Class Signal


public class Signal extends Object
Represents a signal that can be sent to a class implementing the SignalTarget interface. Signals must be registered before they can be used. Use getSignals() to get a list of signals that have been registered. A signal can only be registered once.
Last modified
$Date: 2017-04-05 12:47:41 +0200 (on, 05 apr 2017) $
  • Field Details

    • ABORT

      public static final Signal ABORT
      The ABORT signal, that requests that the receiver should clean up and die. This signal is typically sent to a plug-in when the user manually requests that a job is aborted. It is also sent when the system is shutting down to plug-ins that doesn't support the SHUTDOWN signal.

      public static final Signal SHUTDOWN
      The SHUTDOWN signal, that requests that the receiver should clean up and die. When the system is up again the receiver may continue were it was stopped if supported. Otherwise, this signal should be treated as ABORT.
    • STATUS

      public static final Signal STATUS
      The STATUS signal, that requests that the receiver should update the status on the system. This signal is typically sent to a job managed by an external job manager when someone on the BASE side want to have an update about the progress.
    • PAUSE

      public static final Signal PAUSE
      The PAUSE signal, that requests that the receiver should update the pause whatever it is doing and return control to the system.
    • signals

      private static Map<String,Signal> signals
      Holds all registered signals.
    • id

      private final String id
    • name

      private final String name
    • description

      private final String description
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • registerSignal

      public static Signal registerSignal(String id, String name, String description)
      Register a signal.
      id - The ID of the signal. This must be unique. If another signal with the same ID already exists, this method does nothing.
      name - The short name of the signal
      description - A description of the what the signal means and how receivers should behave when the signal is sent to them
      The Signal object
    • getSignal

      public static Signal getSignal(String id)
      Get the signal with a given ID.
      id - The signal ID.
      The Signal object, or null if no signal with the given ID has been registered
      See Also:
    • getSignals

      public static Collection<Signal> getSignals()
      Get all registered signals. The returned collection can't be modified.
      A Collection with all registered signals
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      The name of the signal.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object other)
      Two signals are equal if they have the same ID.
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      The hashcode for a signal is the same as the hashcode for the ID.
      hashCode in class Object
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Get the signal ID. The ID must be unique among all registered signals.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the short name of the signal.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Get the description of the what the signal means and how receivers should behave when the signal is sent to them