Interface SignalTransporter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSignalTransporter, ExtensionSignalTransporter, Job.JobSignalTransporter, LocalSignalTransporter, SocketSignalTransporter

public interface SignalTransporter
A signal transporter is a class that knows how to send a signal to a specific SignalReceiver implementation. Implementing classes must have a public no-argument constructor. Before signals can be sent with the transporter the init(String) method is called with the same string as returned by the SignalReceiver.registerSignalHandler(SignalHandler) method. This string should contain enough information to let the transporter send the signal to the correct signal handler on the correct signal receiver. The format of this string is implementation-specific and needs only to be known by the coupled transporter and receiver classes. As an example, the SocketSignalReceiver and SocketSignalTransporter uses a URI that contains the IP number and port of the receiver and an ID for identifying the signal handler.

Signal transporters need not be thread safe since a new instance is created for each signal that is going to be sent.

Last modified
$Date: 2008-09-11 22:09:17 +0200 (to, 11 sep 2008) $
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get a collection containing the signals supported, by the signal handler.
    init(String params)
    Initialise the signal transporter.
    send(Signal signal)
    Send a signal.
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init(String params)
      Initialise the signal transporter. The parameter is the same as returned by SignalReceiver.registerSignalHandler(SignalHandler) and should contain information that the transporter can parse and use for contacting the correct signal receiver and to send signals to the registered signal handler.
      params - The initialisation string
    • getSupportedSignals

      Collection<Signal> getSupportedSignals()
      Get a collection containing the signals supported, by the signal handler. A null return value means that the transporter just doesn't know about which signals are supported and which are not.
      A collections with the signals, or null
    • send

      void send(Signal signal)
      Send a signal.
      signal - The signal to send, must not be null