2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.util.biomaterial

Class Summary
BioSourceToSampleTransformer Collection transformer that given a collection of biosources finds all samples that has the biosources as parents.
ExtractToLabeledExtractTransformer Collection transformer that given a collection of extracts finds all labeled extracts that has the extracts as parents.
ExtractToSampleTransformer Collection transformer that given a collection of extracts finds their parent samples.
LabeledExtractToExtractTransformer Collection transformer that given a collection of labeled extracts finds their parent extract.
ListUtil Utility class for working with biomaterials.
PooledChildrenTransformer<I extends MeasuredBioMaterial> Collection transformer that given a collection of biomaterials finds all pooled children (of the same type).
PooledParentsTransformer<I extends MeasuredBioMaterial> Collection transformer that given a collection of (pooled) biomaterials finds all parents (of the same type).
SampleToBioSourceTransformer Collection transformer that given a collection of samples finds their parent biosources.
SampleToExtractTransformer Collection transformer that given a collection of samples finds child extracts which has the samples as parents.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17