2.17.2: 2011-06-17

Package net.sf.basedb.core.log.db

Class Summary
AnnotationLogger Logger for annotations that logs changes as updates to the parent item the annotations belong to.
AnnotationSetLogger Logger for annotations sets that detects and logs changes to inherited anntations as updates to the parent item that are inheriting the annotations.
BioMaterialEventLogger Logger for biomaterial events that logs UPDATE:s to CREATION and HYBRIDIZATION events as updates to their parent biomaterial/hybridization.
DbLogManager Log manager implementation that logs changes to the database.
DbLogManagerFactory Log manager factory implementationt that logs changes to the database.
DefaultEntityLogger Default logger for all entities that has been tagged with the LoggableData interface.
FileSetMemberLogger Logger for file set members that logs changes as updates to the parent item the file belong to.
ImageLogger Logger for images that logs changes as updates to the scan they belong to.
PlateEventLogger Logger for plate events that logs changes as updates to the plate the event belongs to.

2.17.2: 2011-06-17