Class BioPlateEventData

All Implemented Interfaces:
IdentifiableData, LoggableData, NameableData, OwnableData, RegisteredData, RemovableData, ShareableData

public class BioPlateEventData extends CommonData implements LoggableData, RegisteredData
This class holds information about a bioplate event. An event can involve one or more bioplate participants. It is also possible to link BioMaterialEventData items to a bioplate event (via a participant). Some information (eg. protocol, hardware, etc. is then linked so that an update on the bioplate event is automatically transfered to all biomaterial events.
See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2015-11-02 08:46:40 +0100 (må, 02 nov 2015) $
Hibernate: class
table="`BioPlateEvents`" lazy="true"
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BioPlateEventData

      public BioPlateEventData()
  • Method Details

    • getEntryDate

      public Date getEntryDate()
      Description copied from interface: RegisteredData
      Get the date this item was added to the database. The value is generated at creation time and can't be modified later.
      Specified by:
      getEntryDate in interface RegisteredData
    • setEntryDate

      public void setEntryDate(Date entryDate)
    • getEventType

      public BioPlateEventTypeData getEventType()
      The type of the event.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`bioplateeventtype_id`" not-null="true" outer-join="false"
    • setEventType

      public void setEventType(BioPlateEventTypeData eventType)
    • getEventDate

      public Date getEventDate()
      Get the date this event happened in the lab.
      Hibernate: property
      column="`event_date`" type="date" not-null="false"
    • setEventDate

      public void setEventDate(Date eventDate)
    • getProtocol

      public ProtocolData getProtocol()
      Get the protocol used in this event.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`protocol_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setProtocol

      public void setProtocol(ProtocolData protocol)
    • getHardware

      public HardwareData getHardware()
      Get the hardware used in this event
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`hardware_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setHardware

      public void setHardware(HardwareData hardware)
    • getKit

      public KitData getKit()
      Get the kit used in this event.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`kit_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setKit

      public void setKit(KitData kit)
    • getParticipants

      public Set<BioPlateEventParticipantData> getParticipants()
      This is the inverse end.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: set
      lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="delete"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-one-to-many
    • setParticipants

      void setParticipants(Set<BioPlateEventParticipantData> participants)