Class DerivedBioAssayData

All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotatableData, FileStoreEnabledData, IdentifiableData, LoggableData, NameableData, OwnableData, RegisteredData, RemovableData, ShareableData, SubtypableData

public class DerivedBioAssayData extends AnnotatedData implements RegisteredData, FileStoreEnabledData, SubtypableData
See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2021-03-26 08:26:24 +0100 (Fri, 26 Mar 2021) $
Hibernate: class
table="`DerivedBioAssays`" lazy="true"
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DerivedBioAssayData

      public DerivedBioAssayData()
  • Method Details

    • getItemSubtype

      public ItemSubtypeData getItemSubtype()
      Description copied from interface: SubtypableData
      Get the subtype of the item.
      Specified by:
      getItemSubtype in interface SubtypableData
    • setItemSubtype

      public void setItemSubtype(ItemSubtypeData subtype)
      Description copied from interface: SubtypableData
      Set the subtype of the item.
      Specified by:
      setItemSubtype in interface SubtypableData
    • getFileSet

      public FileSetData getFileSet()
      Description copied from interface: FileStoreEnabledData
      Get the file set attached to this item.
      Specified by:
      getFileSet in interface FileStoreEnabledData
      A FileSetData object or null if no files are attached
    • setFileSet

      public void setFileSet(FileSetData fileSet)
      Description copied from interface: FileStoreEnabledData
      Attach a file set to the item. Null is allowed to unlink it.
      Specified by:
      setFileSet in interface FileStoreEnabledData
    • getEntryDate

      public Date getEntryDate()
      Description copied from interface: RegisteredData
      Get the date this item was added to the database. The value is generated at creation time and can't be modified later.
      Specified by:
      getEntryDate in interface RegisteredData
    • setEntryDate

      public void setEntryDate(Date entryDate)
    • isRoot

      public boolean isRoot()
      A flag indicating if this is a root derived bioassay or not. A root bioassay can only have physical bioassays as parents, while a non-root bioassay only can have other derived bioassays as parents (but the physical bioassays collection should be automatically managed to reflect the parents of the parents, etc.)
      Hibernate: property
      column="`is_root`" type="boolean" not-null="true"
    • setRoot

      public void setRoot(boolean isRoot)
    • getPhysicalBioAssays

      public Set<PhysicalBioAssayData> getPhysicalBioAssays()
      A set that manages the parent physical bioassays that this derived bioassay is related to.
      Hibernate: set
      table="`ParentPhysicalBioAssays`" lazy="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-many-to-many
      column="`physicalbioassay_id`" class=""
    • setPhysicalBioAssays

      void setPhysicalBioAssays(Set<PhysicalBioAssayData> physicalBioAssays)
    • getParents

      public Set<DerivedBioAssayData> getParents()
      A set that manages the parent bioassays that this derived bioassay related to.
      Hibernate: set
      table="`ParentDerivedBioAssays`" lazy="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-many-to-many
      column="`parentbioassay_id`" class=""
    • setParents

      void setParents(Set<DerivedBioAssayData> parents)
    • getChildren

      public Set<DerivedBioAssayData> getChildren()
      This is the inverse end.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: set
      table="`ParentDerivedBioAssays`" lazy="true" inverse="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-many-to-many
      column="`derivedbioassay_id`" class=""
    • setChildren

      void setChildren(Set<DerivedBioAssayData> children)
    • getRawBioAssays

      Set<RawBioAssayData> getRawBioAssays()
      This is the inverse end.
      See Also:
      Hibernate: set
      lazy="true" inverse="true"
      Hibernate: collection-key
      Hibernate: collection-one-to-many
    • setRawBioAssays

      void setRawBioAssays(Set<RawBioAssayData> rawBioAssays)
    • getProtocol

      public ProtocolData getProtocol()
      Get the protocol used to create this bioassay set.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`protocol_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setProtocol

      public void setProtocol(ProtocolData protocol)
    • getKit

      public KitData getKit()
      Get the kit used to create this bioassay set.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`kit_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setKit

      public void setKit(KitData kit)
    • getHardware

      public HardwareData getHardware()
      Get the hardware used to create this bioassay set.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`hardware_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setHardware

      public void setHardware(HardwareData hardware)
    • getSoftware

      public SoftwareData getSoftware()
      Get the software used to create this bioassay set.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`software_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setSoftware

      public void setSoftware(SoftwareData software)
    • getJob

      public JobData getJob()
      Get the job used to create this bioassay set.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`job_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setJob

      public void setJob(JobData job)
    • getExtract

      public ExtractData getExtract()
      Get the extract that this bioassay is related to.
      Hibernate: many-to-one
      column="`extract_id`" not-null="false" outer-join="false"
    • setExtract

      public void setExtract(ExtractData extract)