Class AnyToAnyImporter

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoDetectingImporter, InteractivePlugin, Plugin, SignalTarget, ConfigureByExample

public class AnyToAnyImporter extends AbstractFlatFileImporter implements InteractivePlugin, ConfigureByExample
Plug-in for importing any-to-any links from simple text files. The plug-in supports all files that can be parsed with the FlatFileParser class. This plug-in works without a configuration but can use a configuration to store regular expressions and other settings for the flat file parser. In both cases, the job configuration is a two-step process:
  1. Setup regular expressions and other options for the flat file parser. If a configuration is used all values should already be filled in. In this step a file to import from must also be selected.
  2. Setup error handling options and other settings for the plug-in.
  • Field Details

    • guiContexts

      private static volatile Set<GuiContext> guiContexts

      private static final String CONFIGURE_OPTIONS
      See Also:
    • optionalColumnMapping

      private static final StringParameterType optionalColumnMapping
    • requiredColumnMapping

      private static final StringParameterType requiredColumnMapping
    • optionalBooleanType

      private static final BooleanParameterType optionalBooleanType
    • identificationSection

      private static final PluginParameter<String> identificationSection
    • idColumnMapping

      private static final PluginParameter<String> idColumnMapping
    • linkNameColumnMapping

      private static final PluginParameter<String> linkNameColumnMapping
    • targetItemTypeColumnMapping

      private static final PluginParameter<String> targetItemTypeColumnMapping
    • targetItemIdColumnMapping

      private static final PluginParameter<String> targetItemIdColumnMapping
    • linkDescriptionColumnMapping

      protected static final PluginParameter<String> linkDescriptionColumnMapping
    • itemNotFoundErrorParameter

      private static final PluginParameter<String> itemNotFoundErrorParameter
    • multipleItemsFoundErrorParameter

      private static final PluginParameter<String> multipleItemsFoundErrorParameter
    • targetNotFoundErrorParameter

      private static final PluginParameter<String> targetNotFoundErrorParameter
    • multipleTargetsFoundErrorParameter

      private static final PluginParameter<String> multipleTargetsFoundErrorParameter
    • noWritePermissionToItemErrorParameter

      private static final PluginParameter<String> noWritePermissionToItemErrorParameter
    • noUsePermissionToTargetErrorParameter

      private static final PluginParameter<String> noUsePermissionToTargetErrorParameter
    • dc

      private DbControl dc
    • activeProject

      private Project activeProject
    • ffp

      private FlatFileParser ffp
    • itemType

      private Item itemType
    • idMethod

      private IdMethod idMethod
    • createMode

      private boolean createMode
    • updateMode

      private boolean updateMode
    • removeMode

      private boolean removeMode
    • includes

      private Set<Include> includes
    • itemQuery

      private ItemQuery<?> itemQuery
    • itemList

      private ItemList itemList
    • targetItemQueries

      private Map<Item,ItemQuery<?>> targetItemQueries
    • idMapper

      private Mapper idMapper
    • linkNameMapper

      private Mapper linkNameMapper
    • targetTypeMapper

      private Mapper targetTypeMapper
    • targetIdMapper

      private Mapper targetIdMapper
    • descriptionMapper

      private Mapper descriptionMapper
    • dryRun

      private boolean dryRun
    • failIfNotFoundSource

      private boolean failIfNotFoundSource
    • failIfMultipleSourceItems

      private boolean failIfMultipleSourceItems
    • failIfNotFoundTarget

      private boolean failIfNotFoundTarget
    • failIfMultipleFoundTargets

      private boolean failIfMultipleFoundTargets
    • failIfNoWritePermissionToSource

      private boolean failIfNoWritePermissionToSource
    • failIfNoUsePermissionToTarget

      private boolean failIfNoUsePermissionToTarget
    • numCreated

      private int numCreated
    • numUpdated

      private int numUpdated
    • numRemoved

      private int numRemoved
    • numSkipped

      private int numSkipped
    • configureParser

      private RequestInformation configureParser
    • configureOptions

      private RequestInformation configureOptions
  • Constructor Details

    • AnyToAnyImporter

      public AnyToAnyImporter()
  • Method Details