Class MatrixBfsExporter

public class MatrixBfsExporter extends BfsExporter
BFS exporter implementation that exports spot data in matrix format. This format creates one file per spot data field. Each data file contains data columns for all assays in the bioassay set. For example, the 'sdata1' file contains channel 1 intensity and 'sdata2' contains channel 2 intensity.
Last modified
$Date: 2010-04-20 10:02:16 +0200 (ti, 20 apr 2010) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MatrixBfsExporter

      public MatrixBfsExporter()
      Create a new matrix BFS exporter.
  • Method Details

    • getBFSSubtype

      public String getBFSSubtype()
      Description copied from class: BfsExporter
      Get the BFS subtype. This method may be overridden by subclasses. The default implementation returns null. The subtype is written to the metadata file: MetadataWriter.setSubtype(String).
      getBFSSubtype in class BfsExporter
    • createDataWriters

      protected List<DataWriter> createDataWriters() throws IOException
      Create one data writer for each registered spot field. Each data writer is configured with one column per assay in the bioassay set.
      Specified by:
      createDataWriters in class BfsExporter
      A list with data writers
      IOException - If there is a problem with creating the writers
    • arrangeData

      protected void arrangeData(int position, short column, Object[][] data, Object[] spotData)
      The column number is used to find the assay index. Then, the spot data is copied to the correct data writer.
      Specified by:
      arrangeData in class BfsExporter
      position - The current position of the spot data
      column - The current column of the spot data
      data - The data array to copy the data to
      spotData - The current row of spot data, in the same order as BfsExporter.getSpotFields()