Ticket #486: extended-properties.xml

File extended-properties.xml, 5.2 KB (added by base, 17 years ago)

Extended properties file edited by Jeremy Davis-Turak to include reporter columns used by Illumina

1<?xml version="1.0" ?>
2<!DOCTYPE extended-properties SYSTEM "extended-properties.dtd" >
4 $Id: extended-properties.xml 2313 2006-05-23 09:23:16Z nicklas $
6 Copyright (C) Authors contributing to this file.
8 This file is part of BASE - BioArray Software Environment.
9 Available at http://base.thep.lu.se/
11 BASE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 BASE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 GNU General Public License for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 <class name="ReporterData">
28 <property
29 name="species"
30 title="Species"
31 description="The organism from which the reporter is derived"
32 column="species"
33 type="string"
34 length="255"
35 />
36 <property
37 name="clusterId"
38 title="Cluster ID"
39 description="A unique identifier for a Unigene entry"
40 column="clusterId"
41 type="string"
42 length="255"
43 >
44 <link
45 regexp="\w+\.\d+"
46 url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=unigene&amp;term={value}[ClusterID]"
47 />
48 </property>
49 <property
50 name="length"
51 title="Length"
52 description="The length of the sequence"
53 column="length"
54 type="int"
55 />
56 <property
57 name="sequence"
58 title="Sequence"
59 description="The nucleotide sequence of the reporter"
60 column="sequence"
61 type="string"
62 length="65535"
63 />
64 <property
65 name="vector"
66 title="Vector"
67 description="The vector from which the reporter is derived"
68 column="vector"
69 type="string"
70 length="65535"
71 />
72 <property
73 name="tissue"
74 title="Tissue"
75 description="The tissue from which the reporter is derived"
76 column="tissue"
77 type="string"
78 length="65535"
79 />
80 <property
81 name="library"
82 title="Library"
83 description="The library from which the reporter is derived"
84 column="library"
85 type="string"
86 length="65535"
87 />
88 <property
89 name="accession"
90 title="Accession"
91 description=""
92 column="accession"
93 type="string"
94 length="255"
95 />
96 <property
97 name="nid"
98 title="NID"
99 description=""
100 column="nid"
101 type="string"
102 length="255"
103 />
104 <property
105 name="chromosome"
106 title="Chromosome"
107 description="The chromosome from which the reporter is derived"
108 column="chromosome"
109 type="string"
110 length="255"
111 />
112 <property
113 name="cytoband"
114 title="Cytoband"
115 description="The cytoband from which the reporter is derived"
116 column="cytoband"
117 type="string"
118 length="255"
119 />
120 <property
121 name="markers"
122 title="Markers"
123 description=""
124 column="markers"
125 type="string"
126 length="255"
127 />
128 <property
129 name="antibiotics"
130 title="Antibiotics"
131 description=""
132 column="antibiotics"
133 type="string"
134 length="255"
135 />
136 <property
137 name="locusLink"
138 title="LocusLink"
139 description=""
140 column="locuslink"
141 type="string"
142 length="255"
143 >
144 <link
145 regexp="\d+"
146 url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene&amp;cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=Graphics&amp;list_uids={value}"
147 />
148 </property>
149 <property
150 name="omim"
151 title="OMIM"
152 description=""
153 column="omim"
154 type="string"
155 length="255"
156 >
157 <link
158 regexp="\d+"
159 url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/dispomim.cgi?id={value}"
160 />
161 </property>
162 <property
163 name="synonym"
164 title="Synonym"
165 description=""
166 column="synonym"
167 type="string"
168 length="255"
169 />
170 <property
171 name="ontology"
172 title="Gene Ontology"
173 description=""
174 column="ontology"
175 type="string"
176 length="65535"
177 />
178 <property
179 name="start"
180 title="Start"
181 description=""
182 column="start"
183 type="string"
184 length="255"
185 />
186 <property
187 name="extraid1"
188 title="Additional ID 1"
189 description=""
190 column="extraid1"
191 type="string"
192 length="255"
193 />
194 <property
195 name="extraid2"
196 title="Additional ID 2"
197 description=""
198 column="extraid2"
199 type="string"
200 length="255"
201 />
202 <property
203 name="extraid3"
204 title="Additional ID 3"
205 description=""
206 column="extraid3"
207 type="string"
208 length="255"
209 />
210 <property
211 name="extradescription1"
212 title="Additional Description 1"
213 description=""
214 column="extradescription1"
215 type="string"
216 length="65535"
217 />
219 <property
220 name="extradescription2"
221 title="Additional Description 2"
222 description=""
223 column="extradescription2"
224 type="string"
225 length="65535"
226 />
227 <property
228 name="extradescription3"
229 title="Additional Description 3"
230 description=""
231 column="extradescription3"
232 type="string"
233 length="65535"
234 />
236 </class>