2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.util.zip

Interface Summary
FilePacker This interface should be implemented by classes that can pack files and directories from BASE file system.
FileUnpacker This interface should be implemented by plugins that can unpack a single compressed file into the BASE file system.

Class Summary
AbstractFileUnpacker This is a base class for all plugins that wants to implement the FileUnpacker interface.
Bzip2FilePacker This class wraps the TarFilePacker in a BZIP2 stream, creating a tar.bz2 file.
GzipFilePacker This class wraps the TarFilePacker in a GZIP stream, creating a tar.gz file.
TarFilePacker This class packs files into a TAR archive.
TarUtil Contains utility functions for TAR archives.
ZipFilePacker This class packs files into a ZIP archive.
ZipUnpacker This class can be used to unpack zip files into the BASE directory structure.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17