Class PresetSelector

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DynamicAttributes, IterationTag, JspTag, Tag, DynamicActionAttributes

public class PresetSelector extends StylableTag
Special tag for generating a list of saved contexts and other settings. It uses the SessionControl and Item from the table to get the current context and a list of available contexts.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      private static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:
    • table

      private Table table
      The parent <tbl:table> tag.
    • visible

      private boolean visible
      If the preset selector should be visible or not.
    • allSubContexts

      private boolean allSubContexts
      If true, presets for all subcontexts are included in the preset, otherwise only presets for the current subcontext (default).
    • disableRemoved

      private boolean disableRemoved
      If the 'removed' option should be included in the preset selector or not. If the list contains items that are not removable, the option is never included.
    • disableOwnedBy

      private boolean disableOwnedBy
      If the 'owned by me' option should be included in the preset selector or not. If the list contains items that are not ownable, the option is never included.
    • disableSharedTo

      private boolean disableSharedTo
      If the 'shared to me' option should be included in the preset selector or not. If the list contains items that are not shareable, the option is never included.
    • disableInProject

      private boolean disableInProject
      If the 'in project' option should be included in the preset selector or not. If the list contains items that are not removable, the option is never included.
    • disableOthers

      private boolean disableOthers
      If the 'owned by others' option should be included in the preset selector or not. If the list contains items that are not ownable, the option is never included.
  • Constructor Details

    • PresetSelector

      public PresetSelector()
  • Method Details

    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
    • setAllsubcontexts

      public void setAllsubcontexts(boolean allSubContexts)
    • getAllsubcontexts

      public boolean getAllsubcontexts()
    • setDisableremoved

      public void setDisableremoved(boolean disable)
    • getDisableremoved

      public boolean getDisableremoved()
    • setDisableownedby

      public void setDisableownedby(boolean disable)
    • getDisableownedby

      public boolean getDisableownedby()
    • setDisablesharedto

      public void setDisablesharedto(boolean disable)
    • getDisablesharedto

      public boolean getDisablesharedto()
    • setDisableinproject

      public void setDisableinproject(boolean disable)
    • getDisableinproject

      public boolean getDisableinproject()
    • setDisableothers

      public void setDisableothers(boolean disable)
    • getDisableothers

      public boolean getDisableothers()
    • doStartTag

      public int doStartTag() throws JspException
      Specified by:
      doStartTag in interface Tag
      doStartTag in class TagSupport
    • doEndTag

      public int doEndTag() throws JspException
      Specified by:
      doEndTag in interface Tag
      doEndTag in class TagSupport