Class ProtocolLoader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProtocolLoader extends BasicItemNodeLoader<Protocol>
Node loader implementation for protocols. Protocols must be loaded as property nodes. It can't be a root node or a forward/reverse-loading node. The property node itself is created as a property-loading node that loads the protocol parameters when asked to load it's children.
Last modified
$Date: 2020-10-21 07:39:15 +0200 (Wed, 21 Oct 2020) $
  • Constructor Details

    • ProtocolLoader

      public ProtocolLoader()
  • Method Details

    • createPropertyNode

      public Node createPropertyNode(DbControl dc, OverviewContext context, Node parentNode)
      Description copied from interface: NodeLoader
      Create a property node for the given parent node. A property node is a node that is not on the main parent-child path. It is typically a node that can't be used a root node (for example, a protocol or software). If the parent node can have many properties of this type the loader can decide if it should first create a folder-type node and put the children inside the folder, or if all child nodes should be created directly in the parent node. In the first case, the folder node should be returned. In the latter case, null should be returned.

      The direction of the node(s) should usually be ChildNodeDirection.NONE, but it may also be ChildNodeDirection.PROPERTY in case the property has sub-properties. One example is the ProtocolLoader which loads the protocol parameters as child nodes.

      In case there is an error (permission denied, etc.) ChildNodeDirection.NONE should be used. If there is no property item null should be returned (but this may also indicate that more than one node was created).

      Errors, missing items, etc. should be reported as failures to the OverviewContext.

      Specified by:
      createPropertyNode in interface NodeLoader<Protocol>
      createPropertyNode in class AbstractNodeLoader<Protocol>
      dc - The DbControl to use for database access
      context - The overview context
      parentNode - The parent node
      A node (may be a folder-type node with many subnodes), or null
    • loadPropertyChildNodes

      protected void loadPropertyChildNodes(DbControl dc, OverviewContext context, Node protocolNode)
      Loads annotations and protocol parameters for the given protocol node.
      loadPropertyChildNodes in class AbstractNodeLoader<Protocol>
      See Also: