2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Class FlatFileParser

  extended by net.sf.basedb.util.parser.FlatFileParser

public class FlatFileParser
extends Object

This class can be used to parse data from flat text files. The text file must follow a few simple rules:


# Example of a parsable file, not actual format of a GenePix file
section info
Type=GenePix Results 1.3
DateTime=2002/09/04 13:59:48
Scanner=GenePix 4000B [83306]

section data
Block   Column  Row     Name    ID
1       1       1       "Ly68_Lymphocyte antigen 68"    "M000205_01"
1       2       1       "Bag1_Bcl2-associated athanogene 1"     "M000209_01"
1       3       1       "Rps16_Ribosomal protein S16"   "M000213_01"
1       4       1       "Col4a1_Procollagen, type IV, alpha 1"  "M000229_01"
1       5       1       "Ace_Angiotensin converting enzyme"     "M000233_01"
1       6       1       "Cd5_CD5 antigen"       "M000237_01"
1       7       1       "Psme1_Protease (prosome, macropain) 28 s"

How to use
The parsing is controlled by regular expressions. Start by creating a new FlatFileParser object. Use the various set methods to provide regular expression used to match the data/headers.

Use the setInputStream(InputStream, String) method to specify a file to parse, and parseHeaders() to start the parsing. Note! Even if you know that the file doesn't contain any headers, you should always call this method since the parser must initialize itself. If there are sections in the file use nextSection() first to control which section you are parsing from.

When the headers have been found use the hasMoreData() and nextData() methods in a loop to read all data from the section.


FlatFileParser ffp = new FlatFileParser();
ffp.setInputStream(FileUtil.getInputStream(path_to_file), Config.getCharset());
for (int i = 0; i < ffp.getLineCount(); i++)
   FlatFileParser.Line line = ffp.getLine(i);
int i = 0;
while (ffp.hasMoreData())
   FlatFileParser.Data data = ffp.nextData();

Mapping column values
With the FlatFileParser.Data object you can only access the data by column index (0-based) and all values are returned as strings. Another approach is to use Mapper:s. A mapper takes a string template and inserts the values of the data columns where you specify. Here are some example:

Row: \row\, Col:\col\
=2 * col('Radius')
The result can be retrieved either as a string or as a numeric value. It is even possible to create expressions that does a calculation on the value before it is returned. See the getMapper(String) method for more information.

Nicklas, Enell
Last modified

Nested Class Summary
static class FlatFileParser.Data
          This class holds data about a line parsed by the hasMoreData() method.
static class FlatFileParser.Line
          This class holds data about a line parsed by the parseHeaders() method.
static class FlatFileParser.LineType
          Represents the type of a line matched or unmatched by the parser.
Field Summary
private  Pattern bofMarker
          The regular expression for matching the beginning-of-file marker
private  String bofType
          The value that was captured by the bofMarker pattern.
private  List<String> columnHeaders
          List of the column names found by splitting the data header using the data splitter regexp.
private  Pattern dataFooter
          The regular expression for matching the data footer line.
private  Pattern dataHeader
          The regular expression for matching the data header line.
private  Pattern dataSplitter
          The regular expression for splitting a data line.
          The default value for the number of unknown lines in a row that may be encountered by the parseHeaders method before it gives up.
private  boolean emptyIsNull
          If null should be returned for empty columns (instead of an empty string).
private static Pattern findColumn
          Pattern used to find column mappings in a string, ie. abc \col\ def
private  Pattern header
          The regular expression for matching a header line.
private  Map<String,String> headers
          Map of header lines parsed by the parseHeaders() method.
private  Pattern ignore
          The regular expression for matching a comment line.
private  int ignoredLines
          Number of ignored lines in the nextData() method.
private  boolean ignoreNonExistingColumns
          If non-existing columns should be ignored (true) or result in an exception (false)
private  boolean keepSkippedLines
          If unknown or ignored lines should be kept.
private  List<FlatFileParser.Line> lines
          List of lines parsed by the parseHeaders() method.
private  int maxDataColumns
          The maximun number of allowed data columns for a line to be considered a data line.
private  int maxUnknownLines
          The maximum number of unkown lines to parse before giving up.
private  int minDataColumns
          The minimun number of allowed data columns for a line to be considered a data line.
private  FlatFileParser.Data nextData
          The next available data line as parsed by the hasMoreData() method.
private  FlatFileParser.Line nextSection
          The line that last matched the section.
private  boolean nullIsNull
          If null should be returned for the string NULL (ignoring case) or not.
private  NumberFormat numberFormat
          The default number formatter to use for creating mappers.
private  long parsedCharacters
          The total number of parsed characters so far.
private  int parsedDataLines
          The number of data lines parsed in the current section so far.
private  int parsedLines
          The total number of lines parsed so far.
private  BufferedReader reader
          Reads from the given input stream
private  Pattern section
          The regular expression for matching the fist line of a section.
private  List<FlatFileParser.Line> skippedLines
          List for keeping ignored and unknown lines in the nextData() method.
private  InputStreamTracker tracker
          For keeping track of the number of bytes parsed.
private  boolean trimQuotes
          If quotes should be trimmed from data values or not.
private  int unknownLines
          Number of unknown lines in the nextData() method.
private  boolean useNullIfException
          If null should be returned if a (numeric) value can't be parsed.
Constructor Summary
          Create a new FlatFileParser object.
Method Summary
private  String convertToNull(String value)
 Integer findColumnHeaderIndex(String regex)
          Find the index of a column header using a regular expression for pattern matching.
 String getBofType()
          Get the value captured by the BOF marker regular expression.
 Integer getColumnHeaderIndex(String name)
          Get the index of a column header with a given name.
 List<String> getColumnHeaders()
          Get all column headers that were found by splitting the line matching the setDataHeaderRegexp(Pattern) pattern using the setDataSplitterRegexp(Pattern) pattern.
 NumberFormat getDefaultNumberFormat()
          Get the default number format.
 String getHeader(String name)
          Get the value of the header with the specified name.
 Set<String> getHeaderNames()
          Get the names of all headers found by the parseHeaders() method.
 int getIgnoredLines()
          Get the number of lines that the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData() ignored because they matched the ignore regular expression.
 FlatFileParser.Line getLine(int index)
          Get the line with the specified number.
 int getLineCount()
          Get the number of lines that the parseHeaders() method parsed.
 List<FlatFileParser.Line> getLines()
          Get the lines read by parseHeaders().
 Mapper getMapper(String expression)
          Get a mapper using the default number format.
 Mapper getMapper(String expression, boolean nullIfException)
          Get a mapper using the default number format.
 Mapper getMapper(String expression, NumberFormat numberFormat)
          Get a mapper using a specific number format.
 Mapper getMapper(String expression, NumberFormat numberFormat, boolean nullIfException)
          Create a mapper object that maps an expression string to a value.
 int getNumSkippedLines()
          Get the number of lines that the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData() ignored because they matched the ignore regular expression or couldn't be interpreted as data lines.
 long getParsedBytes()
          Get the number of parsed bytes so far.
 long getParsedCharacters()
          Get the number of parsed characters so far.
 int getParsedDataLines()
          Get the number of parsed data lines so far in the current section.
 int getParsedLines()
          Get the number of parsed lines so far.
 List<FlatFileParser.Line> getSkippedLines()
          Get lines that was skipped during the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData().
 int getUnknownLines()
          Get the number of lines that the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData() ignored because they couldn't be interpreted as data lines.
 boolean hasMoreData()
          Check if the input stream contains more data.
 boolean hasMoreSections()
          Check if the input stream contains more sections.
 FlatFileParser.Data nextData()
          Get the next available data.
 FlatFileParser.Line nextSection()
          Get the next line that matches the section regular expression.
 FlatFileParser.LineType parseHeaders()
          Start parsing the input stream.
 boolean parseToBof()
          Parse the file until the beginning-of-file marker is found.
 void setBofMarkerRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that maches a beginning-of-file marker.
 void setDataFooterRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that can be matched against a data footer.
 void setDataHeaderRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that can be matched against the data header.
 void setDataSplitterRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that is used to split a data line into columns.
 void setDefaultNumberFormat(NumberFormat numberFormat)
          Set the default number format to use when creating mappers.
 void setHeaderRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that can be matched against a header.
 void setIgnoreNonExistingColumns(boolean ignoreNonExistingColumns)
          Specify if trying to create a mapper with one of the getMapper(String) methods for an expression which references a non-existing column should result in an exception or be ignored.
 void setIgnoreRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that is used to match a line that should be ignored.
 void setInputStream(InputStream in)
          Deprecated. Use setInputStream(InputStream, String) instead
 void setInputStream(InputStream in, String charsetName)
          Set the input stream that will be parsed.
 void setKeepSkippedLines(boolean keep)
          If the nextData() and hasMoreData() methods should keep information of lines that was skipped because they matched the ignore pattern or could be interpreted as data lines.
 void setMaxDataColumns(int columns)
          Set the maximum number of columns a data line can contain in order for it to be counted as a data line.
 void setMaxUnknownLines(int lines)
          The number of unknown lines in a row that can be parsed by the parseHeaders method before it gives up.
 void setMinDataColumns(int columns)
          Set the minimum number of columns a data line must contain in order for it to be counted as a data line.
 void setSectionRegexp(Pattern regexp)
          Set a regular expression that can be matched against the section line.
 void setTrimQuotes(boolean trimQuotes)
          Set if quotes around each data value should be removed or not.
 void setUseNullIfEmpty(boolean emptyIsNull)
          Specify if null values should be returned instead of empty strings for columns that doesn't contain any value.
 void setUseNullIfException(boolean useNullIfException)
          Specify if null should be returned if a (numeric) value can't be parsed.
 void setUseNullIfNull(boolean nullIsNull)
          Specify if null values should be returned for strings having the value "NULL" (ignoring case).
 String[] trimQuotes(String[] columns)
          Remove enclosing quotes (" or ') around all columns.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UNKNOWN_LINES
The default value for the number of unknown lines in a row that may be encountered by the parseHeaders method before it gives up.

See Also:
setMaxUnknownLines, Constant Field Values


private static final Pattern findColumn
Pattern used to find column mappings in a string, ie. abc \col\ def


private BufferedReader reader
Reads from the given input stream


private InputStreamTracker tracker
For keeping track of the number of bytes parsed.


private Pattern bofMarker
The regular expression for matching the beginning-of-file marker


private Pattern header
The regular expression for matching a header line.


private Pattern section
The regular expression for matching the fist line of a section. The expression must have one capturing group.


private Pattern dataHeader
The regular expression for matching the data header line. The expression must have two capturing groups.


private Pattern dataSplitter
The regular expression for splitting a data line.


private boolean trimQuotes
If quotes should be trimmed from data values or not. Default true. Quotes are double or single quotes.


private Pattern dataFooter
The regular expression for matching the data footer line.


private int minDataColumns
The minimun number of allowed data columns for a line to be considered a data line.


private int maxDataColumns
The maximun number of allowed data columns for a line to be considered a data line.


private Pattern ignore
The regular expression for matching a comment line.


private int maxUnknownLines
The maximum number of unkown lines to parse before giving up.


private boolean emptyIsNull
If null should be returned for empty columns (instead of an empty string).


private boolean useNullIfException
If null should be returned if a (numeric) value can't be parsed.


private boolean ignoreNonExistingColumns
If non-existing columns should be ignored (true) or result in an exception (false)


private boolean nullIsNull
If null should be returned for the string NULL (ignoring case) or not.


private NumberFormat numberFormat
The default number formatter to use for creating mappers.


private String bofType
The value that was captured by the bofMarker pattern.


private List<FlatFileParser.Line> lines
List of lines parsed by the parseHeaders() method.


private int parsedLines
The total number of lines parsed so far.


private long parsedCharacters
The total number of parsed characters so far.


private int parsedDataLines
The number of data lines parsed in the current section so far. This value is reset at each new section.


private Map<String,String> headers
Map of header lines parsed by the parseHeaders() method. The map contains name -> value pairs


private List<String> columnHeaders
List of the column names found by splitting the data header using the data splitter regexp.


private FlatFileParser.Line nextSection
The line that last matched the section.


private FlatFileParser.Data nextData
The next available data line as parsed by the hasMoreData() method.


private int ignoredLines
Number of ignored lines in the nextData() method.


private int unknownLines
Number of unknown lines in the nextData() method.


private boolean keepSkippedLines
If unknown or ignored lines should be kept.

See Also:


private List<FlatFileParser.Line> skippedLines
List for keeping ignored and unknown lines in the nextData() method.

Constructor Detail


public FlatFileParser()
Create a new FlatFileParser object.

Method Detail


public void setBofMarkerRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that maches a beginning-of-file marker. This property should be set before starting to parse the file (otherwise it is ignored). The first method call that causes the parsing to be started will invoke parseToBof() (can also be invoked manually).

The regular expression may contain a single capturing group. The matched value is returned by getBofType().

regexp - A regular expression


public void setHeaderRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that can be matched against a header. The regular expression must contain two capturing groups, the first should capture the name and the second the value of the header. For example, the file contains headers like:
"Type=GenePix Results 1.3"
"DateTime=2002/09/04 13:59:48"
To match this we can use the following regular expression: "(.*)=(.*)".

regexp - A regular expression


public void setSectionRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that can be matched against the section line. For example, the file contains a section like:
To match this we can use the following regular expression: section (.*). This will match to anything that starts with "section ". The section name will be in the capturing group.

regexp - A regular expression


public void setDataHeaderRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that can be matched against the data header. For example, the file contains a data header like:
"Block"{tab}"Column"{tab}"Row"{tab}"Name"{tab}"ID" ...and so on
To match this we can use the following regular expression: "(.*?)"(\t"(.*?)"). This will match to anything that has at least two columns. We could also be more specific and use: "Block"\t"Column"\t"Row"\t"Name"\t"ID"...

regexp - A regular expression


public void setDataSplitterRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that is used to split a data line into columns. To split on tabs we use: \t. This regular expression is also used to split the data header line into column names, which can then be used in the getMapper(String) method.

regexp - A regular expression
See Also:
setMinDataColumns, setMaxDataColumns


public void setTrimQuotes(boolean trimQuotes)
Set if quotes around each data value should be removed or not. A quote is either a double quote (") or a single quote ('). The default setting of this option is true.

trimQuotes - TRUE to remove quotes, FALSE to keep them


public void setMinDataColumns(int columns)
Set the minimum number of columns a data line must contain in order for it to be counted as a data line.

columns - The minimum number of columns


public void setMaxDataColumns(int columns)
Set the maximum number of columns a data line can contain in order for it to be counted as a data line.

columns - The maximum number of columns, or 0 for an unlimited number, or -1 to disable counting the number of columns


public void setDataFooterRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that can be matched against a data footer. If a line matching this pattern is found while looking for data with the hasMoreData method it will exit and no more data will be returned.

regexp - A regular expression


public void setIgnoreRegexp(Pattern regexp)
Set a regular expression that is used to match a line that should be ignored. For example, the file may contain comments starting with a #: \#.*

regexp - A regular expression


public void setMaxUnknownLines(int lines)
The number of unknown lines in a row that can be parsed by the parseHeaders method before it gives up. The default value is specified by {#link #DEFAULT_MAX_UNKNOWN_LINES}. This value is ignored while parsing data.

lines - The number of lines


public void setUseNullIfEmpty(boolean emptyIsNull)
Specify if null values should be returned instead of empty strings for columns that doesn't contain any value.

emptyIsNull - TRUE to return null, FALSE to return an empty string


public void setUseNullIfNull(boolean nullIsNull)
Specify if null values should be returned for strings having the value "NULL" (ignoring case).

nullIsNull - TRUE to return null, FALSE to return the original string value


public void setKeepSkippedLines(boolean keep)
If the nextData() and hasMoreData() methods should keep information of lines that was skipped because they matched the ignore pattern or could be interpreted as data lines. The default is FALSE. The number of lines that was skipped is always available regardless of this setting.

keep - TRUE to keep line information, FALSE to not
See Also:
getSkippedLines(), getIgnoredLines(), getUnknownLines(), getNumSkippedLines()


public void setInputStream(InputStream in)
Deprecated. Use setInputStream(InputStream, String) instead


public void setInputStream(InputStream in,
                           String charsetName)
Set the input stream that will be parsed.

in - The InputStream
charsetName - The name of the character set to use when parsing the file, or null to use the default charset specified by Config.getCharset()


public boolean parseToBof()
                   throws IOException
Parse the file until the beginning-of-file marker is found. If no regular expression has been set with setBofMarkerRegexp(Pattern) or if the parsing of the file has already started, this method call is ignored.

TRUE if this call resulted in parsing and the BOF marker was found, FALSE otherwise


public String getBofType()
Get the value captured by the BOF marker regular expression. If no capturing groups was specified in the pattern this value is the string that matched the entire pattern.

The matched value, or null if BOF matching has not been done


public FlatFileParser.LineType parseHeaders()
                                     throws IOException
Start parsing the input stream. The parser will read a single line at a time. Each line is checked in the following order:
  1. Does it match the section regular expression?
  2. Does it match the header regular expression?
  3. Does it match the data header regular expression?
  4. Does it match the comment regular expression?
  5. Can it be split by the data regular expression into the appropriate number of columns?
The first expression that matches stops the processing of that line. If the line matched a header or comment the parser continues with the next line. If the line matched the data header or data, the method returns. If none of the above is true the line is recorded as FlatFileParser.LineType.UNKNOWN and processing is continued with the next line. If too many unkown lines in a row has been found the method also returns. This should be considered as a failure to parse the specified file.

The method returns the type of the last line that was parsed as follows:

The FlatFileParser.LineType of the last parsed line
IOException - If reading the file fails.


private String convertToNull(String value)


public Set<String> getHeaderNames()
Get the names of all headers found by the parseHeaders() method. To get the value of a header, use the getHeader(String) method.


public String getHeader(String name)
Get the value of the header with the specified name. This method should only be used after parseHeaders() has been completed.

name - The name of the header
The value of the header, or null if it was not found
See Also:


public int getLineCount()
Get the number of lines that the parseHeaders() method parsed.

The number of lines parsed


public FlatFileParser.Line getLine(int index)
Get the line with the specified number. This method should only be used after parseHeaders() has been completed.

index - The line number, starting at 0
A Line object
See Also:


public List<FlatFileParser.Line> getLines()
Get the lines read by parseHeaders().

The lines in the order that they have been read.


public List<String> getColumnHeaders()
Get all column headers that were found by splitting the line matching the setDataHeaderRegexp(Pattern) pattern using the setDataSplitterRegexp(Pattern) pattern. This method should only be called after parseHeaders() has been called.

A list containing the column headers, or null if no headers have been found


public Integer getColumnHeaderIndex(String name)
Get the index of a column header with a given name. This method should only be called after parseHeaders() has been called. If more than one header with the same name exists the index of the first is returned.

name - The name of the column header
The index, or null if no header with that name exists
See Also:


public Integer findColumnHeaderIndex(String regex)
Find the index of a column header using a regular expression for pattern matching. This method should only be called after parseHeaders() has been called. If more than one header matches the regular expression only the first one found is returned.

regex - The regular expression used to match the header names
The index, or null if no header is matching the regular expression or if the string is not a valid regular expression
See Also:


public void setDefaultNumberFormat(NumberFormat numberFormat)
Set the default number format to use when creating mappers.

numberFormat - The number format to use, or null to parse numbers with Float.valueOf or Double.valueOf
See Also:
getMapper(String), getMapper(String, NumberFormat)


public NumberFormat getDefaultNumberFormat()
Get the default number format.

The number format, or null if none has been specified


public void setUseNullIfException(boolean useNullIfException)
Specify if null should be returned if a (numeric) value can't be parsed. If this setting is set to TRUE all mappers created by one of the getMapper(String) methods are wrapped in a NullIfExceptionMapper. It is not possible to log or get information about the exception.

useNullIfException - TRUE to return null, FALSE to throw an exception


public void setIgnoreNonExistingColumns(boolean ignoreNonExistingColumns)
Specify if trying to create a mapper with one of the getMapper(String) methods for an expression which references a non-existing column should result in an exception or be ignored.

ignoreNonExistingColumns - TRUE to ignore, or FALSE to throw an exception


public Mapper getMapper(String expression)
Get a mapper using the default number format.

See Also:
getMapper(String, NumberFormat, boolean)


public Mapper getMapper(String expression,
                        boolean nullIfException)
Get a mapper using the default number format.

See Also:
getMapper(String, NumberFormat, boolean)


public Mapper getMapper(String expression,
                        NumberFormat numberFormat)
Get a mapper using a specific number format.

See Also:
getMapper(String, NumberFormat, boolean)


public Mapper getMapper(String expression,
                        NumberFormat numberFormat,
                        boolean nullIfException)
Create a mapper object that maps an expression string to a value. An expression string is a regular string which contains placeholders where the data column values will be inserted. For example:
Row: \row\, Col:\col\
It is also possible to use expressions that are evaluated dynamically.
=2 * col('Radius')
If no column that is matching the exact name is found the placeholder is interpreted as a regular expression which is checked against each of the column headers. In all cases, the first column header found is used if there are multiple matches.

If the expression is null, a mapper returning en empty string is returned, unless the setUseNullIfEmpty(boolean) has been activated. In that case the mapper returns null.

expression - The string containing the mapping expression
numberFormat - The number format the mapper should use for parsing numbers, or null to use Float.valueOf or Double.valueOf
nullIfException - TRUE to return a null value instead of throwing an exception when a value can't be parsed.
A mapper object


public boolean hasMoreData()
                    throws IOException
Check if the input stream contains more data. If it is unknown if there is more data or not, this method will start reading more lines from the stream. Each line is checked in the following order:
  1. Does it match the ignore regular expression?
  2. Does it match the data footer regular expression?
  3. Does it match the section regular expression?
  4. Can it be split by the data regular expression into the appropriate number of columns?
If the first check is true, TRUE is returned and the data may be retrieved with the nextData method. If the second check is true, FALSE is returned and no more data may be retrieved. If the third check is true, FALSE is returnd and no more data may be retrived but the section may be retrived with the nextSection method. If neither one is true, the processing continues with the next line until the end of file is reached.

TRUE if there is more data, FALSE otherwise
IOException - If there is an error reading from the input stream
See Also:


public String[] trimQuotes(String[] columns)
Remove enclosing quotes (" or ') around all columns.

columns - The columns
The trimmed columns


public int getParsedLines()
Get the number of parsed lines so far.


public int getParsedDataLines()
Get the number of parsed data lines so far in the current section. This value is reset for each new section.


public long getParsedCharacters()
Get the number of parsed characters so far. This value may or may not correspond to the number of parsed bytes depending on the character set of the file.

See Also:


public long getParsedBytes()
Get the number of parsed bytes so far. This value may or may not correspond to the number of parsed characters depending on the character set of the file.

See Also:


public FlatFileParser.Data nextData()
                             throws IOException
Get the next available data.

A Data object, or null if there is no more data
IOException - If the is an error reading from the input stream.
See Also:


public int getIgnoredLines()
Get the number of lines that the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData() ignored because they matched the ignore regular expression.

The number of ignored lines
See Also:
setIgnoreRegexp(Pattern), setKeepSkippedLines(boolean)


public int getUnknownLines()
Get the number of lines that the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData() ignored because they couldn't be interpreted as data lines.

The number of unknown lines
See Also:


public int getNumSkippedLines()
Get the number of lines that the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData() ignored because they matched the ignore regular expression or couldn't be interpreted as data lines.

The number of ignored or unknown lines
See Also:
getIgnoredLines(), getUnknownLines(), getSkippedLines()


public List<FlatFileParser.Line> getSkippedLines()
Get lines that was skipped during the last call to nextData() or hasMoreData(). The list is only available if the setKeepSkippedLines(boolean) has been set to true (default is false).

A list with the skipped lines
See Also:


public boolean hasMoreSections()
                        throws IOException
Check if the input stream contains more sections. If it is unknown if there is more sections or not, this method will start reading more lines from the stream. Each line is checked if it matches the section regular expression. The parser will continue util a section line is found or end of file is reached. If the metod return TRUE the section may be retrived with the nextSection() method. If the section regular expression isn't specified the method returns FALSE and won't parse any line.

TRUE if there is more data, FALSE otherwise
IOException - If there is an error reading from the input stream
See Also:


public FlatFileParser.Line nextSection()
                                throws IOException
Get the next line that matches the section regular expression.

The line that matched the regular expression
See Also:

2.17.2: 2011-06-17