Interface CollectionTransformer<S,D>

Type Parameters:
D - The element type contained in the destination collection
S - The element type of the source collection
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddAllTransformer, BasicItemToIdTransformer, MultiStepCollectionTransformer, RemoveAllTransformer

public interface CollectionTransformer<S,D>
Allows a collection to be transformed by applying some operation to it. The transformed items should be added to the destination collection. The source collection is not allowed to be modified. Client applications should NOT use the same collection as both source and destination since that may interfere with iterators on the source collection. The destination collection may contain elements of the same or a different type as the source collection.
Last modified
$Date: 2009-01-13 09:20:26 +0100 (ti, 13 jan 2009) $
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    transform(Collection<? extends S> source, Collection<? super D> destination)
    Transform the source collection and store the changes in the destination collection.
  • Method Details

    • transform

      int transform(Collection<? extends S> source, Collection<? super D> destination)
      Transform the source collection and store the changes in the destination collection.
      source - The source collection
      destination - The destination collection
      The number of elements affected in the destination collection. Note! This value may have a different meaning depending on the implementor. For example, some implementor may add elements while other implementor may remove elements. A return value of 0 should always indicate that no modifications has been made to the destination collection.