Class Agent


public class Agent extends Object
This is the actual job agent application. It delegates the actual checking of the job queue to the JobQueueChecker class. It includes a listener service that can be used for remote control of the agent. It is for example possible to send start, stop and pause requests.

This class is responsible for creating a JobExecutor object and to delegate the actual execution of a job to it. The agent keep track of the running jobs and makes sure that only the configured number of jobs are running at the same time.

The agent is configured at construction time with parameters from a Properties object.

Job agent configuration parameters
Parameter Default value Description
agent.user - The username to use for logging in to BASE (required)
agent.password - The password to use for logging in to BASE (required) - The external ID (required), name and description properties of the corresponding JobAgent item in the BASE database -
agent.description -
agent.port 47822 The port the remote control service listener is listening to
agent.remotecontrol - A comma-separated list of computer that are allowed remote control. It is recommended that the web server is put in this list. The local host is always allowed control and doesn't have to be in this list.
agent.allowremote.stop false If stop requests should be allowed from remote hosts or not. Note! A stop request shuts down the agent making it impossible to start it again using remote control.
agent.allowremote.start true If start requests should be allowed from remote hosts or not
agent.allowremote.pause true If pause requests should be allowed from remote hosts or not
agent.request-handler.* - One or more entries that can be used to register custom remote control request handlers. The * should be replaced with the name of the protocol which means that requests should take the form: protocol://custom-data....

The value is the name of a class that implements the CustomRequestHandler interface. The implementation must provide a public no-argument constructor. The implementation must be thread-safe and be able to handle multiple requests at the time.

agent.executor.class ProcessJobExecutor The name of a class that is responsible for starting the a job once the agent has determined that is allowed to be exected. The class must implement the JobExecutor interface and provide a public noargument constructor. Note that only one instance of this class exists for an agent. It must be thread-safe since the jobs are executed in parallel threads.
agent.checkinterval 30 Number of seconds between checks to the database for new jobs.
agent.shortest.slots 1 Number of slots to reserve for jobs that take < 1 minute to execute
agent.shortest.priority 4 The thread priority of jobs in this slot. See Thread.setPriority(int).
agent.short.slots 1 Number of slots to reserve for jobs that take < 10 minute to execute
agent.short.priority 4 The thread priority of jobs in this slot. See Thread.setPriority(int).
agent.medium.slots 2 Number of slots to reserve for jobs that take < 1 hour to execute
agent.medium.priority 3 The thread priority of jobs in this slot. See Thread.setPriority(int).
agent.long.slots 2 Number of slots to reserve for jobs that take > 1 hour to execute
agent.long.priority 3 The thread priority of jobs in this slot. See Thread.setPriority(int).
Last modified
$Date: 2021-06-04 12:40:45 +0200 (Fri, 04 Jun 2021) $
  • Field Details


      public static final Class<? extends JobExecutor> DEFAULT_JOB_EXECUTOR
      The default job executor to use if none has been specified in the configuration file.

      public static final Class<? extends SlotManager> DEFAULT_SLOT_MANAGER
      The default slot manager to use if none has been specified in the configuration file.

      public static final int DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL
      The default check interval in seconds.
      See Also:
    • log

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger log
      Log job agent events.
    • logServer

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger logServer
      Log job agent server events.
    • properties

      private final Properties properties
    • login

      private final String login
    • password

      private final String password
    • externalId

      private final String externalId
    • name

      private final String name
    • description

      private final String description
    • port

      private final Integer port
    • remote

      private final Set<InetAddress> remote
    • allowRemoteStop

      private final boolean allowRemoteStop
    • allowRemotePause

      private final boolean allowRemotePause
    • allowRemoteStart

      private final boolean allowRemoteStart
    • customRequestHandlerClasses

      private final Map<String,Class<? extends CustomRequestHandler>> customRequestHandlerClasses
    • checkInterval

      private final long checkInterval
    • executorClass

      private final Class<? extends JobExecutor> executorClass
    • slotManagerClass

      private final Class<? extends SlotManager> slotManagerClass
    • serverAddress

      private InetAddress serverAddress
    • server

      private JobAgentServerConnection server
    • requestHandler

      private MultiProtocolRequestHandler requestHandler
    • signalReceiver

      private AgentSignalReceiver signalReceiver
    • jobExecutor

      private JobExecutor jobExecutor
    • slotManager

      private SlotManager slotManager
    • jobQueueChecker

      private TimerTask jobQueueChecker
    • isRunning

      private boolean isRunning
    • sc

      private SessionControl sc
    • priorities

      private final Map<Job.ExecutionTime,Integer> priorities
      The thread priority to use when executing jobs in each slot.
    • activeJobs

      private final Set<JobInfo> activeJobs
    • closeTimeout

      private int closeTimeout
      Timeout to wait for jobs to act on the ABORT signal when stopping. Default value is 20 seconds.
    • runnersGroup

      private final ThreadGroup runnersGroup
      The group were all job runners are placed.
  • Constructor Details

    • Agent

      public Agent(Properties properties)
      Create a new job agent. See class documentation for information about configuration parameters.
      properties - A properties object containing the configuration parameters for the agent
  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String key)
      Get a configuration property.
      key - The key
      The configured value or null if not found
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Get the configuration value.
      The ID
    • getLogin

      public String getLogin()
      Get the agent.user configuration value.
      The login
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      Get the agent.password configuration value.
      The password
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the configuration value.
      The name or the ID if the name is null
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Get the agent.description configuration value.
      The description
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
      Get the agent.port configuration value.
      The port number
    • getThreadPriority

      public int getThreadPriority(Job.ExecutionTime slot)
      Get the thread priority to use for the specified execution time slot.
      Priority as an int. High number shows a high priority.
    • getServerName

      public String getServerName()
      Get the host name of the server where the job agent is running.
      Server's name as a String.
      See Also:
    • getRemoteAddresses

      private Set<InetAddress> getRemoteAddresses(String config)
      Split the string at commas and try to create an InetAddress for each part. Parts that turn out to be invalid are skipped and a warning message is logged.
      config - The string to split
      A set of InetAdress object
    • getCustomRequestHandlerClasses

      private Map<String,Class<? extends CustomRequestHandler>> getCustomRequestHandlerClasses()
    • registerCustomRequestHandlers

      private void registerCustomRequestHandlers(MultiProtocolRequestHandler master)
    • getJobExecutorClass

      private Class<? extends JobExecutor> getJobExecutorClass(String className)
      Get the class object for the configured job executor. If the specified class can't be found or doesn't implement the JobExecutor interface a warning message is logged and the DEFAULT_JOB_EXECUTOR is used instead.
      className - The name of the job executor class
      The class object for that class or the default job executor
    • getSlotManagerClass

      private Class<? extends SlotManager> getSlotManagerClass(String className)
      Get the class object for the configured slot manager. If the specified class can't be found or doesn't implement the SlotManager interface a warning message is logged and the DEFAULT_SLOT_MANAGER is used instead.
      className - The name of the slot manager class
      The class object for that class or the default job executor
    • validateConfiguration

      private void validateConfiguration() throws InvalidDataException
      Validate that all required configuration parameters have been specified.
      InvalidDataException - If parameters are missing or have incorrect values
    • service

      public void service(RequestHandler defaultHandler) throws IOException
      Start the listener service that listens for control commands such as start, stop, pause and info. The listener service is only required if the job agent needs to respond to remote control commands.

      Note! The AgentController which is the default controller for agents always uses the listener service for communicating with the job agent.

      Note! The listener service is started in a separate thread and this method returns as soon as the network connections are set up.

      Note! The default handler supplied as an argument is used as a fallback handler for unregistered protocols. Additional request handlers can be set up by calling registerRequestHandler(RequestHandler, String...).

      defaultHandler - A RequestHandler that handles the incoming requsts, or null to use the DefaultRequestHandler
      IOException - If there is an error when starting the service
    • start

      public void start()
      Start the job agent. This method will register a JobQueueChecker object with the BASE core scheduler Application.getScheduler(). The timer will call the method at intervals specified by the agent.checkinterval configuration settings.

      Note! The JobQueueChecker will run in a separate thread and this method return immediately after registering the object with the scheduler.

      Note! This method also creats a single instance of a JobExecutor. The actual class to use is specified by the agent.jobexecutor.class configuration setting. The default job executor is ProcessJobExecutor.

    • stop

      public void stop()
      Stop the job agent. This method will: Unless no other things are running in the same virtual machine as this job agent the virtual machine should exit as a result from calling this method.
    • pause

      public void pause()
      Pause the job agent. This method will: This method will not try to stop the running jobs or shut down the BASE application. Calling start() again will start the job agent again.
      See Also:
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
      Check if the job agent is running or not.
      TRUE if the job agent is running, FALSE otherwise
    • getRunningJobs

      public Set<JobInfo> getRunningJobs()
      Get a set containing the ID:s of the jobs that are currently beeing executed by this job agent.
      A set of JobInfo objects
    • isAllowedControl

      public boolean isAllowedControl(InetAddress remote, String cmd)
      Check if the computer specified by the given address is allowed to control this job agent. A computer is allowed to control this job agent if it's name or ip-address is listed in the agent.remotecontrol property. This method is called from the DefaultRequestHandler.handleCmd(, String) method to determine if a service request should be accepted or not.

      Note! The stop, start and pause commands are only allowed from the local host unless the agent.allowremote.stop, agent.allowremote.start and agent.allowremote.pause are set to a true values.

      Note! The local host doesn't have to be listed in the agent.remotecontrol property. Requests are always allowed from the local host.

      remote - The address to the remote computer
      cmd - The command the remote computer wants to execute
      TRUE if the computer is allowed, FALSE otherwise
    • registerRequestHandler

      public void registerRequestHandler(RequestHandler handler, String... protocols)
      Register a request handler for one or more protocols. See MultiProtocolRequestHandler for more information. Calls to this method is ignored if the job agent has no listener service. See service(RequestHandler).
      handler - The request handler
      protocols - The name of the protocols the handler should handle
    • unregisterRequestHandler

      public void unregisterRequestHandler(String... protocols)
      Unregister one or more protocols. See MultiProtocolRequestHandler for more information. Calls to this method is ignored if the job agent has no listener service. See service(RequestHandler).
      protocols - The name of the protocols the handler should handle
    • getSignalReceiver

      public AgentSignalReceiver getSignalReceiver()
      Get the signal receiver that is processing signal messages on behalf of this job agent.
    • getSessionControl

      public SessionControl getSessionControl()
      Get a session control with the configured user logged in.
      A session control
    • getImpersonatedSessionControl

      public SessionControl getImpersonatedSessionControl(Job job)
      Get a session control where the owner of the job has been impersonated and the active project has been set if needed.
      job - The job to get the impersonated session control for
      A session control object
    • getJobAgent

      public JobAgent getJobAgent(DbControl dc)
      Get the JobAgent item corresponding to this agent. The job agent is looked up by the JobAgent.getByExternalId(DbControl, String) method where the external ID is given by the property.
      dc - The DbControl to use for database acces
      A JobAgent item
    • getSlot

      Slot getSlot(Job job)
      Find a free slot for executing a job. If there is a free slot in the requested pool the requested slot is returned, otherwise the method checks the slower-running pools for free slots and returns one of those. If there are no free slot available null is returned.

      Note! This method reserves the slot for the job. It is important that the jobDone(Job, Slot) method is called once the job has completed to return the slot to the pool. Failure to do so may result in that the agent thinks that all slots are used when they are not.

      job - The job that wants a slot
      The assigned slot or null if no slot is available
    • startJob

      public void startJob(Job job, JobAgentSettings settings)
      Start a job. This method will create a new thread for running the job and return immediately. If the job for some reason can't be started, for example, if there are no available slots, a log messsage will be written but nothing else will happen. No exception will be thrown to the caller of this method.
      job - The job to start
      settings - Settings for the job agent to use.
    • jobDone

      void jobDone(Job job, Slot usedSlot)
      Used by JobRunner to tell that a job has finished executing and that the used slot should be released.
      job - The job that has finished
      usedSlot - The slot that was used
    • closeServer

      private void closeServer()
      Close the service listener.
    • createJobQueueChecker

      private TimerTask createJobQueueChecker()
      Create a job queue checker. and register it with the BASE core scheduler.
      See Also:
    • closeJobQueueChecker

      private void closeJobQueueChecker()
      Close the job queue checker.
    • createJobExecutor

      private JobExecutor createJobExecutor()
      Create a job executor and initialise it.
      A JobExecutor instance or null if none could be created
    • closeJobExecutor

      private void closeJobExecutor()
      Close the job executor.
    • createSlotManager

      private SlotManager createSlotManager()
      Create a slot manager and initialize it.
      A SlotManager instance
    • closeSlotManager

      private void closeSlotManager()
      Close the slot manager.
    • maybeStopRunningJobs

      private void maybeStopRunningJobs()
      Try to stop running jobs by interrupting the threads they are executing in.