Class PluginParameter<T>

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PluginParameter<T> extends Object
Contains information about a single parameter that the plugin needs for a request.
See Also:
Last modified
  • Field Details

    • hidden

      public final boolean hidden
      If the parameter should be hidden from user input or not. The parameter value will then be the default value.
    • name

      private final String name
      The name of the parameter that the plugin use to identify the value with.
    • label

      private final String label
      A short label used by the client application as in the GUI.
    • description

      private final String description
      A longer help text explaining what the particular parameter is needed for.
    • defaultValue

      private final T defaultValue
      A default value that overrides the default set by the parameter type.
    • type

      private final ParameterType<T> type
      Information of the parameter type.
  • Constructor Details

    • PluginParameter

      public PluginParameter(String name, String label, String description, ParameterType<T> type)
      Constructor that sets all members except the default value. The default value is taken from the parameter types default value.
      name - The name of the parameter, null is allowed for section headers
      label - Label that can be used in the GUI for the parameter, or null to create a hidden parameter
      description - A help text explaining what the parameter is used for
      type - The parameter type, or null to create a section header
    • PluginParameter

      public PluginParameter(String name, String label, String description, T defaultValue, ParameterType<T> type)
      Constructor that sets all members. If a default value is specified it override the default value specified by the paramter type.
      name - The name of the parameter, null is allowed for section headers
      label - Label that can be used in the GUI for the parameter, or null to create a hidden parameter
      description - A help text explaining what the parameter is used for
      defaultValue - The default value of the parameter or null to use the default set by the parameter type
      type - The parameter type, or null to create a section header
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isHidden

      public boolean isHidden()
      Check if the parameter is a hidden parameter or not. A hidden parameter should not be displayed for the user. The value should be set to the parameter types default value, ie. getParmeterType().getDefaultValue()
      TRUE if the parameter is hidden, FALSE otherwise
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the parameter name. This is the name of the parameter that the plugin use to identify the value with. This is the name the client application should use when calling PluginRequest.setParameterValue(String, Object).
      The name
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Get the label of the parameter. The label is a short string that a client application should display in the GUI.
      The label
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Get a description of the parameter. The description may be a longer help text explaining why the parameter is needed and what it is for.
      The label
    • getDefaultValue

      public T getDefaultValue()
      Get the default value for this parameter or null if no default has been specified
      The default value
    • getParameterType

      public ParameterType<T> getParameterType()
      Get the parameter type, which tells the client application the data type and allowed values for the parameter.
      A ParameterType object