Class WebException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WebException extends Exception
This exception can be thrown on any JSP page in BASE. It will be catched by the server and execution is transferred to /exception/web.jsp page which will display the error message in a user friendly format.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      private static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:
    • title

      private String title
      The title of the error message.
    • detail

      private String detail
      A more detailed description of the error message.
    • pageType

      private String pageType
      The type of page to display the error message in.
  • Constructor Details

    • WebException

      public WebException(String pageType, String title, String detail)
      Create a new WebException.
      pageType - The type of page to use for the error message, the valid values are defined by the <base:page< taglib
      title - The title of the error message
      detail - A detailed description of the error
    • WebException

      public WebException(String pageType, String title, String detail, Object... parameters)
      Create a new WebException.
      pageType - The type of page to use for the error message, the valid values are defined by the <base:page< taglib
      title - The title of the error message
      detail - A detailed description of the error, including parameter placeholders of the form {1}, {2}, etc.
      parameters - An array of parameters, which will replace the placeholders in the detailed message
  • Method Details

    • getPageType

      public String getPageType()
      Get the page type to display the error message in. This value is used in the <base:page type="..."> tag.
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Get the title of the error message.
    • getDetail

      public String getDetail()
      Get the detailed description of the error message.