2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.core

This package contains the core business logic of BASE.


Interface Summary
AbsoluteProgressReporter This is interface is an extension to the ProgressReporter interface.
AccessControlled This interface should be implemented by a class representing items which requires the logged in user to have permission to access them.
Annotatable This interface is implemented by all items which can be annotated.
AnnotatableProxy This interface is implemented by items that can be used to hold annotations that are intended for other items.
Batcher The basic interface which all batchers must implement.
Controlled This is the base tagging interface for items that needs special attention by the DbControl object when DbControl.commit() is called.
DiskConsumable This interface is implemented by items that can use a lot of disk space.
FileAttachable A FileAttachable item is an item that can have a File attached to it.
FileStoreEnabled This interface is implemented by items that can use files instead of the database for storing data.
Identifiable An Identifiable item is an item which has an id a type and a version.
Metadata.PropertyPath<C,V> Contract for getting the value of a specific property for an item.
Nameable A Nameable item is an item that has a name and description.
Ownable An Ownable item is an item which has a User as its owner.
ProgressReporter Certain methods in BASE can report their progress back to the calling client application if they are giving an object that implements this interface.
QueryExecutor.Cancelable Interface to be implemented by classes that knows how to cancel a query.
QueryRuntimeFilter Represents a filter that is applied to a query just before it is executed in order to limit the result.
Registered Items that implements this interface has their registration date stored in the database.
Removable A Removable item is an item that can be flagged as removed.
SecondaryStorageController This interface defines the methods that needs to be implemented by a class to be able to use it as a controller for seconday storage.
Shareable An Shareable item is an item which can be shared to other User:s, Group:s and Project:s.
SystemItem A SystemItem is an item which has an additional systemwide unique id in the form of string.
Transactional This interface is a tagging interface for items that wants to be notified before a transaction is committed or after it has been completed or rollbacked.
Validatable This interface is a tagging interface for items that needs case 2 validation.

Class Summary
AbstractBatcher This is an abstract class for batchers that are connected to a single DbControl object.
AbstractEntityQuery An abstract implementation of the EntityQuery interface.
AbstractHqlQuery An abstract implementation of the HqlQuery interface.
AbstractQuery An abstract implementation of the Query interface.
AbstractResultList<I> This is a list of the result from a query.
AbstractSqlQuery An abstract implementation of the SqlQuery interface.
Affymetrix Utility class for Affymetrix-specific functionality.
AnnotatedItem<D extends AnnotatedData> This is a helper class for items that need to implement the Annotatable interface.
Annotation This class represents an annotation.
AnnotationBetweenRestriction Restricts a query using annotation values between a low and high value.
AnnotationInRestriction Restricts a query using annotation values that exists in a set of given values.
AnnotationRestriction Base class for creating restrictions based on annotations.
AnnotationSet An annotation set is the container for all annotations on an item.
AnnotationSimpleRestriction Restricts a query using annotation values with a simple expression: annotation operator value.
AnnotationType Objects of this class defines an annotation type.
AnnotationTypeCategory Objects of this class defines an annotation type category.
AnyToAny An any-to-any link is a named, directed link from one item to another item.
Application This class represents the BASE application and is the starting point for all client applications.
Application.Pinger A Pinger is an object that is used to protect another object from timing out by automatically pinging it.
ArrayBatch This class represents the making of a new batch of microarray slides of a particular design.
ArrayDesign An array design is a description of the design of a microarray slide.
ArraySlide This class represents a physical microarray slide.
BasicBatcher<D extends BatchableData> This is an abstract class for batching functionallity.
BasicChildItem<D extends BasicData> An abstract base class for all items which are child items to a BasicItem parent item.
BasicItem<D extends BasicData> This is the root superclass of all item classes.
BatchedPropertyInfo Holds information about a batchable property.
BatchUtil Utility class for batching information.
BioAssay Represents the current intensities of raw data after some transformation has been applied to it.
BioAssaySet A bioassayset represents the current intensities of the raw data after some Transformation has been applied to it.
BioMaterial<D extends BioMaterialData> This is the base class for for the four types of biomaterials: BioSource, Sample, Extract and LabeledExtract.
BioMaterialEvent This class represents an event in the life of a MeasuredBioMaterial.
BioMaterialList This class represents a list of biomaterials.
BioPlate This class is represents physical bio-plates.
BioPlateEvent A bioplate event represents something that happened simultaneously to the biomaterial on one or more bioplates.
BioPlateEventParticipant Holds information about a bioplate that is participating in a bioplate event.
BioPlateEventType The type of a bioplate event defines what happened in the event.
BioPlateType This class represents the type of a bio-plate.
BioSource This class represent biosource items.
BioWell A biowell is located on a BioPlate and contains a MeasuredBioMaterial.
BlockInfo A BlockInfo object is used to represent the uniqe identifiers of an ArrayDesignBlock.
BooleanParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a boolean.
ChildItem<D extends BasicData> An abstract base class for all items which are child items to a Shareable parent item.
Client This class represents a registered client application.
ClientDefaultSetting This class is used to represent a setting for specific client application.
Coloring This class keeps coloring information for items which can be colored when values are displayed in a client application.
CommonItem<D extends CommonData>  
Config Use this class to access the configuration settings for BASE.
DataCube A data cube is the main unit for an experiment to store analysed data.
DataCube.RawMappingQuery Select data from Dynamic#RawParents table.
DataCubeColumn Represents the column coordinate in a data cube.
DataCubeExtraValue Represents a set of extra value in a data cube.
DataCubeFilter This represents a filter in a datacube.
DataCubeLayer This represents the layer coordinate in a data cube.
DataFileType This class is used to represent types of files that are used to hold data instead of importing the data into into the database.
DataQuery<I extends BasicData> An implementation of the Query interface that returns data objects.
DataResultIterator<I extends BasicData> Return the results of a DataQuery as an iterator.
DateParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a date.
DateUtil Utility methods that will make it easier to handle date values.
DbControl A DbControl object is the main object used for communicating with the database.
Directory This is used to represent directory items.
DiskUsage This class is used to represent the disk usage of DiskConsumable items.
DiskUsageStatistics Get disk usage statistics for the BASE server.
DoubleParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a double.
DynamicExtraValueQuery Represents a query for extra values in the dynamic database.
DynamicJoin Represents a join between two virtual tables in a dynamic query: leftTable JOIN rightTable ON columns.
DynamicPositionQuery Represents a query for position information against the dynamic database.
DynamicPositionQueryJoiners This class collects AutoJoiner:s for DynamicPositionQuery queries.
DynamicPositionQueryJoiners.ExtraValueJoiner Joiner for extra values.
DynamicPositionQueryJoiners.ReporterJoiner Joiner for reporters
DynamicQuery Represents a query against the dynamic database.
DynamicRawDataQuery Represents a query for raw data in a "dynamic" way.
DynamicReporterQuery Represents a query for reporter data in a "dynamic" way.
DynamicRestriction Creates a restriction that compares a dynamic column with a constant value: tableAlias.column = value or queryRootAlias.column = value
DynamicResultIterator An iterator view of the result of an AbstractSqlQuery.
DynamicSpotQuery Represents a query for spot information in the dynamic database.
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners This class collects AutoJoiner:s for DynamicSpotQuery queries.
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.ExtraValueJoiner Joiner for extra values.
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.RawDataJoiner Joiner for raw data.
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.ReporterJoiner Joiner for reporters
DynamicSpotQueryJoiners.ReporterListJoiner Joiner for reporter lists.
Experiment An experiment is the starting point of the analysis in BASE.
ExtendedProperties This class is used for reading XML files with information about extended properties.
ExtendedProperty Holds information about an extended property for a class.
ExtendedPropertyAccessor This class is used to interface with Hibernate for extended properties.
ExtendedPropertyAccessor.GetterSetter This class implements the Hibernate Getter and Setter interfaces.
ExtendedPropertyLinker Used to create links from extended property values.
Extract This class is used to represent extract items.
ExtraValue Represents extra values attached to a BioAssaySet.
ExtraValueExpression Represents the value of an extra value in a dynamic query: alias.value.
ExtraValueJoin Represents a join to an extra value in a dynamic query: leftTable JOIN extraValueTable ON ...
ExtraValueType Defines extra values that can be calculated by plugins or some other application and inserted as part of a BioAssaySet.
Feature This is a utility class for Features.
FeatureBatcher Batcher class for Features or AffyFeatures.
FeatureCoordinate Represents the coordinate of a feature on an array design.
File This class is used to represent individual file items and information about them.
FileParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a file.
FileServer This class represents a file server that is used to store external files.
FileSet A file set is the container for files that have been attach to an item to hold data instead of importing it to the database.
FileSet.DataFileHandlerWrapper Wraps a DataFileValidator and /or DataFileMetadataReader.
FileSetMember This class represents a file that is member of a file set.
FileStoreUtil Utility class working with FileStoreEnabled items.
FileType This class is used to represent the type of File items in BASE.
FilterBatcher Batcher class for filtered bioassaysets.
FloatParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a float.
Formula This class represents a formula.
GlobalDefaultSetting This class is used to represent a global default setting.
Group This class is used to represent groups.
Group.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return groups where the logged in user is a member unless the logged in user has generic read permission.
GroupPermissions This class is used to specify permissions to share an item to groups.
Hardware This class is used to represent individual hardware items and information about them.
HardwareType This class is used to represent the type of Hardware items in BASE.
HasAnnotationRestriction Restricts a query by the presence of absence of an annotation.
Help This class is used to represent a help text for a client application.
HibernateUtil This class collects most of the functionality we need for using Hibernate.
HqlQueryJoiners This class collects AutoJoiner:s for HqlQuery queries.
HqlQueryJoiners.ReporterListJoiner Joiner for reporter lists.
Hybridization A hybridization is a representation of the process of hybridizing one or more LabeledExtract:s on an ArraySlide.
Image An image represents a single image produced by a Scan.
Install This class contains static methods used to install items into an empty database.
IntegerParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is an integer.
IntegerUtil Utility methods that will make it easier to implement data validation for integer attributes.
IntensityFormula Holds information about the formulas used to calculate intensities from a raw data spot.
InternalJobQueue A simple implementation of a job queue that executes jobs in order of priority and longest waiting time.
InternalJobQueue.JobQueueKeyring Our own keyring containing the permissions we need to execute the jobs.
InternalStorageController A simple implementation of a secondary storage controller which just moves files to another directory.
InternalStorageController.StorageKeyring Our own keyring containing the permissions we need to move the files.
Item.DefinedPermissions Helper class to make it easier to set up the defined permissions.
ItemContext This item is a helper class for client applications when they need to store information about the current context for plugins that needs to find out the current context of the running client application.
ItemContext.PropertyFilterPair Holds a pair of filter.
ItemKey This class is used to get information about which users and groups a Shareable item has been shared to.
ItemParameterType<T extends BasicItem> This class represent a parameter type that is an object derived from BasicData.
ItemQuery<I extends BasicItem> An implementation of the Query interface that returns item objects.
ItemResultIterator<I extends BasicItem> Return the results of an ItemQuery as an iterator.
ItemResultList<I extends BasicItem> Return the results of an ItemQuery as a list.
Job This class represents the execution of a job.
Job.ProgressReporterImpl Implements the ProgressReporter interface and stores the percentage completed for the current job.
JobAgent This class represents a job agent, which is a program running in another virtual machine on the same or a different server.
JobAgentSettings This class contains a job agent's settings for a specific plugin.
Key<D extends KeyData> This is the base class for keys.
Keyring Objects of this class holds information about a user's access permissions, group and role membership.
Label This class represents a labelling compund.
LabeledExtract This class is used to represent labeled extract items.
LogControl Gives information about the current transaction and gives log implementations limited access to the database.
LogUtil Utility class for LOG4J logging.
LongParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a long.
MappingBatcher Batcher class for inserting parent mapping information in the dynamic database.
MeanRawDataPropertyExpression An expression representing the mean value of property of a raw data spot.
MeasuredBioMaterial<D extends MeasuredBioMaterialData> This class is the base class for measured biomaterial items.
Message This class represents a message.
Metadata<C> Utility methods for retreiving metadata about items.
Metadata.BasicData2ItemPropertyPath<C extends BasicData,V extends BasicItem<C>> Property path implementation that converts a BasicData object to a BasicItem.
Metadata.BasicItem2DataPropertyPath<C extends BasicItem<V>,V extends BasicData> Property path implementation that converts a BasicItem to a BasicData object.
Metadata.CollectionPropertyPath<C> Property path implementation which wraps a collection inside an unmodifiable collection.
Metadata.CombinedPropertyPath<C,V> Property path implementation that combines a list of property paths to create a long chain.
Metadata.ComponentPropertyPath<C,V> Property path implementation which gets a value from a component.
Metadata.DateCopyPropertyPath Property path implementation clones a Date.
Metadata.EntityPropertyPath<C,V> Property path implementation which gets a value from an entity.
Metadata.EvictPropertyPath<C> Property path implementation that evicts the selected item from the Hibernate first-level cache.
Metadata.IdentifierPropertyPath Property path implementation which gets the id from an entity.
Metadata.MapPropertyPath Property path implementation which wraps a map inside an unmodifiable map.
Metadata.NoopPropertyPath<C> Property path implementation that does nothing.
Metadata.ReporterScore2DataPropertyPath Property path implementation that converts a ReporterScore to a ReporterListScoreData object.
MimeType This class is used to represent mime types.
MultiPermissions This is a helper class that is very useful when you have a collection of Shareable items and want to modify some permissions on all of them without affecting the rest of the permissions.
NameableUtil Utility methods that will make it easier to implement the Nameable interface, including data validation.
News This class represents news items.
OwnableUtil Utility methods that will make it easier to implement the Ownable interface, including data validation.
OwnedItem<D extends OwnedData> This class inherits from the BasicItem class and implements the Ownable interface.
ParameterInfo Get information about a plugin configuration or parameter.
ParameterType<T> This is the base class for all parameter types.
ParameterValuesImpl An implementation of the ParameterValues interface that lets a plugin write the job's configuration.
Path This class is used represent the path to a Directory or File item.
PathParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a path to either a directory or a file.
PermissionTemplate A permission template with permissions to users, groups and projects.
Plate This class is represents physical plates.
PlateEvent This class represents an event in the life of a Plate.
PlateEventType This class is used together with the PlateType class to define event types for plates.
PlateGeometry This class defines a plate geometry, which is the number of rows and columns of wells on a Plate.
PlateMapping This class represents a mapping from one plate geometry to another.
PlateType This class represents plate types, which is a name, description, geometry and a list of event types.
Platform This class is used to represent an experimental platform in BASE.
PlatformFileType This class represents a specific DataFileType that is part of a platform.
PlatformVariant Represents variants of a Platform.
PluginConfiguration This class is used to configure a plugin.
PluginConfigurationRequest Configures a plugin or job.
PluginDefinition A plugin definition represents the executable plugin.
PluginExecutionRequest Executes a job.
PluginParameter<T> Contains information about a single parameter that the plugin needs for a request.
PluginRequest<P extends Plugin> Configures or executes a plugin.
PluginResponse Get the response from a configuration step or execution of a plugin.
PluginSessionControl This is a special session control implementation that is used for executing plugins that prevents them from logging in or out.
PositionBatcher Batcher class for per-position data in the dynamic database.
PositionExtraValueBatcher<I> Batcher class for per-position extra values.
PredefinedQuery This class is used for reading XML files with information about predefined queries.
Presets This is a generic class for handling named presets consisting of multiple key/value pairs.
Presets.Preset Represents a single preset.
Project This class is used to represent projects.
Project.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return projects where the logged in user is a member or owner unless the logged in user has generic read permission.
ProjectKey This class is used to get information about which projects a Shareable item has been shared to.
ProjectPermissions This class is used to specify permissions to share an item to projects.
PropertyFilter Used to store filter settings in the current context.
Protocol This class is used to represent individual protocol items and information about them.
ProtocolType This class is used to represent the type of the Protocol items in BASE.
Quantity This class is used to represent a quantity for specifying units to annotations.
QueryExecutor Utility class for executing SQL and Hibernate queries.
QueryExecutor.CancelableSession Cancels the query running in a Hibernate session.
QueryExecutor.CancelableStatelessSession Cancels a query running in a stateless Hibernate session.
QueryExecutor.CancelableStatement Cancels a statement by calling Statement.cancel().
QueryExecutor.FutureResultSet A callable implementation the calls PreparedStatement.executeQuery()
QueryExecutor.FutureScrollIterator<T> Calls Query.scroll(ScrollMode) and returns the result as a ScrollIterator.
QueryExecutor.FutureUpdate A callable implementation the calls PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory This is a factory class for QueryRuntimeFilter implementations.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.AnnotatableFilter A required filter for Annotatable items.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.BasicFilter An optional default filter for BasicItem:s that are not Ownable or Shareable.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.ChainedFilter Chains one or more filters into a single filter.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.ChildFilter An optional filter that can be used by BasicItem:s to replace the QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.BasicFilter.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.DenyAllFilter A required filter for all items, which checks if the logged in user has been "granted" the Permission.DENIED permission for a specific item type.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.OwnableFilter An optional default filter for Ownable items that are not Shareable.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.RemovableFilter A required filter for Removable items.
QueryRuntimeFilterFactory.ShareableFilter An optional default filter for Shareable items.
QueryRuntimeFilterManager This class manages the enabling/disabling of QueryRuntimeFilter:s.
Quota This class is used to represent disk quota settings for users and groups.
Quota.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return the quota assigned to the logged in user unless the logged in user has generic read permission.
QuotaType This class represents the different types a quota can have.
RawBioAssay A rawbioassay represents the raw data generated from a single Scan.
RawDataBatcher Batcher class for raw data.
RawDataProperty Holds information about an extended property for raw data.
RawDataPropertyExpression An expression representing the property of a raw data spot.
RawDataType This class holds information about a raw data type.
RawDataTypes This class is used for reading the XML configuration file with information about raw data types.
RawDataTypes.NameComparator Comparator implementation that sorts raw data types according to their name.
RawDataUtil Utiltity class for getting and setting non-public properties of raw data objects.
RealJoin Represents a join from one virtual table in the dynamic database to a table in the regular database.
RealTable This class defines constants that are used to specify a table in the regular (non-dynamic) database while doing analysis with dynamic queries.
Reporter This is an utilitiy class for reporters.
ReporterBatcher Batcher class for reporters.
ReporterListJoin Represents a join to a reporter list in a dynamic query: leftTable JOIN ReporterListScores ON ...
ReporterPropertyExpression An expression representing the property of a reporter.
ReporterScore Get information about the reporters and their score in a reporter list.
ReporterScoreQuery This is a temporary solution to query against the reporter list's score.
ReporterScoreResultIterator This is a temporary solution for returning reporter list scores as an iterator.
ReporterType This class holds reporter type information.
RequestInformation Get information about the parameters the plugin needs for a particular request.
Role This class is used to represent roles.
Role.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return roles where the logged in user is a member unless the logged in user has generic read permission.
RoleKey This class is used to represent a role key.
Sample This class is used to represent sample items.
Scan A scan represents the scanning of a Hybridization by some scanner.
ScrollIterator<E> This is an iterator view of the result from a query using the Hibernate ScrollableResults object.
Session A session represents the time between login and logout for a single user.
SessionControl This class handles user sessions.
SessionControl.LoginInfo Internal class to hold information about the logged in user.
SessionControl.SettingInfo Internal class to hold information about a setting
Setting<D extends SettingData> This is the base class for all setting items.
ShareableUtil Utility methods that will make it easier to implement the Shareable interface, including data validation.
SharedItem<D extends SharedData> This class inherits from the OwnedItem class and implements the Shareable interface.
SimpleAbsoluteProgressReporter This is a simple implementation of the AbsoluteProgressReporter interface, which simply remembers that last values.
SimpleProgressReporter This is a simple implementation of the ProgressReporter interface, which simply remembers that last values.
Software This class is used to represent individual software items and information about them.
SoftwareType This class is used to represent the type of Software items in BASE.
SpotBatcher Batcher class for per-spot intensity values for bioassaysets.
SpotExtraValueBatcher<I> Batcher class for per-spot extra values.
SpotImage Holds the image information about a single spot image in PNG format.
SpotImages Holds settings for creating small spot iamges from 1-3 image files and the raw data information for a single raw bioassay.
StringParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a string.
StringUtil Utility methods that will make it easier to implement data validation for string attributes.
SystemItems This class is used to map the system id of all SystemData items to the numerical internal id in the current installation.
TimestampParameterType This class represent a parameter type that is a timestamp.
Transformation A transformation represents an analysis step for an Experiment.
Trashcan This class contains functionality to manage items that have been marked for deletion.
Unit This class is used to represent a specific unit that can be used with annotations.
Update This class contains static methods used to update items already in the database.
User This class is used to represent a user in BASE.
User.QueryRuntimeFilterImpl A runtime filter implementation that limits a query to only return users which are members of at least one group where the logged in user is also a member unless the logged in user has generic read permission.
UserClientSetting This class is used to represent a setting valid for a specific user using a specific client application.
UserDefaultSetting This class is used to represent a setting valid for a specific user using any client application.
UserPermissions This class is used to specify permissions to share an item to users.
Values Utility class to handle the conversion between data objects and item objects.
Version Get information about the BASE version.
VirtualColumn This class is used to define columns in the virtual tables in the dynamic part of the database that are storing analysed data.
VirtualDb A virtual database represents the set of tables in the dynamic database used by a single experiment to store it's analysed data.
Well A well is located on a Plate and contains a ReporterData.

Enum Summary
BioMaterialEvent.Type The type of the event.
BioWell.LockMode The lock mode for a well is determined by the plate's bio plate type.
ExtraValue.CoordinateType Defines which coordinates in the data cube the extra values are attached to.
FeatureIdentificationMethod This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify which method to use for identifying features on an array design.
File.Action A fileaction describes if a file should be moved to secondary storage or brought back from it.
Formula.AverageMethod The average method used for the values of this formula.
Formula.Parser The parser used to parse the formula.
Formula.Type The type of formula indicats in which situations it can be used.
Image.Format This enumeration is used to indicate the type of image.
Include This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify which items to include in a query.
IntensityTransform Gives information in what way spot intensities has been transformed before they were stored in the database.
Item This class defines constants for various items in BASE.
ItemContext.SortDirection Enumeration used to specify the sort direction.
Job.ExecutionTime A rough estimate of the execution time of a job.
Job.Status The status of a job.
Job.Type The type of job.
Location This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify different file storage locations.
Path.Type An enum that describes what type the path is
Permission This enumeration defined constants for permissions.
Transactional.Action Enumeration constants used to tell the item what is going on in the core.
Type This class defines constants for supported value types in BASE.
VirtualTable This enumeration defines constants that are used to specify different virtual tables in the dynamic part of the database used for analysis.

Exception Summary
AccountExpiredException This exception is thrown if you try to log in with an account that has expired.
AlreadyLoggedInException This exception is thrown if you try to log in but are already logged in.
BaseException This is the base class for exceptions in BASE.
ConfigurationException This exception is thrown by the Config class if there is a problem with finding or loading the configuration settings.
ConnectionClosedException This exception is thrown when trying to use a DbControl object that has been closed.
DatabaseException Exceptions of this type are thrown when there is an error from the database.
DateFormatException This exception is thrown when parsing a string into a date failed.
DetachedItemException This exception is thrown when trying to use an item that has been detached from the DbControl that manages it.
DisallowedValueException Exception that is thrown when a value is not found among a set of allowed values, for example, when setting an annotation value.
InvalidDataException Exceptions of this type are thrown when invalid data is encountered.
InvalidPasswordException Exceptions of this type are thrown when user tries to log in, but the password is incorrect.
InvalidPathException This exception is thrown when BASE is trying to parse a path which is invalid.
InvalidRelationException Exceptions of this type are thrown when a DataFileValidator has detected that a related file is invalid.
InvalidUseOfNullException This exception is thrown when an object field or a parameter that mustn't be null is set to null.
ItemAlreadyExistsException This exception is thrown when trying to save an object and another object with the same ID already exists.
ItemInUseException This exception is thrown when trying delete an item that is used (reference to) by some other item or items.
ItemModifiedException This exception is thrown when trying to save an item to the database that has been updated (or deleted) by another process in the meantime.
ItemNotFoundException This exception is thrown when trying to load an item from the database that does not exist.
NotLoggedInException This exception is thrown if you try to perform a function that requires a user to be logged in without beeing logged in.
NumberOutOfRangeException This exception is thrown when an item's field or a parameter that only accepts numeric values within a certain range are passed a value outside that range.
ParameterException This exception is thrown by classes that uses the parameter system, ParameterType and ParameterValueData.
PermissionDeniedException This exception is thrown when trying to load or manipulate an item in the database and you don't have the required permission.
QuotaException This exception is thrown to signal that the user's quota has been exceeded and that an DiskConsumable item cannot be saved.
StringTooLongException This exception is thrown when an item's field or a parameter which must be shorter than a specified length exceeds that length.
UnsavedItemException This exception is thrown when trying to use an item that has not been saved to the database in places where this is required.
UnsupportedFileFormatException Thrown when an import plug-in is forced to use a file that is not of the correct format.

Package net.sf.basedb.core Description

This package contains the core business logic of BASE.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17