2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.clients.web.fileupload

This package contains classes for handling file uploads from a browser using the standard described in RFC1867.


Class Summary
FileUpload Objects of this class are used to handle file upload from browsers using the standard mechanism described in RFC1867.
FileUpload.SectionHeaders This class contains information extracted from the section headers for a form field or file upload field.
FileUpload.UploadStatus This class contains information about the read status on the ServletInputStream
FileUploadProgress Objects of this class holds information about the progress of an upload.
UploadedFile Objects of this class can be used to get information about an uploaded file and save the file to a directory in the filesystem.

Exception Summary

Package net.sf.basedb.clients.web.fileupload Description

This package contains classes for handling file uploads from a browser using the standard described in RFC1867.

A standard design consists of three JSP pages:

-- index.jsp
<%@ page import="net.sf.basedb.clients.web.fileupload.*" %>
int progress_id = FileUpload.getNextProgressId();
  <title>Upload file</title>
  <script language="JavaScript">
  function beginUpload()
  <form action="upload.jsp?progress_id=<%=progress_id%>"
    method=post enctype="multipart/form-data" name="upload">

    Select file: <input type=file name="the_file"><br>
    Other information: <input type=text name="info" size="30">
    <input type=button value="Upload file" onClick="beginUpload()">

-- progress.jsp
<%@ page import="net.sf.basedb.clients.web.fileupload.*" %>
int progress_id = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("progress_id"));
FileUploadProgress progress = FileUpload.getProgress(progress_id);
  <title>Upload progress</title>
  <% if (progress == null) {%>
    Waiting for transfer...
  <%} else {%>
    Bytes transferred: <%=progress.getTransferredBytes()%><br>
    Total bytes to transfer: <%=progress.getTotalBytes()%><br>
    <% if (progress.transferIsComplete()) {%>
      Transfer completed!
  <%if (progress == null || !progress.transferIsComplete()) {%>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    setTimeout("location.reload()", 500);

-- upload.jsp
<%@ page import="net.sf.basedb.clients.web.fileupload.*" %>
int progress_id = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("progress_id"));
FileUpload fu = new FileUpload(progress_id, request);
UploadedFile fuf = fu.getFile("the_file");
  <title>File uploaded</title>
  Original filename: <%=fuf.getOriginalFilename()%><br>
  Mime type: <%=fuf.getMimeType()%><br>
  Size: <%=fuf.getSize()%><br>
  Other information: <%=fu.getParameter("info")%><br>

2.17.2: 2011-06-17