Class PluginInfo


public class PluginInfo extends Object
Object for holding information about a plug-in definition as it is loaded from the extensions definition file. This class has no effect on the actual installed plug-ins. To get more information about what is installed and what is not, call PluginDefinition.checkInstallation(DbControl, java.util.Collection).
Last modified
$Date: 2011-10-24 12:47:31 +0200 (må, 24 okt 2011) $
  • Field Details


      public static final Comparator<PluginInfo> NAME_COMPARATOR
      Comparator that sort plug-ins according to their names. If two names are equal, the sort is also done on the class name.
    • id

      private final String id
    • about

      private About about
    • type

      private Plugin.MainType type
    • className

      private String className
    • properties

      private Map<String,String> properties
    • internalId

      private int internalId
    • disabled

      private boolean disabled
    • notFound

      private boolean notFound
  • Constructor Details

    • PluginInfo

      public PluginInfo(String id)
      Create a new information object.
  • Method Details

    • getClassName

      public String getClassName()
      Get the class name of the plug-in.
    • setClassName

      public void setClassName(String className)
    • getAbout

      public About getAbout()
      Get information about the authors of the plug-in.
    • setAbout

      public void setAbout(About about)
    • getType

      public Plugin.MainType getType()
      Get the main type of the plug-in. This information may not be available for plug-ins that has not been installed.
    • setType

      public void setType(Plugin.MainType type)
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(String name, String value)
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String name)
    • getInternalId

      public int getInternalId()
      Get the internal if of this plug-in. This information is only available after PluginDefinition.checkInstallation(DbControl, java.util.Collection) has been called.
    • setInternalId

      public void setInternalId(int internalId)
    • isInstalled

      public boolean isInstalled()
      Is this plug-in installed or not?
    • isDisabled

      public boolean isDisabled()
      Is this plug-in enabled or not?
    • setDisabled

      public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    • isNotFound

      public boolean isNotFound()
      Does this plug-in exists on the server or not?
    • setNotFound

      public void setNotFound(boolean notFound)