Interface NodeNameGenerator<I>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationNameGenerator, AnyToAnyNameGenerator, BioPlateNameGenerator, BioWellNameGenerator, ExtractNameGenerator, FileSetMemberNameGenerator, ItemListMemberNameGenerator, NameableNameGenerator

public interface NodeNameGenerator<I>
A name generator is an object that can create the name and title for a node when given the item that should be attached to the node. The name and title are used to create the new node: Node(String, String, Node, BasicItem, ChildNodeDirection).
Last modified
$Date: 2011-10-21 13:15:41 +0200 (fr, 21 okt 2011) $
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getDeniedNodeName(Node parentNode)
    Generate a name for a node when the item exists, but the current user doesn't have permission to access read the item.
    Generate a title for a node when the item exists, but the current user doesn't have permission to access read the item.
    Generate a name for a node when the item is missing.
    Generate a title for a node when the item is missing.
    getNodeName(I item, Node parentNode)
    Generate a name for the new node that is about to be created.
    getNodeTitle(I item, Node parentNode)
    Generate a title for the new node that is about to be created.
  • Method Details

    • getMissingNodeName

      String getMissingNodeName(Node parentNode)
      Generate a name for a node when the item is missing.
      parentNode - The parent node
      A name for the node
    • getMissingNodeTitle

      String getMissingNodeTitle(Node parentNode)
      Generate a title for a node when the item is missing.
      parentNode - The parent node
      A title for the node
    • getDeniedNodeName

      String getDeniedNodeName(Node parentNode)
      Generate a name for a node when the item exists, but the current user doesn't have permission to access read the item.
      parentNode - The parent node
      A name for the node
    • getDeniedNodeTitle

      String getDeniedNodeTitle(Node parentNode)
      Generate a title for a node when the item exists, but the current user doesn't have permission to access read the item.
      parentNode - The parent node
      A name for the node
    • getNodeName

      String getNodeName(I item, Node parentNode)
      Generate a name for the new node that is about to be created.
      item - The item that is attached to the node (never null)
      parentNode - The parent node of the new node
      A name for the node
    • getNodeTitle

      String getNodeTitle(I item, Node parentNode)
      Generate a title for the new node that is about to be created.
      item - The item that is attached to the node (never null)
      parentNode - The parent node of the new node
      A title for the node