Class ViewAndDownloadActionFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamicActionAttributes, ActionFactory<ButtonAction>

public class ViewAndDownloadActionFactory extends AbstractJspActionFactory<ButtonAction>
Facotry for creating the "View" and "Download" actions in file lists.
  • Constructor Details

    • ViewAndDownloadActionFactory

      public ViewAndDownloadActionFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getActions

      public ButtonAction[] getActions(InvokationContext<? super ButtonAction> context)
      Description copied from interface: ActionFactory
      This method may be called one or several times for each request. This is decided by the extension point. If, for example, the extension point is a pure single-item extension point then this method is probably only called once. If the extension point is a per-item extension point in a list context, then this method may be called once for every item in the list. The context parameter contains all information about the context of the extension point, including the current item, if any.
      context - The current invokation context
      An array of actions that should be added to the extension point. Returns null or an empty array if there are no actions in the current context.