Tests was done on a dedicated performance test machine (grey). Results should not be compared to results made on other computers. The test was made on a fresh installation of BASE 2.11 on MySQL 5.0.51a which was initialised with 1000 raw data sets following the instructions in http://base.thep.lu.se/wiki/Specifications/Test_procedures/Performance Eg. './test.sh performance -i 1000 raw' The following tests were made from the web interface. The main purpose of the tests are to keep the result as a reference to make sure that any improvements we can do in the BioAssaySetExporter doesn't affect other things. # = Number of assays T1 = First run T2 = Second run Create root bioassay set ======================== formula: Mean FG - Median BG # T1 T2 -------------------- 10 0.41 0.20 20 1.10 1.17 40 3.57 2.44 80 6.045 7.33 160 18.42 13.39 320 31.45 36.57 640 71.07 78.37 Filter bioassay set =================== formula: ch(1) > 0 && ch(2) > 0 # T1 T2 -------------------- 10 0.31 0.26 20 0.46 0.41 40 1.27 1.17 80 1.42 2.39 160 4.41 5.10 320 12.55 12.18 640 23.45 25.05 Lowess normalization ==================== all parameters at default values # T1 T2 -------------------- 10 2.42 1.49 20 3.16 2.57 40 5.15 4.55 80 13.41 14.17 160 32.16 25.01 320 59.55 52.20