2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Class DataQuery<I extends BasicData>

  extended by net.sf.basedb.core.AbstractQuery
      extended by net.sf.basedb.core.AbstractHqlQuery
          extended by net.sf.basedb.core.AbstractEntityQuery
              extended by net.sf.basedb.core.DataQuery<I>
All Implemented Interfaces:
EntityQuery, HqlQuery, Query

public class DataQuery<I extends BasicData>
extends AbstractEntityQuery

An implementation of the Query interface that returns data objects. This type of query is only used for batchable items, like reporters and raw data.

Last modified
$Date: 2009-04-06 14:52:39 +0200 (Mon, 06 Apr 2009) $

Field Summary
private  Class<I> dataClass
          The class of the data objects that are returned.
Constructor Summary
DataQuery(Class<I> dataClass, Item rootType, String rootName, String select)
          Create a query that may have different return type and root entity.
DataQuery(Class<I> dataClass, String entityName)
          Create a new query for the specified item, using the default optional runtime filter.
DataQuery(Class<I> dataClass, String entityName, QueryRuntimeFilter optionalFilter)
          Create a new query for the specified item, using a non-default optional runtime filter.
Method Summary
 DataResultIterator<I> iterate(DbControl dc)
          Execute the query and return the results as an iterator.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.basedb.core.AbstractEntityQuery
count, disableFilters, enableFilters, exclude, exclude, getItemPermission, getItemType, getQueryType, getRootType, group, groupPermanent, having, havingPermanent, include, include, isIncluded, isIncluded, select, selectPermanent, setAutoJoinType, setIncludes, setItemPermission
Methods inherited from class net.sf.basedb.core.AbstractHqlQuery
getCountHqlQuery, getMainHqlQuery, getRootAlias, isCachingResult, isReadonly, isStateless, postProcessQuery, reset, setCacheResult, setEntityParameter, setPermanentEntityParameter
Methods inherited from class net.sf.basedb.core.AbstractQuery
addAutoJoiner, getCountQuery, getFirstResult, getMainQuery, getMaxResults, getParameterNames, getParameters, getParameterType, getParameterValue, getPermanentSelects, getQueryParameter, getQuerySection, getSelects, hasParameterValue, isCounting, isDistinct, isReturningTotalCount, join, joinPermanent, order, orderPermanent, resetTemporary, restrict, restrictPermanent, setCounting, setDistinct, setFirstResult, setMaxResults, setParameter, setPermanentParameter, setReturnTotalCount, temporaryJoin, temporarySelect, toQl, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.basedb.core.query.HqlQuery
isCachingResult, setCacheResult, setEntityParameter, setPermanentEntityParameter
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.basedb.core.query.Query
addAutoJoiner, getFirstResult, getMaxResults, getParameterNames, getQueryParameter, getQuerySection, getRootAlias, hasParameterValue, isCounting, isDistinct, isReadonly, isReturningTotalCount, join, joinPermanent, order, orderPermanent, reset, restrict, restrictPermanent, setDistinct, setFirstResult, setMaxResults, setParameter, setPermanentParameter, setReturnTotalCount, toQl

Field Detail


private final Class<I extends BasicData> dataClass
The class of the data objects that are returned.

Constructor Detail


DataQuery(Class<I> dataClass,
          String entityName)
Create a new query for the specified item, using the default optional runtime filter.

dataClass - The class of the data objects that are returned


DataQuery(Class<I> dataClass,
          Item rootType,
          String rootName,
          String select)
Create a query that may have different return type and root entity. For example, to return reporters from a query rooted at features: new DataQuery(ReporterData.class, Item.FEATURE, null, "reporter"). This will be translated to something like (in HQL): SELECT ftr.reporter FROM FeatureData ftr ...

dataClass - The class of the data objects that are returned
rootType - The root item type of the query
rootName - The root enitity name, or null to use the class name of the root type
select - The HQL property that we should select on the root type to get to the return type


DataQuery(Class<I> dataClass,
          String entityName,
          QueryRuntimeFilter optionalFilter)
Create a new query for the specified item, using a non-default optional runtime filter.

dataClass - The class of the data objects that are returned
optionalFilter - A runtime filter replacing the default optional filter or null to not use any optional filter
Method Detail


public DataResultIterator<I> iterate(DbControl dc)
                                                throws BaseException
Execute the query and return the results as an iterator.

dc - The DbControl used to access the database and check permissions
BaseException - If there is an error

2.17.2: 2011-06-17