Class PlateData

All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotatableData, IdentifiableData, LoggableData, NameableData, OwnableData, RegisteredData, RemovableData, ShareableData

public class PlateData extends AnnotatedData implements RegisteredData
This class holds information about a plate.
See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2012-09-14 09:28:35 +0200 (fr, 14 sep 2012) $
Hibernate: class
table="`Plates`" lazy="false"
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PlateData

      public PlateData()
  • Method Details

    • getEntryDate

      public Date getEntryDate()
      Description copied from interface: RegisteredData
      Get the date this item was added to the database. The value is generated at creation time and can't be modified later.
      Specified by:
      getEntryDate in interface RegisteredData
    • setEntryDate

      public void setEntryDate(Date entryDate)
    • getPlateType

      public PlateTypeData getPlateType()
      The plate type of this plate.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`platetype_id`" not-null="true" outer-join="false" update="false"
    • setPlateType

      public void setPlateType(PlateTypeData plateType)
    • getBarcode

      public String getBarcode()
      Get the barcode for the plate. It is not required and doesn't have to be unique.
      Hibernate: property
      column="`barcode`" type="string" length="255" not-null="false"
    • setBarcode

      public void setBarcode(String barcode)
    • isDestroyed

      public boolean isDestroyed()
      If the plate has been destroyed.
      Hibernate: property
      column="`destroyed`" type="boolean" not-null="true"
    • setDestroyed

      public void setDestroyed(boolean destroyed)
    • getPlateMapping

      public PlateMappingData getPlateMapping()
      If this plate was created by a plate mapping, it is linked here. The source plates are kept in the getParents() property.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`platemapping_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false" update="false"
    • setPlateMapping

      public void setPlateMapping(PlateMappingData plateMapping)
    • getDestinationIndex

      public int getDestinationIndex()
      If the plate was created by a plate mapping, this is the index of this plate in the list of created plates. First plate have index 0.
      Hibernate: property
      column="`destination_index`" not-null="true" update="false"
    • setDestinationIndex

      public void setDestinationIndex(int destinationIndex)
    • getParents

      public Map<PlateData,Integer> getParents()
      If the plate was created by a PlateMappingData the source plates are kept here.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: map
      table="`PlateParents`" lazy="true"
      Hibernate: index-many-to-many
      column="`parent_id`" class=""
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-element
      column="`source_index`" type="int"
    • setParents

      void setParents(Map<PlateData,Integer> parents)
    • getParentSet

      Set<PlateData> getParentSet()
      Duplicate of getParents() but with a set instead of a map. This is needed if we want to use the parent plates in a query.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: set
      table="`PlateParents`" lazy="true" inverse="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-many-to-many
      column="`parent_id`" class=""
    • setParentSet

      void setParentSet(Set<PlateData> parentSet)
    • getChildren

      Set<PlateData> getChildren()
      The childs plates created by plate mappings. This is the inverse end.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: set
      table="`PlateParents`" lazy="true" inverse="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-many-to-many
      column="`plate_id`" class=""
    • setChildren

      void setChildren(Set<PlateData> children)
    • getEvents

      public Map<PlateEventTypeData,PlateEventData> getEvents()
      The event for this plate. The event must have an event type that is valid for the corresponding plate type. This is the inverse end.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: map
      lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="delete"
      Hibernate: index-many-to-many
      column="`plateeventtype_id`" class=""
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-one-to-many
    • setEvents

      void setEvents(Map<PlateEventTypeData,PlateEventData> events)
    • getWells

      public Map<PlateCoordinate,WellData> getWells()
      The wells on this plate. This is the inverse end.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: map
      lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="all"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-composite-index
      Hibernate: collection-one-to-many
    • setWells

      void setWells(Map<PlateCoordinate,WellData> wells)
    • getArrayDesigns

      Set<ArrayDesignPlateData> getArrayDesigns()
      Used by Hibernate to link with the arraydesign for this plate.
      Hibernate: set
      lazy="true" inverse="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-one-to-many
    • setArrayDesigns

      void setArrayDesigns(Set<ArrayDesignPlateData> arrayDesigns)