Class ItemQuery<I extends BasicItem>

All Implemented Interfaces:
EntityQuery, HqlQuery, Query

public class ItemQuery<I extends BasicItem> extends AbstractEntityQuery
An implementation of the Query interface that returns item objects. This type of query is used for all items except those that are batchable, for example reporters and raw data. The result of a query can be returned as a list or an iterator.
Last modified
$Date: 2021-05-07 13:44:50 +0200 (Fri, 07 May 2021) $
  • Field Details

    • itemClass

      private final Class<I extends BasicItem> itemClass
      The class of the item objects that are returned.
    • dataClass

      private final Class<? extends BasicData> dataClass
      The data layer class of the item objects that are returned.
  • Constructor Details

    • ItemQuery

      ItemQuery(Class<I> itemClass)
      Create a new query for the specified item, using the default optional runtime filter.
      itemClass - The class of the item objects that are returned
    • ItemQuery

      ItemQuery(Class<I> itemClass, QueryRuntimeFilter optionalFilter)
      Create a new query for the specified item, using a non-default optional runtime filter.
      itemClass - The class of the item objects that are returned
      optionalFilter - A runtime filter replacing the default optional filter or null to not use any optional filter
  • Method Details