
Version 25 (modified by Jari Häkkinen, 18 years ago) ( diff )

2.1.1 released.

Download BASE

BASE 2 source code repository access

The latest tagged production release of BASE 2 can be checked out from subversion with:

svn checkout base-2.1.1

This will create a sub-directory base-2.1.1 with all source files. Anonymous checkouts are allowed, but write permission is only granted to developers.

The latest production release of BASE 2 can be checked out from subversion with:

svn checkout base-2.1.2pre

This will create a sub-directory base-2.1.2pre with all source files. This is a branch aiming for the next minor release with bug fixes. Note that the bugfixes may not have been fully tested.

If you want to live on bleeding edge software, download the latest (maybe unstable) 2.x version using Subversion.

svn checkout base

This will create a sub-directory base with all source files. Anonymous checkouts are allowed, but write permission is only granted to developers.

NOTE! Use the trunk version only for testing. If you have important data make sure to create a backup first. We can't guarantee that upgrading to/from a specific trunk revision will work. In the worst case you can lose data and get stuck with a non-upgradable release.

Download packaged BASE 2 releases

This list of pre-compiled packages is kept for users who prefers not to use subversion access.

Read the information in the how to upgrade section of the BASE installation notes. Specifically, item v) of the upgrade instructions will tell you that you should always update the database and the indexes when upgrading.

Base 2.1

Version Revision Date Binary (tar.gz approx 15MB) Source (tar.gz approx 25MB)
2.1.1 2990 December 1, 2006 base-2.1.1.tar.gz (MD5) base-2.1.1-src.tar.gz (MD5)
2.1 2847 October 31, 2006 base-2.1.tar.gz (MD5) base-2.1-src.tar.gz (MD5)

Base 2.0

Version Revision Date Binary (tar.gz approx 15MB) Source (tar.gz approx 25MB)
2.0.3 2807 October 26, 2006 base-2.0.3.tar.gz (MD5) base-2.0.3-src.tar.gz (MD5)
2.0.2 2741 October 18, 2006 base-2.0.2.tar.gz (MD5) base-2.0.2-src.tar.gz (MD5)
2.0.1 2684 October 2, 2006 base-2.0.1.tar.gz (MD5) base-2.0.1-src.tar.gz (MD5)
2.0 2617 August 31, 2006 base-2.0.tar.gz (MD5) base-2.0-src.tar.gz (MD5)

Base 1.2.x downloads

Latest (stable) version 1.2.X can be downloaded through BASE 1.2 web site.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.