Interface ExportableFieldConverter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFieldConverter, AdvancedFieldConverter, Base1FieldConverter, StandardFieldConverter

public interface ExportableFieldConverter
Defines method for converting a string representation to an exportable assay or dynamic field that can be used with AbstractBioAssaySetExporter implementations. String representations are useful for plug-ins that need to store multiple fields related to different types of properties. For example, a converter may lookup experimental factors, formulas or reporter properties based on the name.
  • Method Details

    • getReporterField

      DynamicField getReporterField(String name, boolean required)
      Create a reporter dynamic field for the given name. The interpretation of the name is implementation-specific. The returned field is typically added to the exporter with AbstractBioAssaySetExporter.addReporterField(DynamicField).
      name - The name to look for
      required - TRUE if this field is required
      A dynamic field or null if no field is found, but if required = TRUE an exception is thrown instead
    • getSpotField

      DynamicField getSpotField(String name, boolean required)
      Create a spot dynamic field for the given name. The interpretation of the name is implementation-specific. The returned field is typically added to the exporter with AbstractBioAssaySetExporter.addSpotField(DynamicField).
      name - The name to look for
      required - TRUE if this field is required
      A dynamic field or null if no field is found, but if required = TRUE an exception is thrown instead
    • getAssayField

      AssayField getAssayField(String name, boolean required)
      Create an assay field for the given name. The interpretation of the name is implementation-specific. The returned field is typically added to the exporter with AbstractBioAssaySetExporter.addAssayField(AssayField).
      name - The name to look for
      required - TRUE if this field is required
      A dynamic field or null if no field is found, but if required = TRUE an exception is thrown instead