2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.util.plot

Class Summary
HistogramPlot A simple plot utility for generating histogram plots without the need to delve deep into the JFreePlot package.
HistogramPlot.HistogramBin Represents a single bin in a histogram.
HistogramPlot.HistogramDataset An dataset implementation for histogram data that allows us to send data to JFreeChart the way we want.
HistogramPlot.HistogramSeries Collects information about one histogram series.
HistogramPlot.TempSeries Helper class for storing histogram data that needs to split into different annotations.
PlotAnnotation Used to map spot data into different annotations.
ScatterPlot A simple plot utility for generating scatter plots without the need to delve deep into the JFreePlot package.

Enum Summary
HistogramPlot.YAggregate Defines what to to plot on the y axis in a histogram plot.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17