
Version 12 (modified by Johan Enell, 17 years ago) ( diff )


BASE Features

  • MIAME compliant
  • Tab2MAGE import/export plug-in ArrayExpress compliant
  • Projects, Sharing, and Access Control Management
  • Array LIMS
  • Many microarray data formats supported
    • Affymetrix
    • Agilent
    • GenePix
    • Illumina support
    • Custom formats supportive through customizable import plug-ins
  • Extensibility via Enhanced plug-in API
  • Annotation Customization via Annotation Type/Categories mechanism
  • Migration module from BASE 1.2.17 to latest BASE
  • Analysis tools
    • Lowess Normalization
    • Compatible with BASE 1 plug-ins
    • Integration with TIGR MEV through Java Web Start
  • Get data using WebServices


Login screenExperiment OverviewExperiment Overview OptionsExperiment Explorer
Bioassayset PlotDynamic columnsOpen MeV using WebStart

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