Class NameableNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BioPlateNameGenerator, ExtractNameGenerator

public class NameableNameGenerator<I extends Nameable> extends Object implements NodeNameGenerator<I>
Name generator implementation for Nameable items. The name and title can each have two variants, depending on the node type of the parent node. If the parent node is a folder-type node, the name is generated as prefix.item-id and the title is the name of the item, eg. Nameable.getName().

If the parent node is an item-type node, the name is only the namePrefix and the title is the title prefix combined with the name of the item.

Last modified
$Date: 2011-06-08 15:00:33 +0200 (on, 08 jun 2011) $
  • Field Details

    • namePrefix

      private String namePrefix
    • titlePrefix

      private String titlePrefix
  • Constructor Details

    • NameableNameGenerator

      public NameableNameGenerator(String namePrefix, String titlePrefix)
      Create a new name generator.
      namePrefix - The prefix to use in node names
      titlePrefix - The prefix to use in node titles
  • Method Details

    • getNodeName

      public String getNodeName(I item, Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeNameGenerator
      Generate a name for the new node that is about to be created.
      Specified by:
      getNodeName in interface NodeNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>
      item - The item that is attached to the node (never null)
      parentNode - The parent node of the new node
      A name for the node
    • getNodeTitle

      public String getNodeTitle(I item, Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeNameGenerator
      Generate a title for the new node that is about to be created.
      Specified by:
      getNodeTitle in interface NodeNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>
      item - The item that is attached to the node (never null)
      parentNode - The parent node of the new node
      A title for the node
    • getDeniedNodeName

      public String getDeniedNodeName(Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeNameGenerator
      Generate a name for a node when the item exists, but the current user doesn't have permission to access read the item.
      Specified by:
      getDeniedNodeName in interface NodeNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>
      parentNode - The parent node
      A name for the node
    • getDeniedNodeTitle

      public String getDeniedNodeTitle(Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeNameGenerator
      Generate a title for a node when the item exists, but the current user doesn't have permission to access read the item.
      Specified by:
      getDeniedNodeTitle in interface NodeNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>
      parentNode - The parent node
      A name for the node
    • getMissingNodeName

      public String getMissingNodeName(Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeNameGenerator
      Generate a name for a node when the item is missing.
      Specified by:
      getMissingNodeName in interface NodeNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>
      parentNode - The parent node
      A name for the node
    • getMissingNodeTitle

      public String getMissingNodeTitle(Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeNameGenerator
      Generate a title for a node when the item is missing.
      Specified by:
      getMissingNodeTitle in interface NodeNameGenerator<I extends Nameable>
      parentNode - The parent node
      A title for the node