2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.core.query

This package contains the core of the Query API.


Interface Summary
AutoJoiner<Q extends Query,E extends QueryElement> An AutoJoiner is an object that automatically joins other tables in query depending on other query elements.
EntityQuery This a HQL query that return enitities, ie. items.
Expression An expression query element.
HqlQuery This is a query that is using HQL (Hibernate Query Language) as the query language.
Join A join query element.
Order An ordering query element.
Query This defines the simplest form of a relational query.
QueryElement A query element is used in various places in a Query to build the structure of the query.
QueryResult This is the root interface for query results.
Restriction A restriction query element.
ResultIterator<I> Return the result of a query as an iterator.
ResultList<I> Return the result of a query as a list.
Select A selection query element.
SqlQuery This is a query that is using SQL as the query language.
SqlResult This interface represents a single row in the results of a SqlQuery.
SqlResultIterator Return the result of a SqlQuery as an iterator.

Class Summary
AbsExpression Calculate the absolute value of an expression: abs(e).
AddExpression Add two expressions: e1 + e2.
Aggregations A factory class to create aggregate expressions.
AndRestriction Combine one or more restrictions with AND: r[0] AND r[1] AND ...
Annotations A factory class to create restrictions based on annotation values.
AscOrder Sort the result of a query in ascending order by the expression.
BetweenRestriction Compare if one expression falls between to other expressions: e BETWEEN low AND high.
CaseExpression An SQL case expression:
   WHEN r1 THEN e1
   WHEN r2 THEN e2
CountExpression Count the number of values: COUNT(e)
DescOrder Sort the result of a query in descending order by the expression.
DivideExpression Divide one expression by another: e1 / e2.
Dynamic A factory class to create expressions, joins, etc. that are only used by queries in the dynamic database.
EqRestriction Compare if two expressions are equal: e1 == e2, or e1 IS NULL
ExpExpression Calculate the exponential of an expression: exp(e).
Expressions A factory class to create expressions.
ExpressionSelect A selection query element that selects an expression, optionally giving it an alias.
FloatExpression A constant float expression.
GeometricMeanExpression Calculates the geometric mean of an expression: EXP(AVG(LN(e)))
GteqRestriction Compare if one expression is greater than or equal to another: e1 > e2.
GtRestriction Compare if one expression is greater than another: e1 > e2.
Hql A factory class to create expressions, joins, etc. that are only used by HQL queries.
HqlElementsExpression An expression representing the elements collection of a collection of a Hibernate entity: elements(alias.property).
HqlEntityExpression An expression representing a Hibernate entity.
HqlEntityParameterExpression Entity parameter expression.
HqlExpression A class holding an expression or a restriction where a prefix can be used to represent a root alias in a HQL.
HqlIndexExpression An expression representing the index collection of a map or list of a Hibernate entity: index(alias.property) Throws an UnsupportedOperationException if Query.getQueryType() isn't QueryType.HQL.
HqlInnerJoin Inner joins an association to another item: JOIN <alias.property> <joinedAlias> to the query.
HqlLeftJoin Left joins an association to another item: LEFT JOIN <alias.property> <joinedAlias> to the query.
HqlPropertyExpression An expression representing the property of a Hibernate entity: alias.property.
HqlRightJoin Right joins an association to another item: RIGHT JOIN <alias.property> <joinedAlias> to the query.
HqlSizeExpression An expression representing the size of the of a collection of a Hibernate entity: size(alias.property).
InRestriction Compare if one expression is contained in a set of other expressions: e1 IN (e2[0], e2[1], ...)
IntegerExpression A constant integer expression.
LikeRestriction Check if one expression matches another: e1 LIKE e2
LogExpression Take the n-based logarithm of an expression: log(n, e).
LteqRestriction Compare if one expression is less than or equal to another: e1 <= e2.
LtRestriction Compare if one expression is less than another: e1 < e2.
MaxExpression Calculates the maximum of an expression: MIN(e)
MeanExpression Calculates the arithmetic mean of an expression: AVG(e)
MinExpression Calculates the minumum of an expression: MIN(e)
MultiplyExpression Multiply two expressions: e1 * e2.
NegateExpression Negate an expression: -e1.
NeqRestriction Compare if two expressions are inequal: e1 <> e2, or NOT e1 IS NULL
NotRestriction Negate a restriction: NOT r
Orders A factory class to create order by expressions.
OrRestriction Combine one or more restrictions with OR: r[0] OR r[1] OR ...
ParameterExpression Parameter expression.
PowerExpression Calculate the power: base ^ exponent
QuadraticMeanExpression Calculates the quadratic mean of an expression
QueryParameter Holds information (name, type and value) about a single parameter to a query.
ReporterListExpression Represents a property of a reporter list in a dynamic query: alias.property.
Restrictions A factory class to create restrictions.
RlikeRestriction Checks if an expression matches a regular expression: e RLIKE regexp (MySQL) or e ~ regexp (Postgres).
SelectedExpression An expression representing an already selected expression.
Selects A factory class to create select expressions.
SharedToRestriction A special restriction that works on Shareable items.
SqlColumnExpression An expression representing the column in a database tabe: alias.column.
SubqueryExpression Expression that returns the result of a query as it's value.
SubtractExpression Subtract one expression from another: e1 - e2.
SumExpression Calculates the sum of an expression: SUM(e)
ToDateExpression Get the date part of a date or timestamp epxression.
WhenStatement Create a WHEN statement to be used in a CaseExpression.

Enum Summary
JoinType An enumeration used to specify the type of join.
QuerySection Indicates which part of a query that is currently beeing built.
QueryType A type representing the language of the query.

Package net.sf.basedb.core.query Description

This package contains the core of the Query API. Here are the interfaces that queries must implement and the classes used to build the queries. The actual query implementation are located in the net.sf.basedb.core package since they require access to core internal stuff, like Hibernate session, user permissions, etc.


2.17.2: 2011-06-17