2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.core.log

Interface Summary
EntityLogger Entity logger implementations are created by a LogManagerFactory when a change to a logged entity has been detected.
LogManager Manages the logging of changes made in a single transaction.
LogManagerFactory A log manager factory handles the creation of log managers and entity loggers.

Class Summary
EntityDetails Contains detailed information about the changes made to an entity during a transaction.
LoggingInterceptor Interceptor that attaches to Hibernate sessions to provide logging of items that are updated/created/deleted.
TransactionDetails Holds information about the curren transaction, such as the logged in user, the active project, the plug-in that is executing, etc.

Enum Summary
ChangeType Enumeration that representst the type of change that has happened.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17