Class DiskUsageStatistics.Summary

Enclosing class:

public class DiskUsageStatistics.Summary extends Object
Holds summary disk usage information for the total disk usage or for a specific user or group.
  • Field Details

    • creationTime

      private final long creationTime
    • diskUsage

      private final Map<String,Long> diskUsage
  • Constructor Details

    • Summary

      private Summary()
    • Summary

      private Summary(User user)
    • Summary

      private Summary(Group group)
  • Method Details

    • loadDiskUsage

      private void loadDiskUsage(Query<Object[]> query)
    • add

      private Long add(Long a, Long b)
    • getAge

      public int getAge()
      Get the age of this summary object since it was created in seconds.
      The age in seconds
    • isOld

      public boolean isOld()
      Check if this summary object is old by comparing it's age to the DiskUsageStatistics.getMaxAge().
      TRUE if the summary is old, FALSE otherwise
    • getTotal

      public long getTotal()
      Get the total disk usage in bytes
    • getTotal

      public long getTotal(Location location)
      Get the total disk usage of the specified location in bytes.
      location - The location to get the disk usage for
    • getTotal

      public long getTotal(QuotaType quotaType)
      Get the total disk usage for the specified quota type in bytes.
      quotaType - The quota type to get the disk usage for
    • getTotal

      public long getTotal(QuotaType quotaType, Location location)
      Get the total disk usage of the specified location and quota type in bytes.
      location - The location to get the disk usage for
      quotaType - The quota type to get the disk usage for