Class RealJoin

All Implemented Interfaces:
Join, QueryElement

class RealJoin extends Object implements Join
Represents a join from one virtual table in the dynamic database to a table in the regular database or between two tables in the regular database. virtualTable vt JOIN regularTable rt ON = vt.leftColumn.

Note that the join is always done to the 'id' of the items in the regular table.

See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2012-09-14 09:28:35 +0200 (fr, 14 sep 2012) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RealJoin

      RealJoin(JoinType joinType, VirtualTable left, RealTable right, VirtualColumn leftColumn)
      Create a new join between a virtual and a regular table. SELECT ... FROM left JOIN right ON = left.column.
      joinType - The type of join
      left - The left table to join from, if not specified we join from the root table
      right - The table to join to
      leftColumn - The column in the left table to join from, we always join to the id of the real table
    • RealJoin

      RealJoin(JoinType joinType, RealTable left, RealTable right, String leftColumn)
      Create a new join between two regular tables. SELECT ... FROM left JOIN right ON = left.column.
      joinType - The type of join
      left - The left table to join from, if not specified we join from the root table
      right - The table to join to
      leftColumn - The column in the left table to join from, we always join to the id of the real table
  • Method Details