All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FixedTabFactory, IncludeContentTabFactory.Tab, Tab, TabBean

public interface TabAction extends Action
Action that inserts a new tab in a tabcontrol.
Last modified
$Date: 2020-03-02 09:10:33 +0100 (mån, 02 mars 2020) $
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Class attribute of the main tab tag.
    Get the (HTML) contents of the tab.
    The external id of a help text that the user can display to get more information about how to use the information in this tab.
    ID attribute of the main tab tag.
    Extra CSS style attributes that will be added to the style attribute of the main tab tag.
    Get the tab index used to control focus order when tabbing.
    Get the title of the tab.
    A tooltip that is shown as a yellow popup when the user points the mouse at the tab.
    If the tab should be visible or not.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      ID attribute of the main tab tag. You need to set this value to reference the tab in a javascript.
      The ID, or null
    • getClazz

      String getClazz()
      Class attribute of the main tab tag.
      Class attribute, or null to not add any class attribute
    • getStyle

      String getStyle()
      Extra CSS style attributes that will be added to the style attribute of the main tab tag.
      Style attributes, or null
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Get the title of the tab.
    • getTooltip

      String getTooltip()
      A tooltip that is shown as a yellow popup when the user points the mouse at the tab.
      The tooltip or null to not display any tooltip
    • getHelpId

      String getHelpId()
      The external id of a help text that the user can display to get more information about how to use the information in this tab. See Help.getExternalId().
      The help id or null to not display any help
    • isVisible

      boolean isVisible()
      If the tab should be visible or not.
    • getContent

      String getContent()
      Get the (HTML) contents of the tab.
    • getTabIndex

      int getTabIndex()
      Get the tab index used to control focus order when tabbing. Use -1 to disable.