Class TabControl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DynamicAttributes, IterationTag, JspTag, Tag, DynamicActionAttributes, Renderer<TabAction>

public class TabControl extends StylableTag implements Renderer<TabAction>
This is the main tag for the tab control. It must always be present as the outermost tag. Use one or more Tab tags to define each tab inside the tabcontrol.


Tag attributes
Attribute Default value Required Description
id - yes The ID of the tab control. The value of this attribute goes directly into the standard id attribute. This means that if you need a reference to the tab control object in your own JavaScript code, you may for example use the following code:

tabcontrol = document.getElementById('<id>');

clazz tabcontrol no The value if this attribute goes directly into the standard HTML class attribute. This allows you to apply different styles to different tables.
subclass - no Additional classes to put in the HTML class attribute. Doesn't replace the main class attribute.
style - no The value if this attribute goes directly into the standard HTML style attribute. This allows you to apply different styles to different tabcontrols.
contentstyle - no The value if this attribute goes directly into the standard HTML style attribute for the content section. This allows you to apply different styles to different tabcontrols.
active - no The id of the tab that should be active to begin with. If no value is specified the first tab is automatically made active.
position top no The position of the tabs in relation to the content. The default value is to display the tabs at the top. The only other allowed value is bottom.
notabs false no If the tabcontrol should display tabs or not. If false the tab control will not output any HTML except the contents of the active tab.
extensions - no An ExtensionsInvoker for TabAction extensions. All actions will be rendered by this tabcontrol after all the normally defined tags have been rendered. Since BASE 2.17.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      private static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:
    • contentStyle

      private String contentStyle
      Optional style attribute for the content section
    • active

      private String active
      The ID attribute of the active tab.
    • position

      private int position
      The position of the tabs.
    • remember

      private boolean remember
      If it should try to remember the last active tab on the page
    • noTabs

      private boolean noTabs
      If the tabs should be displayed or not.
    • extensions

      private ExtensionsInvoker<TabAction> extensions
    • initialTab

      private String initialTab
      The ID of the tab that is initially active.
    • numTabs

      private int numTabs
      The number of tabs.
    • tabs

      private StringBuilder tabs
      The HTML for the tabs.
    • content

      private StringBuilder content
      The HTML for the contents of the tabs.
    • TOP

      public static final int TOP
      Tabs are at the top of the tab control.
      See Also:
    • BOTTOM

      public static final int BOTTOM
      Tabs are at the bottom of the tab control.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TabControl

      public TabControl()
  • Method Details