Class LongParameterType


public class LongParameterType extends ParameterType<Long>
This class represent a parameter type that is a long. This type defines a lower limit and an upper limit for the range of allowed values.
Last modified
$Date: 2012-09-14 09:28:35 +0200 (fr, 14 sep 2012) $
  • Field Details

    • lowerLimit

      private final Long lowerLimit
      The lower limit of the parameter.
    • upperLimit

      private final Long upperLimit
      The upper limit of the parameter.
  • Constructor Details

    • LongParameterType

      public LongParameterType()
      Create a new long parameter type, without any limits and allowing null values.
    • LongParameterType

      public LongParameterType(Long lowerLimit, Long upperLimit, Long defaultValue, boolean notNull)
      Create a new long parameter type.
      lowerLimit - The lowest allowed value, or null to have no limit
      upperLimit - The highest allowed value, or null to have no limit
      defaultValue - Default value for the parameter.
      notNull - FALSE if nulls values are allowed, TRUE otherwise
    • LongParameterType

      public LongParameterType(Long lowerLimit, Long upperLimit, Long defaultValue, boolean notNull, int multiplicity, int width, int height, List<Long> items)
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • validateValue

      void validateValue(String name, Long value) throws InvalidDataException
      Checks if the value is within the range given by the upper and lower limits if those are given.
      Specified by:
      validateValue in class ParameterType<Long>
      value - The value to test
      name - The name of the parameter, use the name if there is need to throw an exception
      InvalidDataException - If the value is outside the range of allowed values
    • newParameterValueData

      LongParameterValueData newParameterValueData()
      Create a new LongParameterValueData object.
      Specified by:
      newParameterValueData in class ParameterType<Long>
    • getLowerLimit

      public Long getLowerLimit()
      Get the lowest valid value of the parameter.
      Lowest valid value or null if none is set.
    • getUpperLimit

      public Long getUpperLimit()
      Get the highest valid value of the parameter.
      Highest valid value or null if none is set.