17.8. Hybridizations

17.8.1. Creating hybridizations
17.8.2. Properties
Labeled extracts
Annotations & parameters
Inherited annotations

A hybridization event corresponds to the application of one or more labeled extracts materials to a microarray slide under conditions detailed in hybridization protocols. Use ViewHybridizations to get to the hybridizations.

17.8.1. Creating hybridizations

In BASE, there are two possible routes to create an hybridization object except the common way with the New… button at hybridization list page.

from the labeled extract list view page

Select at least one labeled extract, to create a hybridization from, by ticking the selection boxes before the name field.

Click on the New hybridization… from the toolbar of labeled extract list view.

from a labeled extract single item page

When viewing a label extract in single item view, click on the New hybridization… button from the toolbar of the labeled extract item view.

17.8.2. Properties


Figure 17.7. Hybridization tab

Hybridization tab


New hybridization is the BASE default name but it is strongly advise to provide a meaningful and unique name (required).


The number of sub-arrays on the slide that was used in this hybridization. The default value is 1, but some platforms, for example Illumina, has slides with 6 or 8 arrays. When the array-slide property below is changed this value will be updated automatically to be consistent with the number of sub-arrays on the used array-design.


A date should be provided. The information can be important when running quality controls on data and account for potential confounding factor (e.g. to account for a day effect)


This field is automatically populated with a date at which the hybridization was entered in BASE system.


The hybridization protocol that was used to do the hybridization.


The hybridization-station that was used during the hybridization.

Array slide

The array slide that was used in the hybridization.

[Note] Note

Ideally, The Array Slides should have been created but for those users with permission to do, Array Slides could be generated at that point.


A free text field to report any information that can not be captured otherwise

Labeled extracts

This important tab allows users to select the labeled extracts applied to an array slide, and specify the amount of material used, expressed in microgram.

Use the Add labeled extracts button to add items and the Remove button to remove items. Select one or several labeled extracts in the list and write the used mass and sub-array index in the fields below.

Annotations & parameters

As seen in the biosource and sample sections, this tab allows users to supply further information about the hybridization provided annotation types have been defined or shared to annotate hybridization items.

[Important] Important

In order to use this feature, annotation type must be declared and made available. To learn more about annotation types and how these are set, please refer to Chapter 11, Annotations

Inherited annotations

This tab contains a list of those annotations that are inherited from the labeled extracts. Information about dealing with inherited annotations can be found in Section 11.4.1, “Inheriting annotations from other items” .