There is a need to facilitate batch upload, creation, and modification of items in BASE. Some batch tools already exists such as - batch upload of files using zip files - batch creation of array slides - batch addition/deletion of reporters - import of annotations - list views offer an import button but which view do actually offer a plug-in that does anything? For a single or few experiment setting there is not so urgent need for batch tools but for a microarray facility where many experiments are prepared by facility staff the need is eminent. At a facility site many experiments are conducted by few people and all data upload is done by these staff members. To ease the upload of data to BASE we suggest to create one or several plug-ins that can create or modify several items in a batch by reading information from tab separated files. The idea here is not to create one single monolithic plug-in that imports a complete experiment and creates all necessary items, but rather imports, creates, or modifies items for a given context and makes the proper associations to parents. The word 'import' is used in this document but it could just as well be create or modify depending on user requirements. There is ongoing work on a full experiment import from tab2mage formatted files, see The plug-in requirements outlined here is to be used in a context where the user ideally works interactively with BASE in a step-by-step procedure. The idea is that the interaction with BASE starts on some level and data is added from this level down. Here a sample work session is outlined where RNA is extracted and labeled starting from some source of biomaterial. In BASE this follows the path of biosource - sample - extract - labeled extract, and the continuing with hybridization - scan - raw bioassay - bioassay - bioassay sets - analysis. Starting at the bio source level, the user must make an initial import of biosource information or use the BASE web interface for adding biosource items. Samples are created from these biosources, in BASE context this means that sample information needs to be added. In this example we want to associate the samples to their parents, changing sample properties follows a similar path but the import files do not require parent information. The import of sample data is started with selecting the biosources associated with the samples in BASE, and then exporting this information to a file. This file is used as a template for entering sample data to be stored in BASE. The reason for using this template is to ensure that the correct biosource identifiers are used for the samples. (A user can of course create the file without the export from BASE but has to make sure that items are properly referenced.) The biosource identifiers are required for making parent-child association within BASE. When the samples are added to this file, the file is imported into BASE. After this import, the sample information is exported to a file again, and this file is used as a template for the extracts information. Again, the reason for this is to make sure that proper BASE identifiers are used. Extract information is added to the template and imported back to BASE. This procedure is performed for each level of data entry. The information optionally exported to be used as templates above are simple tab separated files with a few columns of information about the items. The columns exported have a two-fold purpose; i) make sure that BASE can make the proper associations when importing data, ii) guide the users when adding information to the template file, i.e., descriptive names for human interpretation. Items that should be supported by the item importer(s) are: - Biosources: top level, currently no parent items to associate - Samples: biosource (or pooled samples) to associate. Create sample events for pools to decrease pooled samples. - Extracts: samples (or pooled extracts) and protocols to associate. Create sample events to decrease sample amounts and extract events to decrease extract amounts for pooled extracts. - Labeled extracts: extracts (or pooled labeled extracts) and protocols to associate. Create extract events to decrease extract amounts and labeled extract events to decrease pooled amounts. - Hybridizations: multiple lableled extracts, ... more to come - scan: ... - Raw bioassays: ... - Experiments: ... + bioassay + bioassay sets + analysis A detailed discussion on the different export/import steps, sample files for the different item types are available as attachements to ticket 1028 ( at the BASE web site. Sample files based on trunk revision 4301 were exported and modified for items from biosource level down to the labeled extracts level. An spreadsheet (batchimport_sample.ods) that contain format information with explanations in one document is also available. A tentatiove aim is that the spreadsheet may be used by laborative staff to fill information to be used in import to BASE. Dry-run that explain what will be done during import should be supported. Potential dangers and errors should be reported. This will allow the user to check that the import will behave as expected. Biosource This is currently the top level of associations. No association are needed except for the optional reference to an external item (a property of the biosource). The import is a straightforward tab separated import to fill the item properties. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Description', 'External id' Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' Sample export file: biosource_out.txt Sample import file: biosource_in.txt Sample The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. Compared to biosource items there are additional columns for associations to other items (the parent biosource and protocol). There is one parent only if the parent is a biosource, pooled samples may have multiple parents (other samples) defined using multiple lines. Pooled samples create 'Event's that decrease the parent amount. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Biosource Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' The important difference compared with biosource items is the possible associations to bioassays and protcols. Sample export file: sample_out.txt Sample import file: sample_in.txt Extract The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. There are additional columns for associations to the parent item and other items. There is one parent only if the parent is a sample, pooled extracts may have multiple parents (other extracts) defined using multiple lines. Extracts and pooled extracts create 'Event's that decrease the parent amount. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Sample (also decrease quantity), Protocol Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' Extract export file: extract_out.txt Extract import file: extract_in.txt Labeled Extract The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. There are additional columns for associations to the parent item and other items. There is one parent only if the parent is an extract, pooled labeled extracts may have multiple parents (other labeled extracts) defined using multiple lines. There is an additional column as compared to the extract items, Label. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Label', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Extract (also decrease quantity), Protocol, Label Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' Labeledextract export file: labeledextract_out.txt Labeledextract import file: labeledextract_in.txt Hybridization (To be written) Below text is just copy/pasted. The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. There are additional columns for associations to the parent item and other items. There is one parent only if the parent is an extract, pooled labeled extracts may have multiple parents (other labeled extracts) defined using multiple lines. There is an additional column as compared to the extract items, Label. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Label', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Extract (also decrease quantity), Protocol, Label Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' Hybridization export file: hybridization_out.txt Hybridization import file: hybrdidization_in.txt Scan (To be written) Below text is just copy/pasted. The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. There are additional columns for associations to the parent item and other items. There is one parent only if the parent is an extract, pooled labeled extracts may have multiple parents (other labeled extracts) defined using multiple lines. There is an additional column as compared to the extract items, Label. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Label', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Extract (also decrease quantity), Protocol, Label Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' Scan export file: scan_out.txt Scan import file: scan_in.txt Raw bioassay (To be written) Below text is just copy/pasted. The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. There are additional columns for associations to the parent item and other items. There is one parent only if the parent is an extract, pooled labeled extracts may have multiple parents (other labeled extracts) defined using multiple lines. There is an additional column as compared to the extract items, Label. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Label', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Extract (also decrease quantity), Protocol, Label Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' rawbioassay export file: rawbioassay_out.txt rawbioassay import file: rawbioassay_in.txt Experiment (To be written) Below text is just copy/pasted. The import of item properties is a straightforward tab separated import. There are additional columns for associations to the parent item and other items. There is one parent only if the parent is an extract, pooled labeled extracts may have multiple parents (other labeled extracts) defined using multiple lines. There is an additional column as compared to the extract items, Label. Fields to import are: 'Name', 'Label', 'Original quantity (µg)', 'Description', 'External id', 'Protocol', 'Created', 'Pooled' Items to make associations to: Extract (also decrease quantity), Protocol, Label Mandatory columns for imports: 'Name' Experiment export file: experiment_out.txt Experiment import file: experiment_in.txt