This class is used to represent a specific unit that can be used with annotations. |
UnmodifiableResultList<T> | |
Update | This class contains static methods used to update items already in the database. |
User | This class is used to represent a user in BASE. |
User.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl | A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return users which are members of at least one group where the logged in user is also a member unless the logged in user has generic read permission. |
UserClientSetting | This class is used to represent a setting valid for a specific user using a specific client application. |
UserDefaultSetting | This class is used to represent a setting valid for a specific user using any client application. |
UserPermissions | This class is used to specify permissions to share an item to users. |
Values | Utility class to handle the conversion between data objects and item objects. |
Version | Get information about the BASE version. |
VirtualColumn | This class is used to define columns in the virtual tables in the dynamic part of the database that are storing analysed data. |
VirtualDb | A virtual database represents the set of tables in the dynamic database used by a single experiment to store it's analysed data. |
Well | A well is located on a Plate and contains a ReporterData . |
Enum Summary | |
BioMaterialEvent.Type | The type of the event. |
BioWell.LockMode | The lock mode for a well is determined by the plate's bio plate type. |
ExtraValue.CoordinateType | Defines which coordinates in the data cube the extra values are attached to. |
FeatureIdentificationMethod | This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify which method to use for identifying features on an array design. |
File.Action | A fileaction describes if a file should be moved to secondary storage or brought back from it. |
Formula.AverageMethod | The average method used for the values of this formula. |
Formula.Parser | The parser used to parse the formula. |
Formula.Type | The type of formula indicats in which situations it can be used. |
Image.Format | This enumeration is used to indicate the type of image. |
Include | This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify which items to include in a query. |
IntensityTransform | Gives information in what way spot intensities has been transformed before they were stored in the database. |
Item | This class defines constants for various items in BASE. |
ItemContext.SortDirection | Enumeration used to specify the sort direction. |
Job.ExecutionTime | A rough estimate of the execution time of a job. |
Job.Status | The status of a job. |
Job.Type | The type of job. |
Location | This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify different file storage locations. |
Operator | |
Path.Type | An enum that describes what type the path is |
Permission | This enumeration defined constants for permissions. |
Project.Default | |
Transactional.Action | Enumeration constants used to tell the item what is going on in the core. |
Type | This class defines constants for supported value types in BASE. |
VirtualTable | This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify different virtual tables in the dynamic part of the database used for analysis. |
Exception Summary | |
AccountExpiredException | This exception is thrown if you try to log in with an account that has expired. |
AlreadyLoggedInException | This exception is thrown if you try to log in but are already logged in. |
BaseException | This is the base class for exceptions in BASE. |
ConfigurationException | This exception is thrown by the Config class
if there is a problem with finding or loading the configuration
settings. |
ConnectionClosedException | This exception is thrown when trying to use a DbControl object that has been closed. |
DatabaseException | Exceptions of this type are thrown when there is an error from the database. |
DateFormatException | This exception is thrown when parsing a string into a date failed. |
DetachedItemException | This exception is thrown when trying to use an item
that has been detached from the DbControl that
manages it. |
DisallowedValueException | Exception that is thrown when a value is not found among a set of allowed values, for example, when setting an annotation value. |
InvalidAnnotationException | |
InvalidDataException | Exceptions of this type are thrown when invalid data is encountered. |
InvalidPasswordException | Exceptions of this type are thrown when user tries to log in, but the password is incorrect. |
InvalidPathException | This exception is thrown when BASE is trying to parse a path which is invalid. |
InvalidRelationException | Exceptions of this type are thrown when a
DataFileValidator has detected that a related
file is invalid. |
InvalidUseOfNullException | This exception is thrown when an object field or a parameter that mustn't be null is set to null. |
ItemAlreadyExistsException | This exception is thrown when trying to save an object and another object with the same ID already exists. |
ItemInUseException | This exception is thrown when trying delete an item that is used (reference to) by some other item or items. |
ItemModifiedException | This exception is thrown when trying to save an item to the database that has been updated (or deleted) by another process in the meantime. |
ItemNotFoundException | This exception is thrown when trying to load an item from the database that does not exist. |
NotLoggedInException | This exception is thrown if you try to perform a function that requires a user to be logged in without beeing logged in. |
NumberOutOfRangeException | This exception is thrown when an item's field or a parameter that only accepts numeric values within a certain range are passed a value outside that range. |
ParameterException | This exception is thrown by classes that uses the
parameter system, ParameterType and
ParameterValueData . |
PermissionDeniedException | This exception is thrown when trying to load or manipulate an item in the database and you don't have the required permission. |
QuotaException | This exception is thrown to signal that the user's quota has been exceeded
and that an DiskConsumable item cannot be saved. |
StringTooLongException | This exception is thrown when an item's field or a parameter which must be shorter than a specified length exceeds that length. |
UnsavedItemException | This exception is thrown when trying to use an item that has not been saved to the database in places where this is required. |
UnsupportedFileFormatException | Thrown when an import plug-in is forced to use a file that is not of the correct format. |
This package contains the core business logic of BASE.
2.17.2: 2011-06-17 | ||||||||