2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.ws.client

Interface Summary
ServiceFactory Interface that should be implemented by classes that can create RPCServiceClient objects.

Class Summary
AbstractRPCClient Abstract class for RPCServiceClients in web services.
AnnotationTypeClient Web service client for annotation types.
ArrayDesignClient A web service client for array design in BASE.
BioAssaySetClient Web service client for BioAssaySetService in BASE.
ConfigurableServiceFactory A service factory implementation that exposes the Options object.
ExperimentClient Webservice client for Experiment.
Factories Utility class for keeping the default factory implementations.
ProjectClient Web service client for project in BASE.
RawBioAssayClient Webservice client for RawBioAssay.
ReporterClient Web service client for reporter.
SessionClient Client for handling sessions.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17