Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#221 closed task

Create enhanced test procedure — at Initial Version

Reported by: Nicklas Nordborg Owned by: Nicklas Nordborg
Priority: major Milestone: BASE 2.0
Component: test Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Create a test procedure testing a common scenario.

  1. Starting with a fresh installation, the root user creates an Administrator.
  1. The administrator creates one Power user, one User and one Guest.
  1. The power user creates a project and adds lots of items to it: protocols, annotation types, LIMS information (plates, array design, array slides, etc.), Reporters, etc.
  1. The user creates a biosource, samples, extracts, etc. down the line to raw bioassays and one experiment.
  1. The user and the guest then performs some analysis on the experiment, including filtering and normalization.

The test procdure is intended to test that the web client is working and can be used for the different types of users. We may also create a test program suite that automates the tests for each user. These will of cource only test the core, but should be useful if you quickly needs to add all data and then only test for example the analysis part through the web interface.

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