Class FeatureData

All Implemented Interfaces:
BatchableData, IdentifiableData, NoAutoUnlinkAnyToAny
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FeatureData extends BasicData implements BatchableData, NoAutoUnlinkAnyToAny
This class holds information about a regular feature.
enell, Nicklas
See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2023-11-21 10:31:51 +0100 (Tue, 21 Nov 2023) $
Hibernate: class
table="`Features`" lazy="true"
  • Field Details

    • column

      private int column
    • row

      private int row
    • position

      private int position

      public static final int MAX_EXTERNAL_ID_LENGTH
      The maximum length of the external ID that can be stored in the database.
      See Also:
    • externalId

      private String externalId
    • arrayDesignBlock

      private ArrayDesignBlockData arrayDesignBlock
    • reporter

      private ReporterData reporter
    • well

      private WellData well
  • Constructor Details

    • FeatureData

    • FeatureData

      public FeatureData(ArrayDesignBlockData arrayDesignBlock, WellData well)
      Create a new feature which is linked to a well. The reporter of the well is copied to the feature.
    • FeatureData

      public FeatureData(ArrayDesignBlockData arrayDesignBlock, ReporterData reporter)
      Create a new feature which is linked to a reporter only.
  • Method Details

    • getColumn

      public int getColumn()
      Get the column coordinate of the feature.
      Hibernate: property
      type="int" update="false"
      Hibernate: column
      name="`column`" not-null="true"
    • setColumn

      public void setColumn(int column)
    • getRow

      public int getRow()
      Get the row coordinate of the feature.
      Hibernate: property
      type="int" update="false"
      Hibernate: column
      name="`row`" not-null="true"
    • setRow

      public void setRow(int row)
    • getPosition

      public int getPosition()
      Get the position number of the feature. The value is automatically assigned by the core.
      Hibernate: property
      column="`position`" type="int" not-null="true" update="false"
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition(int position)
      This method was private until 2.6. The value will be overwritten with an autogenerated value unless the feature identification method is POSITION. The value must be a positive integer.
    • getExternalId

      public String getExternalId()
      Get the external id for this FeatureData item. If given, it must be unique per array design.
      The features external ID.
      Hibernate: property
      column="`external_id`" type="string" length="255" not-null="false" update="false"
    • setExternalId

      public void setExternalId(String externalId)
    • getArrayDesignBlock

      ArrayDesignBlockData getArrayDesignBlock()
      Get the arraydesignblock of this feature. Cannot be public since we don't want to expose data objects to clients.
      Hibernate: column
      name="`arraydesignblock_id`" not-null="true"
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      outer-join="false" update="false"
    • setArrayDesignBlock

      void setArrayDesignBlock(ArrayDesignBlockData arrayDesignBlock)
    • getReporter

      public ReporterData getReporter()
      Get the reporter of the feature. This property is mapped in the hibernate-properties-FeatureData.xml file since it must be mapped with a cascade="evict" which is not supported by XDoclet.
    • setReporter

      void setReporter(ReporterData reporter)
    • getWell

      WellData getWell()
      Get the well of the feature. Cannot be public since we don't want to expose data objects to clients.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`well_id`" not-null="false" update="false" outer-join="false"
    • setWell

      void setWell(WellData well)