Changes between Version 12 and Version 17 of Ticket #1512

Oct 1, 2010, 1:48:35 PM (14 years ago)
Nicklas Nordborg


  • Ticket #1512

    • Property Status assignedclosed
    • Property Resolutionfixed
  • Ticket #1512 – Description

    v12 v17  
    55 3. Update the gui so that it is possible to add datetime values
    66 4. Update the query api so that it is possible to search for datetime values
    7  5. There are probably some effects also on the plug-in api since the `Type` enumeration and `ParameterValues` class are used by plug-in parameters as well. I'll have to investigate the effect and maybe add a specific ticket for adding datetime support to the plug-in system if the work required is substantial.
     7 5. There are probably some effects also on the plug-in api since the `Type` enumeration and `ParameterValues` class are used by plug-in parameters as well. I'll have to investigate the effect and maybe add a specific ticket for adding datetime support to the plug-in system if the work required is substantial. (#1519)
    88 6. There may be similar effects on "extendable" classes (eg. reporters, users and raw data).
    99 7. Update the annotation importer so that it can import timestamp values. I am not really sure how it handles date values right now. It may work if the date values are in `yyyy-MM-dd` format, but it has no support for specifying a different format.