2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.util.formatter

Interface Summary
Formatter<T> A Formatter formats an object to a string suitable for output in a client application.

Class Summary
BooleanFormatter Formats a boolean value.
DateFormatter Format a date for output in a client application.
FilePathFormatter Formatter implementation that format File items to their complete paths.
IdentifiableFormatter Formatter to handle Identifiable items.
IntegerFormatter Formats a number as an integer.
LookupFormatter<T> A formatter implementation that uses a map to lookup values from a set of keys.
MultiFormatter A generic formatter that can be used to format objects of mixed classes.
NameableFormatter Formatter to handle Nameable items.
NumberFormatter Formats a number for output on a web page.
PrefixSuffixFormatter<T> Formats a value with optional prefix and suffix.
ToStringFormatter<T> A generic formatter that simply formats objects by calling the toString() method.
WellCoordinateFormatter Formats an internal well coordinate to an external coordinate.

Enum Summary
BooleanFormatter.Type Enum for holding the various types of boolean output.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17